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Raw Normal View History

odoo.define('web.time', function (require) {
"use strict";
var translation = require('web.translation');
var utils = require('web.utils');
var lpad = utils.lpad;
var rpad = utils.rpad;
var _t = translation._t;
* Replacer function for JSON.stringify, serializes Date objects to UTC
* datetime in the OpenERP Server format.
* However, if a serialized value has a toJSON method that method is called
* *before* the replacer is invoked. Date#toJSON exists, and thus the value
* passed to the replacer is a string, the original Date has to be fetched
* on the parent object (which is provided as the replacer's context).
* @param {String} k
* @param {Object} v
* @returns {Object}
function date_to_utc (k, v) {
var value = this[k];
if (!(value instanceof Date)) { return v; }
return datetime_to_str(value);
* Converts a string to a Date javascript object using OpenERP's
* datetime string format (exemple: '2011-12-01 15:12:35.832').
* The time zone is assumed to be UTC (standard for OpenERP 6.1)
* and will be converted to the browser's time zone.
* @param {String} str A string representing a datetime.
* @returns {Date}
function str_to_datetime (str) {
if(!str) {
return str;
var regex = /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d(?:\.(\d+))?)$/;
var res = regex.exec(str);
if ( !res ) {
throw new Error("'" + str + "' is not a valid datetime");
var tmp = new Date(2000,0,1);
tmp.setUTCMonth(parseFloat(res[2]) - 1);
tmp.setUTCMilliseconds(parseFloat(utils.rpad((res[7] || "").slice(0, 3), 3)));
return tmp;
* Converts a string to a Date javascript object using OpenERP's
* date string format (exemple: '2011-12-01').
* As a date is not subject to time zones, we assume it should be
* represented as a Date javascript object at 00:00:00 in the
* time zone of the browser.
* @param {String} str A string representing a date.
* @returns {Date}
function str_to_date (str) {
if(!str) {
return str;
var regex = /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/;
var res = regex.exec(str);
if ( !res ) {
throw new Error("'" + str + "' is not a valid date");
var tmp = new Date(2000,0,1);
tmp.setMonth(parseFloat(res[2]) - 1);
return tmp;
* Converts a string to a Date javascript object using OpenERP's
* time string format (exemple: '15:12:35').
* The OpenERP times are supposed to always be naive times. We assume it is
* represented using a javascript Date with a date 1 of January 1970 and a
* time corresponding to the meant time in the browser's time zone.
* @param {String} str A string representing a time.
* @returns {Date}
function str_to_time (str) {
if(!str) {
return str;
var regex = /^(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d(?:\.(\d+))?)$/;
var res = regex.exec(str);
if ( !res ) {
throw new Error("'" + str + "' is not a valid time");
var tmp = new Date();
tmp.setMilliseconds(parseFloat(rpad((res[4] || "").slice(0, 3), 3)));
return tmp;
* Converts a Date javascript object to a string using OpenERP's
* datetime string format (exemple: '2011-12-01 15:12:35').
* The time zone of the Date object is assumed to be the one of the
* browser and it will be converted to UTC (standard for OpenERP 6.1).
* @param {Date} obj
* @returns {String} A string representing a datetime.
function datetime_to_str (obj) {
if (!obj) {
return false;
return lpad(obj.getUTCFullYear(),4) + "-" + lpad(obj.getUTCMonth() + 1,2) + "-"
+ lpad(obj.getUTCDate(),2) + " " + lpad(obj.getUTCHours(),2) + ":"
+ lpad(obj.getUTCMinutes(),2) + ":" + lpad(obj.getUTCSeconds(),2);
* Converts a Date javascript object to a string using OpenERP's
* date string format (exemple: '2011-12-01').
* As a date is not subject to time zones, we assume it should be
* represented as a Date javascript object at 00:00:00 in the
* time zone of the browser.
* @param {Date} obj
* @returns {String} A string representing a date.
function date_to_str (obj) {
if (!obj) {
return false;
return lpad(obj.getFullYear(),4) + "-" + lpad(obj.getMonth() + 1,2) + "-"
+ lpad(obj.getDate(),2);
* Converts a Date javascript object to a string using OpenERP's
* time string format (exemple: '15:12:35').
* The OpenERP times are supposed to always be naive times. We assume it is
* represented using a javascript Date with a date 1 of January 1970 and a
* time corresponding to the meant time in the browser's time zone.
* @param {Date} obj
* @returns {String} A string representing a time.
function time_to_str (obj) {
if (!obj) {
return false;
return lpad(obj.getHours(),2) + ":" + lpad(obj.getMinutes(),2) + ":"
+ lpad(obj.getSeconds(),2);
function auto_str_to_date (value) {
try {
return str_to_datetime(value);
} catch(e) {}
try {
return str_to_date(value);
} catch(e) {}
try {
return str_to_time(value);
} catch(e) {}
throw new Error(_.str.sprintf(_t("'%s' is not a correct date, datetime nor time"), value));
function auto_date_to_str (value, type) {
switch(type) {
case 'datetime':
return datetime_to_str(value);
case 'date':
return date_to_str(value);
case 'time':
return time_to_str(value);
throw new Error(_.str.sprintf(_t("'%s' is not convertible to date, datetime nor time"), type));
* Convert Python strftime to escaped moment.js format.
* @param {String} value original format
function strftime_to_moment_format (value) {
if (_normalize_format_cache[value] === undefined) {
var isletter = /[a-zA-Z]/,
output = [],
inToken = false;
for (var index=0; index < value.length; ++index) {
var character = value[index];
if (character === '%' && !inToken) {
inToken = true;
if (isletter.test(character)) {
if (inToken && normalize_format_table[character] !== undefined) {
character = normalize_format_table[character];
} else {
character = '[' + character + ']'; // moment.js escape
inToken = false;
_normalize_format_cache[value] = output.join('');
return _normalize_format_cache[value];
* Convert moment.js format to python strftime
* @param {String} value original format
function moment_to_strftime_format(value) {
var regex = /(MMMM|DDDD|dddd|YYYY|MMM|ddd|mm|ss|ww|WW|MM|YY|hh|HH|DD|A|d)/g;
return value.replace(regex, function(val){
return '%'+inverse_normalize_format_table[val];
var _normalize_format_cache = {};
var normalize_format_table = {
// Python strftime to moment.js conversion table
// See openerp/addons/base/res/res_lang_view.xml
// for details about supported directives
'a': 'ddd',
'A': 'dddd',
'b': 'MMM',
'B': 'MMMM',
'd': 'DD',
'H': 'HH',
'I': 'hh',
'j': 'DDDD',
'm': 'MM',
'M': 'mm',
'p': 'A',
'S': 'ss',
'U': 'ww',
'W': 'WW',
'w': 'd',
'y': 'YY',
'Y': 'YYYY',
// unsupported directives
'c': 'ddd MMM D HH:mm:ss YYYY',
'x': 'MM/DD/YY',
'X': 'HH:mm:ss'
var inverse_normalize_format_table = _.invert(normalize_format_table);
* Get date format of the user's language
function getLangDateFormat() {
return this.strftime_to_moment_format(_t.database.parameters.date_format);
* Get time format of the user's language
function getLangTimeFormat() {
return this.strftime_to_moment_format(_t.database.parameters.time_format);
* Get date time format of the user's language
function getLangDatetimeFormat() {
return this.strftime_to_moment_format(_t.database.parameters.date_format + " " + _t.database.parameters.time_format);
return {
date_to_utc: date_to_utc,
str_to_datetime: str_to_datetime,
str_to_date: str_to_date,
str_to_time: str_to_time,
datetime_to_str: datetime_to_str,
date_to_str: date_to_str,
time_to_str: time_to_str,
auto_str_to_date: auto_str_to_date,
auto_date_to_str: auto_date_to_str,
strftime_to_moment_format: strftime_to_moment_format,
moment_to_strftime_format: moment_to_strftime_format,
getLangDateFormat: getLangDateFormat,
getLangTimeFormat: getLangTimeFormat,
getLangDatetimeFormat: getLangDatetimeFormat,