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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase
class TestPricelist(TransactionCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestPricelist, self).setUp()
self.datacard = self.env.ref('product.product_delivery_02')
self.usb_adapter = self.env.ref('product.product_delivery_01')
self.uom_ton = self.env.ref('product.product_uom_ton')
self.uom_unit_id = self.ref('product.product_uom_unit')
self.uom_dozen_id = self.ref('product.product_uom_dozen')
self.uom_kgm_id = self.ref('product.product_uom_kgm')
self.public_pricelist = self.env.ref('product.list0')
self.sale_pricelist_id = self.env['product.pricelist'].create({
'name': 'Sale pricelist',
'item_ids': [(0, 0, {
'compute_price': 'formula',
'base': 'list_price', # based on public price
'price_discount': 10,
'product_id': self.usb_adapter.id,
'applied_on': '0_product_variant',
}), (0, 0, {
'compute_price': 'formula',
'base': 'list_price', # based on public price
'price_surcharge': -0.5,
'product_id': self.datacard.id,
'applied_on': '0_product_variant',
def test_10_discount(self):
# Make sure the price using a pricelist is the same than without after
# applying the computation manually
context = {}
public_context = dict(context, pricelist=self.public_pricelist.id)
pricelist_context = dict(context, pricelist=self.sale_pricelist_id.id)
usb_adapter_without_pricelist = self.usb_adapter.with_context(public_context)
usb_adapter_with_pricelist = self.usb_adapter.with_context(pricelist_context)
self.assertEqual(usb_adapter_with_pricelist.price, usb_adapter_without_pricelist.price*0.9)
datacard_without_pricelist = self.datacard.with_context(public_context)
datacard_with_pricelist = self.datacard.with_context(pricelist_context)
self.assertEqual(datacard_with_pricelist.price, datacard_without_pricelist.price-0.5)
# Make sure that changing the unit of measure does not break the unit
# price (after converting)
unit_context = dict(context, pricelist=self.sale_pricelist_id.id, uom=self.uom_unit_id)
dozen_context = dict(context, pricelist=self.sale_pricelist_id.id, uom=self.uom_dozen_id)
usb_adapter_unit = self.usb_adapter.with_context(unit_context)
usb_adapter_dozen = self.usb_adapter.with_context(dozen_context)
self.assertAlmostEqual(usb_adapter_unit.price*12, usb_adapter_dozen.price)
datacard_unit = self.datacard.with_context(unit_context)
datacard_dozen = self.datacard.with_context(dozen_context)
# price_surcharge applies to product default UoM, here "Units", so surcharge will be multiplied
self.assertAlmostEqual(datacard_unit.price*12, datacard_dozen.price)
def test_20_pricelist_uom(self):
# Verify that the pricelist rules are correctly using the product's default UoM
# as reference, and return a result according to the target UoM (as specific in the context)
kg, tonne = self.uom_kgm_id, self.uom_ton.id
tonne_price = 100
# make sure 'tonne' resolves down to 1 'kg'.
self.uom_ton.write({'rounding': 0.001})
# setup product stored in 'tonnes', with a discounted pricelist for qty > 3 tonnes
spam_id = self.usb_adapter.copy({
'name': '1 tonne of spam',
'uom_id': self.uom_ton.id,
'uom_po_id': self.uom_ton.id,
'list_price': tonne_price,
'type': 'consu'
'pricelist_id': self.public_pricelist.id,
'applied_on': '0_product_variant',
'compute_price': 'formula',
'base': 'list_price', # based on public price
'min_quantity': 3, # min = 3 tonnes
'price_surcharge': -10, # -10 EUR / tonne
'product_id': spam_id.id
pricelist = self.public_pricelist
def test_unit_price(qty, uom, expected_unit_price):
spam = spam_id.with_context({'uom': uom})
unit_price = pricelist.with_context({'uom': uom}).get_product_price(spam, qty, False)
self.assertAlmostEqual(unit_price, expected_unit_price, msg='Computed unit price is wrong')
# Test prices - they are *per unit*, the quantity is only here to match the pricelist rules!
test_unit_price(2, kg, tonne_price / 1000.0)
test_unit_price(2000, kg, tonne_price / 1000.0)
test_unit_price(3500, kg, (tonne_price - 10) / 1000.0)
test_unit_price(2, tonne, tonne_price)
test_unit_price(3, tonne, tonne_price - 10)