2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra import models , fields , api , _
from flectra . tools . safe_eval import safe_eval
from flectra . exceptions import UserError
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
class AccountInvoiceRefund ( models . TransientModel ) :
""" Credit Notes """
_name = " account.invoice.refund "
_description = " Credit Note "
def _get_reason ( self ) :
context = dict ( self . _context or { } )
active_id = context . get ( ' active_id ' , False )
if active_id :
inv = self . env [ ' account.invoice ' ] . browse ( active_id )
return inv . name
return ' '
date_invoice = fields . Date ( string = ' Credit Note Date ' , default = fields . Date . context_today , required = True )
date = fields . Date ( string = ' Accounting Date ' )
description = fields . Char ( string = ' Reason ' , required = True , default = _get_reason )
refund_only = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Technical field to hide filter_refund in case invoice is partially paid ' , compute = ' _get_refund_only ' )
filter_refund = fields . Selection ( [ ( ' refund ' , ' Create a draft credit note ' ) , ( ' cancel ' , ' Cancel: create credit note and reconcile ' ) , ( ' modify ' , ' Modify: create credit note, reconcile and create a new draft invoice ' ) ] ,
default = ' refund ' , string = ' Refund Method ' , required = True , help = ' Refund base on this type. You can not Modify and Cancel if the invoice is already reconciled ' )
@api.depends ( ' date_invoice ' )
def _get_refund_only ( self ) :
invoice_id = self . env [ ' account.invoice ' ] . browse ( self . _context . get ( ' active_id ' , False ) )
if len ( invoice_id . payment_move_line_ids ) != 0 and invoice_id . state != ' paid ' :
self . refund_only = True
else :
self . refund_only = False
def compute_refund ( self , mode = ' refund ' ) :
inv_obj = self . env [ ' account.invoice ' ]
inv_tax_obj = self . env [ ' account.invoice.tax ' ]
inv_line_obj = self . env [ ' account.invoice.line ' ]
context = dict ( self . _context or { } )
xml_id = False
for form in self :
created_inv = [ ]
date = False
description = False
for inv in inv_obj . browse ( context . get ( ' active_ids ' ) ) :
if inv . state in [ ' draft ' , ' cancel ' ] :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Cannot create credit note for the draft/cancelled invoice. ' ) )
if inv . reconciled and mode in ( ' cancel ' , ' modify ' ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Cannot create a credit note for the invoice which is already reconciled, invoice should be unreconciled first, then only you can add credit note for this invoice. ' ) )
date = form . date or False
description = form . description or inv . name
refund = inv . refund ( form . date_invoice , date , description , inv . journal_id . id )
created_inv . append ( refund . id )
if mode in ( ' cancel ' , ' modify ' ) :
movelines = inv . move_id . line_ids
to_reconcile_ids = { }
to_reconcile_lines = self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ]
for line in movelines :
if line . account_id . id == inv . account_id . id :
to_reconcile_lines + = line
to_reconcile_ids . setdefault ( line . account_id . id , [ ] ) . append ( line . id )
if line . reconciled :
line . remove_move_reconcile ( )
refund . action_invoice_open ( )
for tmpline in refund . move_id . line_ids :
if tmpline . account_id . id == inv . account_id . id :
to_reconcile_lines + = tmpline
to_reconcile_lines . filtered ( lambda l : l . reconciled == False ) . reconcile ( )
if mode == ' modify ' :
invoice = inv . read ( inv_obj . _get_refund_modify_read_fields ( ) )
invoice = invoice [ 0 ]
del invoice [ ' id ' ]
invoice_lines = inv_line_obj . browse ( invoice [ ' invoice_line_ids ' ] )
invoice_lines = inv_obj . with_context ( mode = ' modify ' ) . _refund_cleanup_lines ( invoice_lines )
tax_lines = inv_tax_obj . browse ( invoice [ ' tax_line_ids ' ] )
tax_lines = inv_obj . _refund_cleanup_lines ( tax_lines )
invoice . update ( {
' type ' : inv . type ,
' date_invoice ' : form . date_invoice ,
' state ' : ' draft ' ,
' number ' : False ,
' invoice_line_ids ' : invoice_lines ,
' tax_line_ids ' : tax_lines ,
' date ' : date ,
' origin ' : inv . origin ,
' fiscal_position_id ' : inv . fiscal_position_id . id ,
} )
for field in inv_obj . _get_refund_common_fields ( ) :
if inv_obj . _fields [ field ] . type == ' many2one ' :
invoice [ field ] = invoice [ field ] and invoice [ field ] [ 0 ]
else :
invoice [ field ] = invoice [ field ] or False
inv_refund = inv_obj . create ( invoice )
if inv_refund . payment_term_id . id :
inv_refund . _onchange_payment_term_date_invoice ( )
created_inv . append ( inv_refund . id )
xml_id = inv . type == ' out_invoice ' and ' action_invoice_out_refund ' or \
inv . type == ' out_refund ' and ' action_invoice_tree1 ' or \
inv . type == ' in_invoice ' and ' action_invoice_in_refund ' or \
inv . type == ' in_refund ' and ' action_invoice_tree2 '
# Put the reason in the chatter
subject = _ ( " Credit Note " )
body = description
refund . message_post ( body = body , subject = subject )
if xml_id :
result = self . env . ref ( ' account. %s ' % ( xml_id ) ) . read ( ) [ 0 ]
invoice_domain = safe_eval ( result [ ' domain ' ] )
invoice_domain . append ( ( ' id ' , ' in ' , created_inv ) )
result [ ' domain ' ] = invoice_domain
return result
return True
def invoice_refund ( self ) :
data_refund = self . read ( [ ' filter_refund ' ] ) [ 0 ] [ ' filter_refund ' ]
return self . compute_refund ( data_refund )