
133 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from datetime import date
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
class CrmTeam(models.Model):
_inherit = 'crm.team'
use_quotations = fields.Boolean(string='Quotations', help="Check this box if you send quotations to your customers rather than confirming orders straight away. "
"This will add specific action buttons to your dashboard.")
use_invoices = fields.Boolean('Set Invoicing Target', help="Check this box to set an invoicing target for this sales channel.")
invoiced = fields.Integer(
string='Invoiced This Month', readonly=True,
help="Invoice revenue for the current month. This is the amount the sales "
"channel has invoiced this month. It is used to compute the progression ratio "
"of the current and target revenue on the kanban view.")
invoiced_target = fields.Integer(
string='Invoicing Target',
help="Target of invoice revenue for the current month. This is the amount the sales "
"channel estimates to be able to invoice this month.")
quotations_count = fields.Integer(
string='Number of quotations to invoice', readonly=True)
quotations_amount = fields.Integer(
string='Amount of quotations to invoice', readonly=True)
sales_to_invoice_count = fields.Integer(
string='Number of sales to invoice', readonly=True)
dashboard_graph_model = fields.Selection(selection_add=[
('sale.report', 'Sales'),
('account.invoice.report', 'Invoices'),
def _compute_quotations_to_invoice(self):
non_website_teams = self.filtered(lambda team: team.team_type != 'website')
if non_website_teams:
quotation_data = self.env['sale.report'].read_group([
('team_id', 'in', non_website_teams.ids),
('state', 'in', ['draft', 'sent']),
], ['price_total', 'team_id', 'name'], ['team_id', 'name'], lazy=False)
for datum in quotation_data:
self.browse(datum['team_id'][0]).quotations_amount += datum['price_total']
self.browse(datum['team_id'][0]).quotations_count += 1
def _compute_sales_to_invoice(self):
sale_order_data = self.env['sale.order'].read_group([
('team_id', 'in', self.ids),
('order_line.qty_to_invoice', '>', 0),
], ['team_id'], ['team_id'])
for datum in sale_order_data:
self.browse(datum['team_id'][0]).invoiced = datum['team_id_count']
def _compute_invoiced(self):
invoice_data = self.env['account.invoice'].read_group([
('state', 'in', ['open', 'paid']),
('team_id', 'in', self.ids),
('date', '<=', date.today()),
('date', '>=', date.today().replace(day=1)),
('type', 'in', ['out_invoice', 'out_refund']),
], ['amount_untaxed_signed', 'team_id'], ['team_id'])
for datum in invoice_data:
self.browse(datum['team_id'][0]).invoiced = datum['amount_untaxed_signed']
def _graph_date_column(self):
if self.dashboard_graph_model == 'sale.report':
return 'confirmation_date'
elif self.dashboard_graph_model == 'account.invoice.report':
return 'date'
return super(CrmTeam, self)._graph_date_column()
def _graph_y_query(self):
if self.dashboard_graph_model == 'sale.report':
return 'SUM(price_subtotal)'
elif self.dashboard_graph_model == 'account.invoice.report':
return 'SUM(price_total)'
return super(CrmTeam, self)._graph_y_query()
def _extra_sql_conditions(self):
if self.dashboard_graph_model == 'sale.report':
return "AND state in ('sale', 'done')"
elif self.dashboard_graph_model == 'account.invoice.report':
return "AND state in ('open', 'paid')"
return super(CrmTeam, self)._extra_sql_conditions()
def _graph_title_and_key(self):
if self.dashboard_graph_model == 'sale.report':
return ['', _('Sales: Untaxed Total')] # no more title
elif self.dashboard_graph_model == 'account.invoice.report':
return ['', _('Invoices: Untaxed Total')]
return super(CrmTeam, self)._graph_title_and_key()
def _compute_dashboard_button_name(self):
quotation_teams = self.filtered('use_quotations')
quotation_teams.update({'dashboard_button_name': _("Quotations")})
(self - quotation_teams).update({'dashboard_button_name': _("Sales Orders")})
def action_primary_channel_button(self):
if hasattr(self, 'use_opportunities') and self.use_opportunities:
return super(CrmTeam, self).action_primary_channel_button()
elif self.use_quotations:
action = self.env.ref('sale.action_quotations_salesteams').read()[0]
action['context'] = {'search_default_team_id': self.id}
return action
action = self.env.ref('sale.action_orders_salesteams').read()[0]
action['context'] = {'search_default_team_id': self.id}
return action
def _onchange_team_type(self):
if self.team_type == 'sales':
self.use_quotations = True
self.use_invoices = True
# do not override dashboard_graph_model 'crm.opportunity.report' if crm is installed
if not self.dashboard_graph_model:
self.dashboard_graph_model = 'sale.report'
self.use_quotations = False
self.use_invoices = False
self.dashboard_graph_model = 'sale.report'
return super(CrmTeam, self)._onchange_team_type()
def update_invoiced_target(self, value):
return self.write({'invoiced_target': round(float(value or 0))})