help="* Vendor Location: Virtual location representing the source location for products coming from your vendors"
"\n* View: Virtual location used to create a hierarchical structures for your warehouse, aggregating its child locations ; can't directly contain products"
"\n* Internal Location: Physical locations inside your own warehouses,"
"\n* Customer Location: Virtual location representing the destination location for products sent to your customers"
"\n* Inventory Loss: Virtual location serving as counterpart for inventory operations used to correct stock levels (Physical inventories)"
"\n* Procurement: Virtual location serving as temporary counterpart for procurement operations when the source (vendor or production) is not known yet. This location should be empty when the procurement scheduler has finished running."
"\n* Production: Virtual counterpart location for production operations: this location consumes the raw material and produces finished products"
"\n* Transit Location: Counterpart location that should be used in inter-company or inter-warehouses operations")
help='Let this field empty if this location is shared between companies')
scrap_location=fields.Boolean('Is a Scrap Location?',default=False,help='Check this box to allow using this location to put scrapped/damaged goods.')
return_location=fields.Boolean('Is a Return Location?',help='Check this box to allow using this location as a return location.')
removal_strategy_id=fields.Many2one('product.removal','Removal Strategy',help="Defines the default method used for suggesting the exact location (shelf) where to take the products from, which lot etc. for this location. This method can be enforced at the product category level, and a fallback is made on the parent locations if none is set here.")
putaway_strategy_id=fields.Many2one('product.putaway','Put Away Strategy',help="Defines the default method used for suggesting the exact location (shelf) where to store the products. This method can be enforced at the product category level, and a fallback is made on the parent locations if none is set here.")
help="The demand represented by a procurement from e.g. a sale order, a reordering rule, another move, needs to be solved by applying a procurement rule. Depending on the action on the procurement rule,"\
"this triggers a purchase order, manufacturing order or another move. This way we create chains in the reverse order from the endpoint with the original demand to the starting point. "\
"That way, it is always known where we need to go and that is why they are preferred over push rules.")
help="When a move is foreseen to a location, the push rule will automatically create a move to a next location after. This is mainly only needed when creating manual operations e.g. 2/3 step manual purchase order or 2/3 step finished product manual manufacturing order. In other cases, it is important to use pull rules where you know where you are going based on a demand.")
product_selectable=fields.Boolean('Applicable on Product',default=True,help="When checked, the route will be selectable in the Inventory tab of the Product form. It will take priority over the Warehouse route. ")
product_categ_selectable=fields.Boolean('Applicable on Product Category',help="When checked, the route will be selectable on the Product Category. It will take priority over the Warehouse route. ")
warehouse_selectable=fields.Boolean('Applicable on Warehouse',help="When a warehouse is selected for this route, this route should be seen as the default route when products pass through this warehouse. This behaviour can be overridden by the routes on the Product/Product Categories or by the Preferred Routes on the Procurement")
help="This is the operation type that will be put on the stock moves")
('manual','Manual Operation'),
('transparent','Automatic No Step Added')],string='Automatic Move',
help="The 'Manual Operation' value will create a stock move after the current one. "
"With 'Automatic No Step Added', the location is replaced in the original move.")
propagate=fields.Boolean('Propagate cancel and split',default=True,help='If checked, when the previous move is cancelled or split, the move generated by this move will too')