
63 lines
2.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

TODO: improve this test and add the use of cashbox lines to set the ending balance and use of the confirmation wizard
In order to test Cash statement I create a Cash statement and confirm it and check its move created
!record {model: account.cash.statement, id: account_cash_statement_1, view: False}:
date: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
name: /
user_id: base.user_root
balance_start: 120.0
balance_end: 120.0
I check that Initially cash statement is in the "Draft" state
!assert {model: account.cash.statement, id: account_cash_statement_1}:
- state == 'draft'
I clicked on Open CashBox button to open the cashbox
!python {model: account.cash.statement, id: account_cash_statement_1}: |
context = {"lang": "en_US", "tz": False,
"active_model": "account.cash.statement",
"active_ids": [ref("account_cash_statement_1")],
"active_id": ref("account_cash_statement_1"), }
I check that now cash statement is in the "Open" state
!assert {model: account.cash.statement, id: account_cash_statement_1}:
- state == 'open'
I enter values in Closing balance before close the cashbox
!record {model: account.cash.statement, id: account_cash_statement_1, view: False}:
- amount: 1000.0
date: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
name: test
partner_id: base.res_partner_4
sequence: 0.0
account_id: account.credit_account
balance_end: 1120.0
I clicked on Close CashBox button to close the cashbox
!python {model: account.bank.statement, id: False}: |
self.browse(ref("account_bank_statement_1")).with_context({"lang": "en_US", "tz": False, "active_model": "account.bank.statement", "active_ids": [ref("account_bank_statement_1")], "active_id": ref("account_bank_statement_1"), }).button_confirm_cash()
I check that bank statement state is now "Closed"
!assert {model: account.bank.statement, id: account_bank_statement_1}:
- state == 'confirm'
I check that move lines created for cash statement and move state is Posted
!python {model: account.cash.statement, id: account_cash_statement_1}: |
move_line_obj = self.env['account.move.line']
assert self.move_line_ids, "Move lines not created for cash statement"
for line in self.move_line_ids:
assert line.move_id.state == 'posted', "Move state is not posted"