
964 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

odoo.define('web.ActionManager', function (require) {
"use strict";
* ActionManager
* The action manager is quite important: it makes sure that actions (the Odoo
* objects, such as a client action, or a act_window) are properly started,
* and coordinated.
var Bus = require('web.Bus');
var ControlPanel = require('web.ControlPanel');
var Context = require('web.Context');
var core = require('web.core');
var crash_manager = require('web.crash_manager');
var data = require('web.data');
var data_manager = require('web.data_manager');
var Dialog = require('web.Dialog');
var dom = require('web.dom');
var framework = require('web.framework');
var pyeval = require('web.pyeval');
var session = require('web.session');
var ViewManager = require('web.ViewManager');
var Widget = require('web.Widget');
* Class representing the actions of the ActionManager
* Basic implementation for client actions that are functions
var Action = core.Class.extend({
init: function(action) {
this.action_descr = action;
this.title = action.display_name || action.name;
* This method should restore this previously loaded action
* Calls on_reverse_breadcrumb_callback if defined
* @return {Deferred} resolved when widget is enabled
restore: function() {
if (this.on_reverse_breadcrumb_callback) {
return this.on_reverse_breadcrumb_callback();
* There is nothing to detach in the case of a client function
detach: function() {
* Destroyer: there is nothing to destroy in the case of a client function
destroy: function() {
* Sets the on_reverse_breadcrumb_callback to be called when coming back to that action
* @param {Function} [callback] the callback
set_on_reverse_breadcrumb: function(callback) {
this.on_reverse_breadcrumb_callback = callback;
* Not implemented for client actions
setScrollTop: function() {
* Stores the DOM fragment of the action
* @param {jQuery} [$fragment] the DOM fragment
set_fragment: function($fragment) {
this.$fragment = $fragment;
* Not implemented for client actions
* @return {int} the number of pixels the webclient is scrolled when leaving the action
getScrollTop: function() {
return 0;
* @return {Object} the description of the action
get_action_descr: function() {
return this.action_descr;
* @return {Object} dictionnary that will be interpreted to display the breadcrumbs
get_breadcrumbs: function() {
return { title: this.title, action: this };
* @return {int} the number of views stacked, i.e. 0 for client functions
get_nb_views: function() {
return 0;
* @return {jQuery} the DOM fragment of the action
get_fragment: function() {
return this.$fragment;
* @return {string} the active view, i.e. empty for client actions
get_active_view: function() {
return '';
* Specialization of Action for client actions that are Widgets
var WidgetAction = Action.extend({
* Initializes the WidgetAction
* Sets the title of the widget
init: function(action, widget) {
this.widget = widget;
if (!this.widget.get('title')) {
this.widget.set('title', this.title);
this.widget.on('change:title', this, function(widget) {
this.title = widget.get('title');
* Restores WidgetAction by calling do_show on its widget
restore: function() {
var self = this;
return $.when(this._super()).then(function() {
return self.widget.do_show();
* Detaches the action's widget from the DOM
* @return the widget's $el
detach: function() {
// Hack to remove badly inserted nvd3 tooltips ; should be removed when upgrading nvd3 lib
$('body > .nvtooltip').remove();
return dom.detach([{widget: this.widget}]);
* Destroys the widget
destroy: function() {
* Specialization of WidgetAction for window actions (i.e. ViewManagers)
var ViewManagerAction = WidgetAction.extend({
* Restores a ViewManagerAction
* Switches to the requested view by calling select_view on the ViewManager
* @param {int} [view_index] the index of the view to select
restore: function(view_index) {
var _super = this._super.bind(this);
return this.widget.select_view(view_index).then(function() {
return _super();
* Sets the on_reverse_breadcrumb_callback and the scrollTop to apply when
* coming back to that action
* @param {Function} [callback] the callback
* @param {int} [scrollTop] the number of pixels to scroll
set_on_reverse_breadcrumb: function(callback, scrollTop) {
* Sets the scroll position of the widgets's active_view
* @todo: replace this with a generic get/set local state mechanism.
* @see getScrollTop
* @override
* @param {integer} [scrollTop] the number of pixels to scroll
setScrollTop: function (scrollTop) {
var activeView = this.widget.active_view;
var viewController = activeView && activeView.controller;
if (viewController) {
* Returns the current scrolling offset for the current action. We have to
* ask nicely the question to the active view, because the answer depends
* on the view.
* @todo: replace this mechanism with a generic getLocalState and
* getLocalState. Scrolling behaviour is only a part of what we might want
* to restore.
* @override
* @returns {integer} the number of pixels the webclient is currently
* scrolled
getScrollTop: function () {
var activeView = this.widget.active_view;
var viewController = activeView && activeView.controller;
return viewController ? viewController.getScrollTop() : 0;
* @return {Array} array of Objects that will be interpreted to display the breadcrumbs
get_breadcrumbs: function() {
var self = this;
return this.widget.view_stack.map(function (view, index) {
return {
title: view.controller && view.controller.get('title') || self.title,
index: index,
action: self,
* @return {int} the number of views stacked in the ViewManager
get_nb_views: function() {
return this.widget.view_stack.length;
* @return {string} the active view of the ViewManager
get_active_view: function() {
return this.widget.active_view.type;
var ActionManager = Widget.extend({
template: 'ActionManager',
* Called each time the action manager is attached into the DOM
on_attach_callback: function() {
this.is_in_DOM = true;
if (this.inner_widget && this.inner_widget.on_attach_callback) {
* Called each time the action manager is detached from the DOM
on_detach_callback: function() {
this.is_in_DOM = false;
if (this.inner_widget && this.inner_widget.on_detach_callback) {
init: function(parent, options) {
this.action_stack = [];
this.inner_action = null;
this.inner_widget = null;
this.webclient = options && options.webclient;
this.dialog = null;
this.dialog_widget = null;
this.on('history_back', this, this.proxy('history_back'));
start: function() {
// Instantiate a unique main ControlPanel used by widgets of actions in this.action_stack
this.main_control_panel = new ControlPanel(this);
// Listen to event "on_breadcrumb_click" trigerred on the control panel when
// clicking on a part of the breadcrumbs. Call select_action for this breadcrumb.
this.main_control_panel.on("on_breadcrumb_click", this, _.debounce(function(action, index) {
this.select_action(action, index);
}, 200, true));
// Listen to event "DOM_updated" to restore the scroll position
core.bus.on('DOM_updated', this, function() {
if (this.inner_action) {
this.trigger_up('scrollTo', {offset: this.inner_action.getScrollTop() || 0});
// Insert the main control panel into the DOM
return this.main_control_panel.insertBefore(this.$el);
dialog_stop: function (reason) {
if (this.dialog) {
this.dialog = null;
* Add a new action to the action manager
* @param {Widget} widget typically, widgets added are openerp.web.ViewManager. The action manager uses the stack of actions to handle the breadcrumbs.
* @param {Object} action_descr new action description
* @param {Object} options
* @param options.on_reverse_breadcrumb will be called when breadcrumb is clicked on
* @param options.clear_breadcrumbs: boolean, if true, action stack is destroyed
push_action: function(widget, action_descr, options) {
var self = this;
var old_action_stack = this.action_stack;
var old_action = this.inner_action;
var old_widget = this.inner_widget;
var actions_to_destroy;
options = options || {};
// Empty action_stack or replace last action if requested
if (options.clear_breadcrumbs) {
actions_to_destroy = this.action_stack;
this.action_stack = [];
} else if (options.replace_last_action && this.action_stack.length > 0) {
actions_to_destroy = [this.action_stack.pop()];
// Instantiate the new action
var new_action;
if (widget instanceof ViewManager) {
new_action = new ViewManagerAction(action_descr, widget);
} else if (widget instanceof Widget) {
new_action = new WidgetAction(action_descr, widget);
} else {
new_action = new Action(action_descr);
// Set on_reverse_breadcrumb callback on previous inner_action
if (this.webclient && old_action) {
old_action.set_on_reverse_breadcrumb(options.on_reverse_breadcrumb, this.webclient.getScrollTop());
// Update action_stack (must be done before appendTo to properly
// compute the breadcrumbs and to perform do_push_state)
this.inner_action = new_action;
this.inner_widget = widget;
if (widget.need_control_panel) {
// Set the ControlPanel bus on the widget to allow it to communicate its status
// render the inner_widget in a fragment, and append it to the
// document only when it's ready
var new_widget_fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
return $.when(this.inner_widget.appendTo(new_widget_fragment)).done(function() {
// Detach the fragment of the previous action and store it within the action
if (old_action) {
if (!widget.need_control_panel) {
// Hide the main ControlPanel for widgets that do not use it
// most of the time, the self.$el element should already be empty,
// because we detached the old action just a few line up. However,
// it may happen that it is not empty, for example when a view
// manager was unable to load a view because of a crash. In any
// case, this is done as a safety measure to avoid the 'double view'
// situation that we had when the web client was unable to recover
// from a crash.
dom.append(self.$el, new_widget_fragment, {
in_DOM: self.is_in_DOM,
callbacks: [{widget: self.inner_widget}],
if (actions_to_destroy) {
self.trigger_up('current_action_updated', {action: new_action});
}).fail(function () {
// Destroy failed action and restore internal state
self.action_stack = old_action_stack;
self.inner_action = old_action;
self.inner_widget = old_widget;
setScrollTop: function(scrollTop) {
if (this.inner_action) {
get_breadcrumbs: function () {
return _.flatten(_.map(this.action_stack, function (action) {
return action.get_breadcrumbs();
}), true);
get_title: function () {
if (this.action_stack.length === 1) {
// horrible hack to display the action title instead of "New" for the actions
// that use a form view to edit something that do not correspond to a real model
// for example, point of sale "Your Session" or most settings form,
var action = this.action_stack[0];
if (action.get_breadcrumbs().length === 1) {
return action.title;
var last_breadcrumb = _.last(this.get_breadcrumbs());
return last_breadcrumb ? last_breadcrumb.title : "";
get_action_stack: function () {
return this.action_stack;
get_inner_action: function() {
return this.inner_action;
get_inner_widget: function() {
return this.inner_widget;
history_back: function() {
if (this.dialog) {
var nbViews = this.inner_action.get_nb_views();
if (nbViews > 1) {
// Stay on this action, but select the previous view
return this.select_action(this.inner_action, nbViews - 2);
var nbActions = this.action_stack.length;
if (nbActions > 1) {
// Select the previous action
var action = this.action_stack[nbActions - 2];
nbViews = action.get_nb_views();
return this.select_action(action, nbViews - 1);
else if (nbActions === 1 && nbViews === 1) {
return this.select_action(this.action_stack[0], 0);
return $.Deferred().reject();
select_action: function(action, index) {
var self = this;
var def = this.webclient && this.webclient.clear_uncommitted_changes() || $.when();
return def.then(function() {
// Set the new inner_action/widget and update the action stack
var old_action = self.inner_action;
var action_index = self.action_stack.indexOf(action);
var to_destroy = self.action_stack.splice(action_index + 1);
self.inner_action = action;
self.inner_widget = action.widget;
return $.when(action.restore(index)).done(function() {
// Hide the ControlPanel if the widget doesn't use it
if (!self.inner_widget.need_control_panel) {
// Attach the DOM of the action and restore the scroll position only if necessary
if (action !== old_action) {
// Clear the action stack (this also removes the current action from the DOM)
// Append the fragment of the action to restore to self.$el
dom.append(self.$el, action.get_fragment(), {
in_DOM: self.is_in_DOM,
callbacks: [{widget: action.widget}],
self.trigger_up('current_action_updated', {action: action});
}).fail(function() {
return $.Deferred().reject();
clear_action_stack: function(action_stack) {
_.map(action_stack || this.action_stack, function(action) {
if (!action_stack) {
this.action_stack = [];
this.inner_action = null;
this.inner_widget = null;
toggle_fullscreen: function() {
var is_fullscreen = _.some(this.action_stack, function(action) {
return action.action_descr.target === "fullscreen";
this.trigger_up("toggle_fullscreen", {fullscreen: is_fullscreen});
do_push_state: function(state) {
if (!this.webclient || this.dialog) {
state = state || {};
if (this.inner_action) {
var inner_action_descr = this.inner_action.get_action_descr();
if (inner_action_descr._push_me === false) {
// this action has been explicitly marked as not pushable
state.title = this.get_title();
if(inner_action_descr.type == 'ir.actions.act_window') {
state.model = inner_action_descr.res_model;
if (inner_action_descr.menu_id) {
state.menu_id = inner_action_descr.menu_id;
if (inner_action_descr.id) {
state.action = inner_action_descr.id;
} else if (inner_action_descr.type == 'ir.actions.client') {
state.action = inner_action_descr.tag;
var params = {};
_.each(inner_action_descr.params, function(v, k) {
if(_.isString(v) || _.isNumber(v)) {
params[k] = v;
state = _.extend(params || {}, state);
if (inner_action_descr.context) {
var active_id = inner_action_descr.context.active_id;
if (active_id) {
state.active_id = active_id;
var active_ids = inner_action_descr.context.active_ids;
if (active_ids && !(active_ids.length === 1 && active_ids[0] === active_id)) {
// We don't push active_ids if it's a single element array containing the active_id
// This makes the url shorter in most cases.
state.active_ids = inner_action_descr.context.active_ids.join(',');
do_load_state: function(state, warm) {
var self = this;
var action_loaded;
if (state.action) {
if (_.isString(state.action) && core.action_registry.contains(state.action)) {
var action_client = {
type: "ir.actions.client",
tag: state.action,
params: state,
_push_me: state._push_me,
if (warm) {
action_loaded = this.do_action(action_client);
} else {
var run_action = (!this.inner_widget || !this.inner_widget.action) || this.inner_widget.action.id !== state.action;
if (run_action) {
var add_context = {};
if (state.active_id) {
add_context.active_id = state.active_id;
if (state.active_ids) {
// The jQuery BBQ plugin does some parsing on values that are valid integers.
// It means that if there's only one item, it will do parseInt() on it,
// otherwise it will keep the comma seperated list as string.
add_context.active_ids = state.active_ids.toString().split(',').map(function(id) {
return parseInt(id, 10) || id;
} else if (state.active_id) {
add_context.active_ids = [state.active_id];
add_context.params = state;
if (warm) {
action_loaded = this.do_action(state.action, {
additional_context: add_context,
res_id: state.id,
view_type: state.view_type,
} else if (state.model && state.id) {
// TODO handle context & domain ?
if (warm) {
var action = {
res_model: state.model,
res_id: state.id,
type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
views: [[_.isNumber(state.view_id) ? state.view_id : false, 'form']]
action_loaded = this.do_action(action);
} else if (state.sa) {
// load session action
if (warm) {
action_loaded = this._rpc({
route: '/web/session/get_session_action',
params: {key: state.sa},
.then(function(action) {
if (action) {
return self.do_action(action);
return $.when(action_loaded || null).then(function() {
if (self.inner_widget && self.inner_widget.do_load_state) {
return self.inner_widget.do_load_state(state, warm);
* Execute an OpenERP action
* @param {Number|String|String|Object} action Can be either an action id, an action XML id, a client action tag or an action descriptor.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean} [options.clear_breadcrumbs=false] Clear the breadcrumbs history list
* @param {Boolean} [options.replace_breadcrumb=false] Replace the current breadcrumb with the action
* @param {Function} [options.on_reverse_breadcrumb] Callback to be executed whenever an anterior breadcrumb item is clicked on.
* @param {Function} [options.hide_breadcrumb] Do not display this widget's title in the breadcrumb
* @param {Function} [options.on_close] Callback to be executed when the dialog is closed (only relevant for target=new actions)
* @param {Function} [options.action_menu_id] Manually set the menu id on the fly.
* @param {Object} [options.additional_context] Additional context to be merged with the action's context.
* @return {jQuery.Deferred} Action loaded
do_action: function(action, options) {
options = _.defaults(options || {}, {
clear_breadcrumbs: false,
replace_last_action: false,
on_reverse_breadcrumb: function() {},
hide_breadcrumb: false,
on_close: function() {},
on_load: function() {},
action_menu_id: null,
additional_context: {},
if (action === false) {
action = { type: 'ir.actions.act_window_close' };
} else if (_.isString(action) && core.action_registry.contains(action)) {
var action_client = { type: "ir.actions.client", tag: action, params: {} };
return this.do_action(action_client, options);
} else if (_.isNumber(action) || _.isString(action)) {
var self = this;
var additional_context = {
active_id : options.additional_context.active_id,
active_ids : options.additional_context.active_ids,
active_model : options.additional_context.active_model
return data_manager.load_action(action, additional_context).then(function(result) {
return self.do_action(result, options);
core.bus.trigger('action', action);
// Force clear breadcrumbs if action's target is main
options.clear_breadcrumbs = (action.target === 'main') || options.clear_breadcrumbs;
// Ensure context & domain are evaluated and can be manipulated/used
var user_context = this.getSession().user_context;
var ncontext = new Context(user_context, options.additional_context, action.context || {});
action.context = pyeval.eval('context', ncontext);
if (action.context.active_id || action.context.active_ids) {
// Here we assume that when an `active_id` or `active_ids` is used
// in the context, we are in a `related` action, so we disable the
// searchview's default custom filters.
action.context.search_disable_custom_filters = true;
if (action.domain) {
action.domain = pyeval.eval(
'domain', action.domain, action.context || {});
if (!action.type) {
console.error("No type for action", action);
return $.Deferred().reject();
var type = action.type.replace(/\./g,'_');
action.menu_id = options.action_menu_id;
action.res_id = options.res_id || action.res_id;
action.context.params = _.extend({ 'action' : action.id }, action.context.params);
if (!(type in this)) {
console.error("Action manager can't handle action of type " + action.type, action);
return $.Deferred().reject();
// Special case for Dashboards, this should definitively be done upstream
if (action.res_model === 'board.board' && action.view_mode === 'form') {
action.target = 'inline';
_.extend(action.flags, {
headless: true,
views_switcher: false,
display_title: false,
search_view: false,
pager: false,
sidebar: false,
action_buttons: false
} else {
var popup = action.target === 'new';
var inline = action.target === 'inline' || action.target === 'inlineview';
var form = _.str.startsWith(action.view_mode, 'form');
action.flags = _.defaults(action.flags || {}, {
views_switcher : !popup && !inline,
search_view : !(popup && form) && !inline,
action_buttons : !popup && !inline,
sidebar : !popup && !inline,
pager : (!popup || !form) && !inline,
display_title : !popup,
headless: (popup || inline) && form,
search_disable_custom_filters: action.context && action.context.search_disable_custom_filters,
return $.when(this[type](action, options)).then(function (executor_action) {
return action;
null_action: function() {
* @param {Object} executor
* @param {Object} executor.action original action
* @param {Function<instance.web.Widget>} executor.widget function used to fetch the widget instance
* @param {String} executor.klass CSS class to add on the dialog root, if action.target=new
* @param {Function<instance.web.Widget, undefined>} executor.post_process cleanup called after a widget has been added as inner_widget
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Deferred<*>}
ir_actions_common: function(executor, options) {
var self = this;
if (executor.action.target === 'new') {
var pre_dialog = (this.dialog && !this.dialog.isDestroyed()) ? this.dialog : null;
if (pre_dialog){
// prevent previous dialog to consider itself closed,
// right now, as we're opening a new one (prevents
// reload of original form view)
pre_dialog.off('closed', null, pre_dialog.on_close);
if (this.dialog_widget && !this.dialog_widget.isDestroyed()) {
// explicitly passing a closing action to dialog_stop() prevents
// it from reloading the original form view
this.dialog = new Dialog(this, _.defaults(options || {}, {
title: executor.action.name,
dialogClass: executor.klass,
buttons: [],
size: executor.action.context.dialog_size,
// chain on_close triggers with previous dialog, if any
this.dialog.on_close = function(){
options.on_close.apply(null, arguments);
if (pre_dialog && pre_dialog.on_close){
// no parameter passed to on_close as this will
// only be called when the last dialog is truly
// closing, and *should* trigger a reload of the
// underlying form view (see comments above)
if (!pre_dialog) {
self.dialog = null;
this.dialog.on("closed", null, this.dialog.on_close);
this.dialog_widget = executor.widget();
var $dialogFooter;
if (this.dialog_widget instanceof ViewManager) {
executor.action.viewManager = this.dialog_widget;
$dialogFooter = $('<div/>'); // fake dialog footer in which view
// manager buttons will be put
_.defaults(this.dialog_widget.flags, {
$buttons: $dialogFooter,
footer_to_buttons: true,
if (this.dialog_widget.action.view_mode === 'form') {
this.dialog_widget.flags.headless = true;
if (this.dialog_widget.need_control_panel) {
// Set a fake bus to Dialogs needing a ControlPanel as they should not
// communicate with the main ControlPanel
this.dialog_widget.set_cp_bus(new Bus());
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
return this.dialog_widget.appendTo(fragment).then(function () {
var def = $.Deferred();
self.dialog.opened().then(function () {
dom.append(self.dialog.$el, fragment, {
in_DOM: true,
callbacks: [{widget: self.dialog_widget}],
if ($dialogFooter) {
if (options.state && self.dialog_widget.do_load_state) {
return self.dialog_widget.do_load_state(options.state);
return def;
}).then(function () {
return executor.action;
var def = this.inner_action && this.webclient && this.webclient.clear_uncommitted_changes() || $.when();
return def.then(function() {
return self.push_action(executor.action.viewManager = executor.widget(), executor.action, options).then(function () {
return executor.action;
}).fail(function() {
return $.Deferred().reject();
ir_actions_act_window: function (action, options) {
var self = this;
var flags = action.flags || {};
if (!('auto_search' in flags)) {
flags.auto_search = action.auto_search !== false;
options.action = action;
options.action_manager = this;
var dataset = new data.DataSetSearch(this, action.res_model, action.context, action.domain);
if (action.res_id) {
dataset.index = 0;
var views = action.views;
return this.ir_actions_common({
widget: function () {
return new ViewManager(self, dataset, views, flags, options);
action: action,
klass: 'o_act_window',
}, options);
ir_actions_client: function (action, options) {
var self = this;
var ClientWidget = core.action_registry.get(action.tag);
if (!ClientWidget) {
return self.do_warn("Action Error", "Could not find client action '" + action.tag + "'.");
if (!(ClientWidget.prototype instanceof Widget)) {
var next;
if ((next = ClientWidget(this, action))) {
return this.do_action(next, options);
return $.when();
return this.ir_actions_common({
widget: function () {
return new ClientWidget(self, action, options);
action: action,
klass: 'oe_act_client',
}, options).then(function () {
if (action.tag !== 'reload') {self.do_push_state({});}
ir_actions_act_window_close: function (action, options) {
if (!this.dialog) {
// Display rainbowman on appropriate actions
if (action.effect) {
this.trigger_up('show_effect', action.effect);
return $.when();
ir_actions_server: function (action, options) {
var self = this;
return this._rpc({
route: '/web/action/run',
params: {
action_id: action.id,
context: action.context || {}
.then(function (action) {
return self.do_action(action, options);
ir_actions_report: function(action, options) {
var self = this;
action = _.clone(action);
var eval_contexts = ([session.user_context] || []).concat([action.context]);
action.context = pyeval.eval('contexts',eval_contexts);
// iOS devices doesn't allow iframe use the way we do it,
// opening a new window seems the best way to workaround
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
var params = {
action: JSON.stringify(action),
token: new Date().getTime()
var url = session.url('/web/report', params);
$('<a href="'+url+'" target="_blank"></a>')[0].click();
var c = crash_manager;
return $.Deferred(function (d) {
url: '/web/report',
data: {action: JSON.stringify(action)},
complete: framework.unblockUI,
success: function(){
if (!self.dialog) {
error: function () {
c.rpc_error.apply(c, arguments);
ir_actions_act_url: function (action, options) {
var url = action.url;
if (session.debug && url && url.length && url[0] === '/') {
url = $.param.querystring(url, {debug: session.debug});
if (action.target === 'self') {
return $.Deferred(); // The action is finished only when the redirection is done
} else {
window.open(url, '_blank');
return $.when();
return ActionManager;