2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
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2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra import api , fields , models , _
from flectra . exceptions import ValidationError
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class HolidaysType ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = " hr.holidays.status "
def _default_project_id ( self ) :
company = self . company_id if self . company_id else self . env . user . company_id
return company . leave_timesheet_project_id . id
def _default_task_id ( self ) :
company = self . company_id if self . company_id else self . env . user . company_id
return company . leave_timesheet_task_id . id
timesheet_generate = fields . Boolean ( ' Generate Timesheet ' , default = True , help = " If checked, when validating a leave, timesheet will be generated in the Vacation Project of the company. " )
timesheet_project_id = fields . Many2one ( ' project.project ' , string = " Internal Project " , default = _default_project_id , help = " The project will contain the timesheet generated when a leave is validated. " )
timesheet_task_id = fields . Many2one ( ' project.task ' , string = " Internal Task for timesheet " , default = _default_task_id , domain = " [( ' project_id ' , ' = ' , timesheet_project_id)] " )
@api.onchange ( ' timesheet_generate ' )
def _onchange_timesheet_generate ( self ) :
if self . timesheet_generate :
company = self . company_id if self . company_id else self . env . user . company_id
self . timesheet_project_id = company . leave_timesheet_project_id
self . timesheet_task_id = company . leave_timesheet_task_id
else :
self . timesheet_project_id = False
self . timesheet_task_id = False
@api.constrains ( ' timesheet_generate ' )
def _check_timesheet_generate ( self ) :
for holiday_status in self :
if holiday_status . timesheet_generate :
if not holiday_status . timesheet_project_id or not holiday_status . timesheet_task_id :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( ' For the leaves to generate timesheet, the internal project and task are requried. ' ) )
class Holidays ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = " hr.holidays "
timesheet_ids = fields . One2many ( ' account.analytic.line ' , ' holiday_id ' , string = " Analytic Lines " )
def _validate_leave_request ( self ) :
""" Timesheet will be generated on leave validation only if a timesheet_project_id and a
timesheet_task_id are set on the corresponding leave type . The generated timesheet will
be attached to this project / task .
# create the timesheet on the vacation project
for holiday in self . filtered (
lambda request : request . type == ' remove ' and
request . holiday_type == ' employee ' and
request . holiday_status_id . timesheet_project_id and
request . holiday_status_id . timesheet_task_id ) :
holiday_project = holiday . holiday_status_id . timesheet_project_id
holiday_task = holiday . holiday_status_id . timesheet_task_id
work_hours_data = [ item for item in holiday . employee_id . iter_work_hours_count ( fields . Datetime . from_string ( holiday . date_from ) , fields . Datetime . from_string ( holiday . date_to ) ) ]
for index , ( day_date , work_hours_count ) in enumerate ( work_hours_data ) :
self . env [ ' account.analytic.line ' ] . create ( {
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' name ' : " %s ( %s / %s ) " % ( holiday . name or ' ' , index + 1 , len ( work_hours_data ) ) ,
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' project_id ' : holiday_project . id ,
' task_id ' : holiday_task . id ,
' account_id ' : holiday_project . analytic_account_id . id ,
' unit_amount ' : work_hours_count ,
' user_id ' : holiday . employee_id . user_id . id ,
' date ' : fields . Date . to_string ( day_date ) ,
' holiday_id ' : holiday . id ,
' employee_id ' : holiday . employee_id . id ,
} )
return super ( Holidays , self ) . _validate_leave_request ( )
def action_refuse ( self ) :
""" Remove the timesheets linked to the refused holidays """
result = super ( Holidays , self ) . action_refuse ( )
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timesheets = self . sudo ( ) . mapped ( ' timesheet_ids ' )
timesheets . write ( { ' holiday_id ' : False } )
timesheets . unlink ( )
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return result