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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models
class HrContract(models.Model):
Employee contract based on the visa, work permits
allows to configure different Salary structure
_inherit = 'hr.contract'
_description = 'Employee Contract'
struct_id = fields.Many2one('hr.payroll.structure', string='Salary Structure')
schedule_pay = fields.Selection([
('monthly', 'Monthly'),
('quarterly', 'Quarterly'),
('semi-annually', 'Semi-annually'),
('annually', 'Annually'),
('weekly', 'Weekly'),
('bi-weekly', 'Bi-weekly'),
('bi-monthly', 'Bi-monthly'),
], string='Scheduled Pay', index=True, default='monthly',
help="Defines the frequency of the wage payment.")
resource_calendar_id = fields.Many2one(required=True, help="Employee's working schedule.")
def get_all_structures(self):
@return: the structures linked to the given contracts, ordered by hierachy (parent=False first,
then first level children and so on) and without duplicata
structures = self.mapped('struct_id')
if not structures:
return []
# YTI TODO return browse records
return list(set(structures._get_parent_structure().ids))
def get_attribute(self, code, attribute):
return self.env['hr.contract.advantage.template'].search([('code', '=', code)], limit=1)[attribute]
def set_attribute_value(self, code, active):
for contract in self:
if active:
value = self.env['hr.contract.advantage.template'].search([('code', '=', code)], limit=1).default_value
contract[code] = value
contract[code] = 0.0
class HrContractAdvandageTemplate(models.Model):
_name = 'hr.contract.advantage.template'
_description = "Employee's Advantage on Contract"
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
code = fields.Char('Code', required=True)
lower_bound = fields.Float('Lower Bound', help="Lower bound authorized by the employer for this advantage")
upper_bound = fields.Float('Upper Bound', help="Upper bound authorized by the employer for this advantage")
default_value = fields.Float('Default value for this advantage')