
838 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

odoo.define('web.data', function (require) {
"use strict";
var Class = require('web.Class');
var Context = require('web.Context');
var concurrency = require('web.concurrency');
var mixins = require('web.mixins');
var session = require('web.session');
var translation = require('web.translation');
var pyeval = require('web.pyeval');
var _t = translation._t;
* Serializes the sort criterion array of a dataset into a form which can be
* consumed by OpenERP's RPC APIs.
* @param {Array} criterion array of fields, from first to last criteria, prefixed with '-' for reverse sorting
* @returns {String} SQL-like sorting string (``ORDER BY``) clause
function serialize_sort(criterion) {
return _.map(criterion,
function (criteria) {
if (criteria[0] === '-') {
return criteria.slice(1) + ' DESC';
return criteria + ' ASC';
}).join(', ');
* Reverse of the serialize_sort function: convert an array of SQL-like sort
* descriptors into a list of fields prefixed with '-' if necessary.
function deserialize_sort(criterion) {
return _.map(criterion, function (criteria) {
var split = _.without(criteria.split(' '), '');
return (split[1] && split[1].toLowerCase() === 'desc' ? '-' : '') + split[0];
var Query = Class.extend({
init: function (model, fields) {
this._model = model;
this._fields = fields;
this._filter = [];
this._context = {};
this._lazy = true;
this._limit = false;
this._offset = 0;
this._order_by = [];
clone: function (to_set) {
to_set = to_set || {};
var q = new Query(this._model, this._fields);
q._context = this._context;
q._filter = this._filter;
q._lazy = this._lazy;
q._limit = this._limit;
q._offset = this._offset;
q._order_by = this._order_by;
for(var key in to_set) {
if (!to_set.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
switch(key) {
case 'filter':
q._filter = (q._filter || []).concat(to_set.filter || []);
case 'context':
q._context = new Context(
q._context, to_set.context);
case 'lazy':
case 'limit':
case 'offset':
case 'order_by':
q['_' + key] = to_set[key];
return q;
_execute: function (options) {
var self = this;
options = options || {};
return session.rpc('/web/dataset/search_read', {
model: this._model.name,
fields: this._fields || false,
domain: pyeval.eval('domains',
context: pyeval.eval('contexts',
offset: this._offset,
limit: this._limit,
sort: serialize_sort(this._order_by)
}, options).then(function (results) {
self._count = results.length;
return results.records;
}, null);
* Fetches the first record matching the query, or null
* @param {Object} [options] additional options for the rpc() method
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred<Object|null>}
first: function (options) {
var self = this;
return this.clone({limit: 1})._execute(options).then(function (records) {
delete self._count;
if (records.length) { return records[0]; }
return null;
* Fetches all records matching the query
* @param {Object} [options] additional options for the rpc() method
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred<Array<>>}
all: function (options) {
return this._execute(options);
* Fetches the number of records matching the query in the database
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred<Number>}
count: function () {
if (this._count !== undefined) { return $.when(this._count); }
return this._model.call(
'search_count', [this._filter], {
context: this._model.context(this._context)});
* Performs a groups read according to the provided grouping criterion
* @param {String|Array<String>} grouping
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred<Array<openerp.web.QueryGroup>> | null}
group_by: function (grouping) {
var ctx = pyeval.eval(
'context', this._model.context(this._context));
// undefined passed in explicitly (!)
if (_.isUndefined(grouping)) {
grouping = [];
if (!(grouping instanceof Array)) {
grouping = _.toArray(arguments);
if (_.isEmpty(grouping) && !ctx.group_by_no_leaf) {
return null;
var raw_fields = _.map(grouping.concat(this._fields || []), function (field) {
return field.split(':')[0];
var self = this;
return this._model.call('read_group', {
groupby: grouping,
fields: _.uniq(raw_fields),
domain: this._model.domain(this._filter),
context: ctx,
offset: this._offset,
lazy: this._lazy,
limit: this._limit,
orderby: serialize_sort(this._order_by) || false
}).then(function (results) {
return _(results).map(function (result) {
// FIX: querygroup initialization
result.__context = result.__context || {};
result.__context.group_by = result.__context.group_by || [];
_.defaults(result.__context, ctx);
var grouping_fields = self._lazy ? [grouping[0]] : grouping;
return new QueryGroup(
self._model.name, grouping_fields, result);
* Creates a new query with the union of the current query's context and
* the new context.
* @param context context data to add to the query
* @returns {openerp.web.Query}
context: function (context) {
if (!context) { return this; }
return this.clone({context: context});
* Creates a new query with the union of the current query's filter and
* the new domain.
* @param domain domain data to AND with the current query filter
* @returns {openerp.web.Query}
filter: function (domain) {
if (!domain) { return this; }
return this.clone({filter: domain});
* Creates a new query with the provided parameter lazy replacing the current
* query's own.
* @param {Boolean} lazy indicates if the read_group should return only the
* first level of groupby records, or should return the records grouped by
* all levels at once (so, it makes only 1 db request).
* @returns {openerp.web.Query}
lazy: function (lazy) {
return this.clone({lazy: lazy});
* Creates a new query with the provided limit replacing the current
* query's own limit
* @param {Number} limit maximum number of records the query should retrieve
* @returns {openerp.web.Query}
limit: function (limit) {
return this.clone({limit: limit});
* Creates a new query with the provided offset replacing the current
* query's own offset
* @param {Number} offset number of records the query should skip before starting its retrieval
* @returns {openerp.web.Query}
offset: function (offset) {
return this.clone({offset: offset});
* Creates a new query with the provided ordering parameters replacing
* those of the current query
* @param {String...} fields ordering clauses
* @returns {openerp.web.Query}
order_by: function (fields) {
if (fields === undefined) { return this; }
if (!(fields instanceof Array)) {
fields = _.toArray(arguments);
if (_.isEmpty(fields)) { return this; }
return this.clone({order_by: fields});
var QueryGroup = Class.extend({
init: function (model, grouping_fields, read_group_group) {
// In cases where group_by_no_leaf and no group_by, the result of
// read_group has aggregate fields but no __context or __domain.
// Create default (empty) values for those so that things don't break
var fixed_group = _.extend(
{__context: {group_by: []}, __domain: []},
var count_key = (grouping_fields[0] && grouping_fields[0].split(':')[0]) + '_count';
var aggregates = {};
_(fixed_group).each(function (value, key) {
if (key.indexOf('__') === 0
|| _.contains(grouping_fields, key)
|| (key === count_key)) {
aggregates[key] = value || 0;
this.model = new Model(
model, fixed_group.__context, fixed_group.__domain);
var group_size = fixed_group[count_key] || fixed_group.__count || 0;
var leaf_group = fixed_group.__context.group_by.length === 0;
var value = (grouping_fields.length === 1)
? fixed_group[grouping_fields[0]]
: _.map(grouping_fields, function (field) { return fixed_group[field]; });
var grouped_on = (grouping_fields.length === 1)
? grouping_fields[0]
: grouping_fields;
this.attributes = {
folded: !!(fixed_group.__fold),
grouped_on: grouped_on,
// if terminal group (or no group) and group_by_no_leaf => use group.__count
length: group_size,
value: value,
// A group is open-able if it's not a leaf in group_by_no_leaf mode
has_children: !(leaf_group && fixed_group.__context.group_by_no_leaf),
aggregates: aggregates
get: function (key) {
return this.attributes[key];
subgroups: function () {
return this.model.query().group_by(this.model.context().group_by);
query: function () {
return this.model.query.apply(this.model, arguments);
var DataSet = Class.extend(mixins.PropertiesMixin, {
* Collection of OpenERP records, used to share records and the current selection between views.
* @constructs instance.web.DataSet
* @param {String} model the OpenERP model this dataset will manage
init: function (parent, model, context) {
this.model = model;
this.context = context || {};
this.index = null;
this._sort = [];
this._model = new Model(model, context);
this.orderer = new concurrency.DropMisordered();
previous: function () {
this.index -= 1;
if (!this.ids.length) {
this.index = null;
} else if (this.index < 0) {
this.index = this.ids.length - 1;
return this;
next: function () {
this.index += 1;
if (!this.ids.length) {
this.index = null;
} else if (this.index >= this.ids.length) {
this.index = 0;
return this;
select_id: function (id) {
var idx = this.get_id_index(id);
if (idx === null) {
return false;
} else {
this.index = idx;
return true;
get_id_index: function (id) {
for (var i=0, ii=this.ids.length; i<ii; i++) {
// Here we use type coercion because of the mess potentially caused by
// OpenERP ids fetched from the DOM as string. (eg: dhtmlxcalendar)
// OpenERP ids can be non-numeric too ! (eg: recursive events in calendar)
if (id == this.ids[i]) {
return i;
return null;
* Read records.
* @param {Array} ids identifiers of the records to read
* @param {Array} [fields] fields to read and return, by default all fields are returned
* @param {Object} [options]
* @returns {$.Deferred}
read_ids: function (ids, fields, options) {
if (_.isEmpty(ids))
return $.Deferred().resolve([]);
options = options || {};
var method = 'read';
var ids_arg = ids;
var context = this.get_context(options.context);
if (options.check_access_rule === true){
method = 'search_read';
ids_arg = [['id', 'in', ids]];
context = new Context(context, {active_test: false});
return this._model.call(method,
[ids_arg, fields || false],
{context: context})
.then(function (records) {
if (records.length <= 1) { return records; }
var indexes = {};
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
indexes[ids[i]] = i;
records.sort(function (a, b) {
return indexes[a.id] - indexes[b.id];
return records;
* Read a slice of the records represented by this DataSet, based on its
* domain and context.
* @param {Array} [fields] fields to read and return, by default all fields are returned
* @params {Object} [options]
* @param {Number} [options.offset=0] The index from which selected records should be returned
* @param {Number} [options.limit=null] The maximum number of records to return
* @returns {$.Deferred}
read_slice: function (fields, options) {
var self = this;
options = options || {};
var query = this._model.query(fields)
.limit(options.limit || false)
.offset(options.offset || 0)
return this.orderer.add(query).done(function (records) {
self.ids = _(records).pluck('id');
* Reads the current dataset record (from its index)
* @params {Array} [fields] fields to read and return, by default all fields are returned
* @param {Object} [options.context] context data to add to the request payload, on top of the DataSet's own context
* @returns {$.Deferred}
read_index: function (fields, options) {
options = options || {};
return this.read_ids([this.ids[this.index]], fields, options).then(function (records) {
if (_.isEmpty(records)) { return $.Deferred().reject().promise(); }
return records[0];
* Reads default values for the current model
* @param {Array} [fields] fields to get default values for, by default all defaults are read
* @param {Object} [options.context] context data to add to the request payload, on top of the DataSet's own context
* @returns {$.Deferred}
default_get: function (fields, options) {
options = options || {};
return this._model.call('default_get',
[fields], {context: this.get_context(options.context)});
* Creates a new record in db
* @param {Object} data field values to set on the new record
* @param {Object} options Dictionary that can contain the following keys:
* - readonly_fields: Values from readonly fields that were updated by
* on_changes. Only used by the BufferedDataSet to make the o2m work correctly.
* @returns {$.Deferred}
create: function (data, options) {
var self = this;
return this._model.call('create', [data], {
context: this.get_context()
}).done(function () {
self.trigger('dataset_changed', data, options);
* Saves the provided data in an existing db record
* @param {Number|String} id identifier for the record to alter
* @param {Object} data field values to write into the record
* @param {Object} options Dictionary that can contain the following keys:
* - context: The context to use in the server-side call.
* - readonly_fields: Values from readonly fields that were updated by
* on_changes. Only used by the BufferedDataSet to make the o2m work correctly.
* @returns {$.Deferred}
write: function (id, data, options) {
options = options || {};
var self = this;
return this._model.call('write', [[id], data], {
context: this.get_context(options.context)
}).done(function () {
self.trigger('dataset_changed', id, data, options);
* Deletes an existing record from the database
* @param {Number|String} ids identifier of the record to delete
unlink: function (ids) {
var self = this;
return this._model.call('unlink', [ids], {
context: this.get_context()
}).done(function () {
self.trigger('dataset_changed', ids);
* Calls an arbitrary RPC method
* @param {String} method name of the method (on the current model) to call
* @param {Array} [args] arguments to pass to the method
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Function} error_callback
* @returns {$.Deferred}
call: function (method, args) {
return this._model.call(method, args);
* Calls a button method, usually returning some sort of action
* @param {String} method
* @param {Array} [args]
* @returns {$.Deferred}
call_button: function (method, args) {
return this._model.call_button(method, args);
* Fetches the "readable name" for records, based on intrinsic rules
* @param {Array} ids
* @returns {$.Deferred}
name_get: function (ids) {
return this._model.call('name_get', [ids], {context: this.get_context()});
* @param {String} name name to perform a search for/on
* @param {Array} [domain=[]] filters for the objects returned, OpenERP domain
* @param {String} [operator='ilike'] matching operator to use with the provided name value
* @param {Number} [limit=0] maximum number of matches to return
* @param {Function} callback function to call with name_search result
* @returns {$.Deferred}
name_search: function (name, domain, operator, limit) {
return this._model.call('name_search', {
name: name || '',
args: domain || false,
operator: operator || 'ilike',
context: this._model.context(),
limit: limit || 0
* @param name
name_create: function (name, context) {
return this._model.call('name_create', [name], {context: this.get_context(context)});
get_context: function (request_context) {
return this._model.context(request_context);
* Reads or changes sort criteria on the dataset.
* If not provided with any argument, serializes the sort criteria to
* an SQL-like form usable by OpenERP's ORM.
* If given a field, will set that field as first sorting criteria or,
* if the field is already the first sorting criteria, will reverse it.
* @param {String} [field] field to sort on, reverses it (toggle from ASC to DESC) if already the main sort criteria
* @param {Boolean} [force_reverse=false] forces inserting the field as DESC
* @returns {String|undefined}
sort: function (field, force_reverse) {
if (!field) {
return serialize_sort(this._sort);
var reverse = force_reverse || (this._sort[0] === field);
this._sort, [0, this._sort.length].concat(
_.without(this._sort, field, '-' + field)));
this._sort.unshift((reverse ? '-' : '') + field);
return undefined;
* Set the sort criteria on the dataset.
* @param {Array} fields_list: list of fields order descriptors, as used by
* Odoo's ORM (such as 'name desc', 'product_id', 'order_date asc')
set_sort: function (fields_list) {
this._sort = deserialize_sort(fields_list);
size: function () {
return this.ids.length;
alter_ids: function (n_ids) {
this.ids = n_ids;
remove_ids: function (ids) {
add_ids: function (ids, at) {
var args = [at, 0].concat(_.difference(ids, this.ids));
this.ids.splice.apply(this.ids, args);
* Resequence records.
* @param {Array} ids identifiers of the records to resequence
* @returns {$.Deferred}
resequence: function (ids, options) {
options = options || {};
return session.rpc('/web/dataset/resequence', {
model: this.model,
ids: ids,
context: pyeval.eval(
'context', this.get_context(options.context)),
}).then(function (results) {
return results;
var DataSetStatic = DataSet.extend({
init: function (parent, model, context, ids) {
this._super(parent, model, context);
// all local records
this.ids = ids || [];
read_slice: function (fields, options) {
options = options || {};
fields = fields || {};
var offset = options.offset || 0,
limit = options.limit || false;
var end_pos = limit && limit !== -1 ? offset + limit : this.ids.length;
return this.read_ids(this.ids.slice(offset, end_pos), fields, options);
set_ids: function (ids) {
this.ids = ids;
if (ids.length === 0) {
this.index = null;
} else if (this.index >= ids.length - 1) {
this.index = ids.length - 1;
unlink: function (ids) {
this.set_ids(_.without.apply(null, [this.ids].concat(ids)));
this.trigger('unlink', ids);
return $.Deferred().resolve({result: true});
var DataSetSearch = DataSet.extend({
* @constructs instance.web.DataSetSearch
* @extends instance.web.DataSet
* @param {Object} parent
* @param {String} model
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Array} domain
init: function (parent, model, context, domain) {
this._super(parent, model, context);
this.domain = domain || [];
this._length = null;
this.ids = [];
this._model = new Model(model, context, domain);
* Read a slice of the records represented by this DataSet, based on its
* domain and context.
* @params {Object} options
* @param {Array} [options.fields] fields to read and return, by default all fields are returned
* @param {Object} [options.context] context data to add to the request payload, on top of the DataSet's own context
* @param {Array} [options.domain] domain data to add to the request payload, ANDed with the dataset's domain
* @param {Number} [options.offset=0] The index from which selected records should be returned
* @param {Number} [options.limit=null] The maximum number of records to return
* @returns {$.Deferred}
read_slice: function (fields, options) {
options = options || {};
var self = this;
var q = this._model.query(fields || false)
.offset(options.offset || 0)
.limit(options.limit || false);
q = q.order_by.apply(q, this._sort);
return this.orderer.add(q.all()).done(function (records) {
// FIXME: not sure about that one, *could* have discarded count
q.count().done(function (count) { self._length = count; });
self.ids = _(records).pluck('id');
get_domain: function (other_domain) {
return this._model.domain(other_domain);
alter_ids: function (ids) {
if (this.index !== null && this.index >= this.ids.length) {
this.index = this.ids.length > 0 ? this.ids.length - 1 : 0;
remove_ids: function (ids) {
var before = this.ids.length;
if (this._length) {
this._length -= (before - this.ids.length);
add_ids: function (ids, at) {
var before = this.ids.length;
this._super(ids, at);
this._length += (this.ids.length - before);
unlink: function (ids, callback, error_callback) {
var self = this;
return this._super(ids).done(function () {
self.remove_ids( ids);
self.trigger("dataset_changed", ids, callback, error_callback);
size: function () {
if (this._length !== null) {
return this._length;
return this._super();
var data = {
Query: Query,
DataSet: DataSet,
DataSetStatic: DataSetStatic,
DataSetSearch: DataSetSearch,
/** @type String */
noDisplayContent: "<em class=\"text-warning\">" + _t("Unnamed") + "</em>",
var Model = Class.extend({
new openerp.web.Model(name[, context[, domain]])
@constructs instance.web.Model
@extends instance.web.Class
@param {String} name name of the OpenERP model this object is bound to
@param {Object} [context]
@param {Array} [domain]
init: function(name, context, domain) {
this.name = name;
this._context = context || {};
this._domain = domain || [];
* @deprecated does not allow to specify kwargs, directly use call() instead
get_func: function (method_name) {
var self = this;
return function () {
return self.call(method_name, _.toArray(arguments));
* Fetches a Query instance bound to this model, for searching
* @param {Array<String>} [fields] fields to ultimately fetch during the search
* @returns {instance.web.Query}
query: function (fields) {
return new data.Query(this, fields);
* Fetches the model's domain, combined with the provided domain if any
* @param {Array} [domain] to combine with the model's internal domain
* @returns {Array} The model's internal domain, or the AND-ed union of the model's internal domain and the provided domain
domain: function (domain) {
if (!domain) { return this._domain; }
return this._domain.concat(domain);
* Fetches the combination of the user's context and the domain context,
* combined with the provided context if any
* @param {Object} [context] to combine with the model's internal context
* @returns {web.Context} The union of the user's context and the model's internal context, as well as the provided context if any. In that order.
context: function (context) {
return new Context(session.user_context, this._context, context || {});
* Call a method (over RPC) on the bound OpenERP model.
* @param {String} method name of the method to call
* @param {Array} [args] positional arguments
* @param {Object} [kwargs] keyword arguments
* @param {Object} [options] additional options for the rpc() method
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred<>} call result
call: function (method, args, kwargs, options) {
args = args || [];
kwargs = kwargs || {};
if (!_.isArray(args)) {
// call(method, kwargs)
kwargs = args;
args = [];
pyeval.ensure_evaluated(args, kwargs);
var call_kw = '/web/dataset/call_kw/' + this.name + '/' + method;
return session.rpc(call_kw, {
model: this.name,
method: method,
args: args,
kwargs: kwargs
}, options);
call_button: function (method, args) {
pyeval.ensure_evaluated(args, {});
return session.rpc('/web/dataset/call_button', {
model: this.name,
method: method,
// Should not be necessary anymore. Integrate remote in this?
domain_id: null,
context_id: args.length - 1,
args: args || []
return data;