2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
import uuid
2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00
from flectra import api , fields , models , _
from flectra . exceptions import ValidationError
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
class AccountCashboxLine ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = ' account.cashbox.line '
default_pos_id = fields . Many2one ( ' pos.config ' , string = ' This cashbox line is used by default when opening or closing a balance for this point of sale ' )
def name_get ( self ) :
result = [ ]
for cashbox_line in self :
result . append ( ( cashbox_line . id , " %s * %s " % ( cashbox_line . coin_value , cashbox_line . number ) ) )
return result
class AccountBankStmtCashWizard ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = ' account.bank.statement.cashbox '
def default_get ( self , fields ) :
vals = super ( AccountBankStmtCashWizard , self ) . default_get ( fields )
config_id = self . env . context . get ( ' default_pos_id ' )
if config_id :
lines = self . env [ ' account.cashbox.line ' ] . search ( [ ( ' default_pos_id ' , ' = ' , config_id ) ] )
if self . env . context . get ( ' balance ' , False ) == ' start ' :
vals [ ' cashbox_lines_ids ' ] = [ [ 0 , 0 , { ' coin_value ' : line . coin_value , ' number ' : line . number , ' subtotal ' : line . subtotal } ] for line in lines ]
else :
vals [ ' cashbox_lines_ids ' ] = [ [ 0 , 0 , { ' coin_value ' : line . coin_value , ' number ' : 0 , ' subtotal ' : 0.0 } ] for line in lines ]
return vals
class PosConfig ( models . Model ) :
_name = ' pos.config '
def _default_sale_journal ( self ) :
journal = self . env . ref ( ' point_of_sale.pos_sale_journal ' , raise_if_not_found = False )
if journal and journal . sudo ( ) . company_id == self . env . user . company_id :
return journal
return self . _default_invoice_journal ( )
def _default_invoice_journal ( self ) :
return self . env [ ' account.journal ' ] . search ( [ ( ' type ' , ' = ' , ' sale ' ) , ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , self . env . user . company_id . id ) ] , limit = 1 )
def _default_pricelist ( self ) :
return self . env [ ' product.pricelist ' ] . search ( [ ( ' currency_id ' , ' = ' , self . env . user . company_id . currency_id . id ) ] , limit = 1 )
def _get_default_location ( self ) :
return self . env [ ' stock.warehouse ' ] . search ( [ ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , self . env . user . company_id . id ) ] , limit = 1 ) . lot_stock_id
def _get_group_pos_manager ( self ) :
return self . env . ref ( ' point_of_sale.group_pos_manager ' )
def _get_group_pos_user ( self ) :
return self . env . ref ( ' point_of_sale.group_pos_user ' )
def _compute_default_customer_html ( self ) :
return self . env [ ' ir.qweb ' ] . render ( ' point_of_sale.customer_facing_display_html ' )
name = fields . Char ( string = ' Point of Sale Name ' , index = True , required = True , help = " An internal identification of the point of sale. " )
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is_installed_account_accountant = fields . Boolean ( compute = " _compute_is_installed_account_accountant " )
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
journal_ids = fields . Many2many (
' account.journal ' , ' pos_config_journal_rel ' ,
' pos_config_id ' , ' journal_id ' , string = ' Available Payment Methods ' ,
domain = " [( ' journal_user ' , ' = ' , True ), ( ' type ' , ' in ' , [ ' bank ' , ' cash ' ])] " , )
picking_type_id = fields . Many2one ( ' stock.picking.type ' , string = ' Operation Type ' )
use_existing_lots = fields . Boolean ( related = ' picking_type_id.use_existing_lots ' )
stock_location_id = fields . Many2one (
' stock.location ' , string = ' Stock Location ' ,
domain = [ ( ' usage ' , ' = ' , ' internal ' ) ] , required = True , default = _get_default_location )
journal_id = fields . Many2one (
' account.journal ' , string = ' Sales Journal ' ,
domain = [ ( ' type ' , ' = ' , ' sale ' ) ] ,
help = " Accounting journal used to post sales entries. " ,
default = _default_sale_journal )
invoice_journal_id = fields . Many2one (
' account.journal ' , string = ' Invoice Journal ' ,
domain = [ ( ' type ' , ' = ' , ' sale ' ) ] ,
help = " Accounting journal used to create invoices. " ,
default = _default_invoice_journal )
currency_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.currency ' , compute = ' _compute_currency ' , string = " Currency " )
iface_cashdrawer = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Cashdrawer ' , help = " Automatically open the cashdrawer. " )
iface_payment_terminal = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Payment Terminal ' , help = " Enables Payment Terminal integration. " )
iface_electronic_scale = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Electronic Scale ' , help = " Enables Electronic Scale integration. " )
iface_vkeyboard = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Virtual KeyBoard ' , help = u " Don’ t turn this option on if you take orders on smartphones or tablets. \n Such devices already benefit from a native keyboard. " )
iface_customer_facing_display = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Customer Facing Display ' , help = " Show checkout to customers with a remotely-connected screen. " )
iface_print_via_proxy = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Print via Proxy ' , help = " Bypass browser printing and prints via the hardware proxy. " )
iface_scan_via_proxy = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Scan via Proxy ' , help = " Enable barcode scanning with a remotely connected barcode scanner. " )
iface_invoicing = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Invoicing ' , help = ' Enables invoice generation from the Point of Sale. ' )
iface_big_scrollbars = fields . Boolean ( ' Large Scrollbars ' , help = ' For imprecise industrial touchscreens. ' )
iface_print_auto = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Automatic Receipt Printing ' , default = False ,
help = ' The receipt will automatically be printed at the end of each order. ' )
iface_print_skip_screen = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Skip Preview Screen ' , default = True ,
help = ' The receipt screen will be skipped if the receipt can be printed automatically. ' )
iface_precompute_cash = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Prefill Cash Payment ' ,
help = ' The payment input will behave similarily to bank payment input, and will be prefilled with the exact due amount. ' )
iface_tax_included = fields . Selection ( [ ( ' subtotal ' , ' Tax-Excluded Prices ' ) , ( ' total ' , ' Tax-Included Prices ' ) ] , " Tax Display " , default = ' subtotal ' , required = True )
iface_start_categ_id = fields . Many2one ( ' pos.category ' , string = ' Initial Category ' ,
help = ' The point of sale will display this product category by default. If no category is specified, all available products will be shown. ' )
iface_display_categ_images = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Display Category Pictures ' ,
help = " The product categories will be displayed with pictures. " )
restrict_price_control = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Restrict Price Modifications to Managers ' ,
help = " Only users with Manager access rights for PoS app can modify the product prices on orders. " )
cash_control = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Cash Control ' , help = " Check the amount of the cashbox at opening and closing. " )
receipt_header = fields . Text ( string = ' Receipt Header ' , help = " A short text that will be inserted as a header in the printed receipt. " )
receipt_footer = fields . Text ( string = ' Receipt Footer ' , help = " A short text that will be inserted as a footer in the printed receipt. " )
proxy_ip = fields . Char ( string = ' IP Address ' , size = 45 ,
help = ' The hostname or ip address of the hardware proxy, Will be autodetected if left empty. ' )
active = fields . Boolean ( default = True )
uuid = fields . Char ( readonly = True , default = lambda self : str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) ,
help = ' A globally unique identifier for this pos configuration, used to prevent conflicts in client-generated data. ' )
sequence_id = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.sequence ' , string = ' Order IDs Sequence ' , readonly = True ,
2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00
help = " This sequence is automatically created by Flectra but you can change it "
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
" to customize the reference numbers of your orders. " , copy = False )
sequence_line_id = fields . Many2one ( ' ir.sequence ' , string = ' Order Line IDs Sequence ' , readonly = True ,
2018-01-16 11:34:37 +01:00
help = " This sequence is automatically created by Flectra but you can change it "
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
" to customize the reference numbers of your orders lines. " , copy = False )
session_ids = fields . One2many ( ' pos.session ' , ' config_id ' , string = ' Sessions ' )
current_session_id = fields . Many2one ( ' pos.session ' , compute = ' _compute_current_session ' , string = " Current Session " )
current_session_state = fields . Char ( compute = ' _compute_current_session ' )
last_session_closing_cash = fields . Float ( compute = ' _compute_last_session ' )
last_session_closing_date = fields . Date ( compute = ' _compute_last_session ' )
pos_session_username = fields . Char ( compute = ' _compute_current_session_user ' )
pos_session_state = fields . Char ( compute = ' _compute_current_session_user ' )
group_by = fields . Boolean ( string = ' Group Journal Items ' , default = True ,
help = " Check this if you want to group the Journal Items by Product while closing a Session. " )
pricelist_id = fields . Many2one ( ' product.pricelist ' , string = ' Default Pricelist ' , required = True , default = _default_pricelist ,
help = " The pricelist used if no customer is selected or if the customer has no Sale Pricelist configured. " )
available_pricelist_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' product.pricelist ' , string = ' Available Pricelists ' , default = _default_pricelist ,
help = " Make several pricelists available in the Point of Sale. You can also apply a pricelist to specific customers from their contact form (in Sales tab). To be valid, this pricelist must be listed here as an available pricelist. Otherwise the default pricelist will apply. " )
company_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.company ' , string = ' Company ' , required = True , default = lambda self : self . env . user . company_id )
barcode_nomenclature_id = fields . Many2one ( ' barcode.nomenclature ' , string = ' Barcode Nomenclature ' ,
help = ' Defines what kind of barcodes are available and how they are assigned to products, customers and cashiers. ' )
group_pos_manager_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.groups ' , string = ' Point of Sale Manager Group ' , default = _get_group_pos_manager ,
help = ' This field is there to pass the id of the pos manager group to the point of sale client. ' )
group_pos_user_id = fields . Many2one ( ' res.groups ' , string = ' Point of Sale User Group ' , default = _get_group_pos_user ,
help = ' This field is there to pass the id of the pos user group to the point of sale client. ' )
iface_tipproduct = fields . Boolean ( string = " Product tips " )
tip_product_id = fields . Many2one ( ' product.product ' , string = ' Tip Product ' ,
help = " This product is used as reference on customer receipts. " )
fiscal_position_ids = fields . Many2many ( ' account.fiscal.position ' , string = ' Fiscal Positions ' , help = ' This is useful for restaurants with onsite and take-away services that imply specific tax rates. ' )
default_fiscal_position_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.fiscal.position ' , string = ' Default Fiscal Position ' )
default_cashbox_lines_ids = fields . One2many ( ' account.cashbox.line ' , ' default_pos_id ' , string = ' Default Balance ' )
customer_facing_display_html = fields . Html ( string = ' Customer facing display content ' , translate = True , default = _compute_default_customer_html )
use_pricelist = fields . Boolean ( " Use a pricelist. " )
group_sale_pricelist = fields . Boolean ( " Use pricelists to adapt your price per customers " ,
implied_group = ' product.group_sale_pricelist ' ,
help = """ Allows to manage different prices based on rules per category of customers.
Example : 10 % for retailers , promotion of 5 EUR on this product , etc . """ )
group_pricelist_item = fields . Boolean ( " Show pricelists to customers " ,
implied_group = ' product.group_pricelist_item ' )
tax_regime = fields . Boolean ( " Tax Regime " )
tax_regime_selection = fields . Boolean ( " Tax Regime Selection value " )
barcode_scanner = fields . Boolean ( " Barcode Scanner " )
start_category = fields . Boolean ( " Set Start Category " )
module_pos_restaurant = fields . Boolean ( " Is a Bar/Restaurant " )
module_pos_discount = fields . Boolean ( " Global Discounts " )
module_pos_mercury = fields . Boolean ( string = " Integrated Card Payments " )
module_pos_reprint = fields . Boolean ( string = " Reprint Receipt " )
is_posbox = fields . Boolean ( " PosBox " )
is_header_or_footer = fields . Boolean ( " Header & Footer " )
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def _compute_is_installed_account_accountant ( self ) :
account_accountant = self . env [ ' ir.module.module ' ] . sudo ( ) . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , ' account_accountant ' ) , ( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' installed ' ) ] )
for pos_config in self :
pos_config . is_installed_account_accountant = account_accountant and account_accountant . id
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@api.depends ( ' journal_id.currency_id ' , ' journal_id.company_id.currency_id ' )
def _compute_currency ( self ) :
for pos_config in self :
if pos_config . journal_id :
pos_config . currency_id = pos_config . journal_id . currency_id . id or pos_config . journal_id . company_id . currency_id . id
else :
pos_config . currency_id = self . env . user . company_id . currency_id . id
@api.depends ( ' session_ids ' )
def _compute_current_session ( self ) :
for pos_config in self :
session = pos_config . session_ids . filtered ( lambda r : r . user_id . id == self . env . uid and \
not r . state == ' closed ' and \
not r . rescue )
# sessions ordered by id desc
pos_config . current_session_id = session and session [ 0 ] . id or False
pos_config . current_session_state = session and session [ 0 ] . state or False
@api.depends ( ' session_ids ' )
def _compute_last_session ( self ) :
PosSession = self . env [ ' pos.session ' ]
for pos_config in self :
session = PosSession . search_read (
[ ( ' config_id ' , ' = ' , pos_config . id ) , ( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' closed ' ) ] ,
[ ' cash_register_balance_end_real ' , ' stop_at ' ] ,
order = " stop_at desc " , limit = 1 )
if session :
pos_config . last_session_closing_cash = session [ 0 ] [ ' cash_register_balance_end_real ' ]
pos_config . last_session_closing_date = session [ 0 ] [ ' stop_at ' ]
else :
pos_config . last_session_closing_cash = 0
pos_config . last_session_closing_date = False
@api.depends ( ' session_ids ' )
def _compute_current_session_user ( self ) :
for pos_config in self :
session = pos_config . session_ids . filtered ( lambda s : s . state in [ ' opening_control ' , ' opened ' , ' closing_control ' ] and not s . rescue )
pos_config . pos_session_username = session and session [ 0 ] . user_id . name or False
pos_config . pos_session_state = session and session [ 0 ] . state or False
@api.constrains ( ' company_id ' , ' stock_location_id ' )
def _check_company_location ( self ) :
if self . stock_location_id . company_id and self . stock_location_id . company_id . id != self . company_id . id :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " The company of the stock location is different than the one of point of sale " ) )
@api.constrains ( ' company_id ' , ' journal_id ' )
def _check_company_journal ( self ) :
if self . journal_id and self . journal_id . company_id . id != self . company_id . id :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " The company of the sales journal is different than the one of point of sale " ) )
@api.constrains ( ' company_id ' , ' invoice_journal_id ' )
def _check_company_invoice_journal ( self ) :
if self . invoice_journal_id and self . invoice_journal_id . company_id . id != self . company_id . id :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " The invoice journal and the point of sale must belong to the same company " ) )
@api.constrains ( ' company_id ' , ' journal_ids ' )
def _check_company_payment ( self ) :
if self . env [ ' account.journal ' ] . search_count ( [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , self . journal_ids . ids ) , ( ' company_id ' , ' != ' , self . company_id . id ) ] ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " The company of a payment method is different than the one of point of sale " ) )
@api.constrains ( ' pricelist_id ' , ' available_pricelist_ids ' , ' journal_id ' , ' invoice_journal_id ' , ' journal_ids ' )
def _check_currencies ( self ) :
if self . pricelist_id not in self . available_pricelist_ids :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " The default pricelist must be included in the available pricelists. " ) )
if any ( self . available_pricelist_ids . mapped ( lambda pricelist : pricelist . currency_id != self . currency_id ) ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " All available pricelists must be in the same currency as the company or "
" as the Sales Journal set on this point of sale if you use "
" the Accounting application. " ) )
if self . invoice_journal_id . currency_id and self . invoice_journal_id . currency_id != self . currency_id :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " The invoice journal must be in the same currency as the Sales Journal or the company currency if that is not set. " ) )
if any ( self . journal_ids . mapped ( lambda journal : journal . currency_id and journal . currency_id != self . currency_id ) ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " All payment methods must be in the same currency as the Sales Journal or the company currency if that is not set. " ) )
@api.onchange ( ' iface_print_via_proxy ' )
def _onchange_iface_print_via_proxy ( self ) :
self . iface_print_auto = self . iface_print_via_proxy
@api.onchange ( ' picking_type_id ' )
def _onchange_picking_type_id ( self ) :
if self . picking_type_id . default_location_src_id . usage == ' internal ' and self . picking_type_id . default_location_dest_id . usage == ' customer ' :
self . stock_location_id = self . picking_type_id . default_location_src_id . id
@api.onchange ( ' use_pricelist ' )
def _onchange_use_pricelist ( self ) :
If the ' pricelist ' box is unchecked , we reset the pricelist_id to stop
using a pricelist for this posbox .
if not self . use_pricelist :
self . pricelist_id = self . _default_pricelist ( )
else :
self . update ( {
' group_sale_pricelist ' : True ,
' group_pricelist_item ' : True ,
} )
@api.onchange ( ' available_pricelist_ids ' )
def _onchange_available_pricelist_ids ( self ) :
if self . pricelist_id not in self . available_pricelist_ids :
self . pricelist_id = False
@api.onchange ( ' iface_scan_via_proxy ' )
def _onchange_iface_scan_via_proxy ( self ) :
if self . iface_scan_via_proxy :
self . barcode_scanner = True
else :
self . barcode_scanner = False
@api.onchange ( ' barcode_scanner ' )
def _onchange_barcode_scanner ( self ) :
if self . barcode_scanner :
self . barcode_nomenclature_id = self . env [ ' barcode.nomenclature ' ] . search ( [ ] , limit = 1 )
else :
self . barcode_nomenclature_id = False
@api.onchange ( ' is_posbox ' )
def _onchange_is_posbox ( self ) :
if not self . is_posbox :
self . proxy_ip = False
self . iface_scan_via_proxy = False
self . iface_electronic_scale = False
self . iface_cashdrawer = False
self . iface_print_via_proxy = False
self . iface_customer_facing_display = False
@api.onchange ( ' tax_regime ' )
def _onchange_tax_regime ( self ) :
if not self . tax_regime :
self . default_fiscal_position_id = False
@api.onchange ( ' tax_regime_selection ' )
def _onchange_tax_regime_selection ( self ) :
if not self . tax_regime_selection :
self . fiscal_position_ids = [ ( 5 , 0 , 0 ) ]
@api.onchange ( ' start_category ' )
def _onchange_start_category ( self ) :
if not self . start_category :
self . iface_start_categ_id = False
@api.onchange ( ' is_header_or_footer ' )
def _onchange_header_footer ( self ) :
if not self . is_header_or_footer :
self . receipt_header = False
self . receipt_footer = False
def name_get ( self ) :
result = [ ]
for config in self :
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last_session = self . env [ ' pos.session ' ] . search ( [ ( ' config_id ' , ' = ' , config . id ) ] , limit = 1 )
if ( not last_session ) or ( last_session . state == ' closed ' ) :
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result . append ( ( config . id , config . name + ' ( ' + _ ( ' not used ' ) + ' ) ' ) )
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result . append ( ( config . id , config . name + ' ( ' + last_session . user_id . name + ' ) ' ) )
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return result
def create ( self , values ) :
if values . get ( ' is_posbox ' ) and values . get ( ' iface_customer_facing_display ' ) :
if values . get ( ' customer_facing_display_html ' ) and not values [ ' customer_facing_display_html ' ] . strip ( ) :
values [ ' customer_facing_display_html ' ] = self . _compute_default_customer_html ( )
IrSequence = self . env [ ' ir.sequence ' ] . sudo ( )
val = {
' name ' : _ ( ' POS Order %s ' ) % values [ ' name ' ] ,
' padding ' : 4 ,
' prefix ' : " %s / " % values [ ' name ' ] ,
' code ' : " pos.order " ,
' company_id ' : values . get ( ' company_id ' , False ) ,
# force sequence_id field to new pos.order sequence
values [ ' sequence_id ' ] = IrSequence . create ( val ) . id
val . update ( name = _ ( ' POS order line %s ' ) % values [ ' name ' ] , code = ' pos.order.line ' )
values [ ' sequence_line_id ' ] = IrSequence . create ( val ) . id
pos_config = super ( PosConfig , self ) . create ( values )
pos_config . sudo ( ) . _check_modules_to_install ( )
pos_config . sudo ( ) . _check_groups_implied ( )
# If you plan to add something after this, use a new environment. The one above is no longer valid after the modules install.
return pos_config
def write ( self , vals ) :
result = super ( PosConfig , self ) . write ( vals )
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config_display = self . filtered ( lambda c : c . is_posbox and c . iface_customer_facing_display and not ( c . customer_facing_display_html or ' ' ) . strip ( ) )
if config_display :
super ( PosConfig , config_display ) . write ( { ' customer_facing_display_html ' : self . _compute_default_customer_html ( ) } )
2018-01-16 06:58:15 +01:00
self . sudo ( ) . _set_fiscal_position ( )
self . sudo ( ) . _check_modules_to_install ( )
self . sudo ( ) . _check_groups_implied ( )
return result
def unlink ( self ) :
for pos_config in self . filtered ( lambda pos_config : pos_config . sequence_id or pos_config . sequence_line_id ) :
pos_config . sequence_id . unlink ( )
pos_config . sequence_line_id . unlink ( )
return super ( PosConfig , self ) . unlink ( )
def _set_fiscal_position ( self ) :
for config in self :
if config . tax_regime and config . default_fiscal_position_id . id not in config . fiscal_position_ids . ids :
config . fiscal_position_ids = [ ( 4 , config . default_fiscal_position_id . id ) ]
elif not config . tax_regime_selection and not config . tax_regime and config . fiscal_position_ids . ids :
config . fiscal_position_ids = [ ( 5 , 0 , 0 ) ]
def _check_modules_to_install ( self ) :
module_installed = False
for pos_config in self :
for field_name in [ f for f in pos_config . fields_get_keys ( ) if f . startswith ( ' module_ ' ) ] :
module_name = field_name . split ( ' module_ ' ) [ 1 ]
module_to_install = self . env [ ' ir.module.module ' ] . sudo ( ) . search ( [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , module_name ) ] )
if getattr ( pos_config , field_name ) and module_to_install . state not in ( ' installed ' , ' to install ' , ' to upgrade ' ) :
module_to_install . button_immediate_install ( )
module_installed = True
# just in case we want to do something if we install a module. (like a refresh ...)
return module_installed
def _check_groups_implied ( self ) :
for pos_config in self :
for field_name in [ f for f in pos_config . fields_get_keys ( ) if f . startswith ( ' group_ ' ) ] :
field = pos_config . _fields [ field_name ]
if field . type in ( ' boolean ' , ' selection ' ) and hasattr ( field , ' implied_group ' ) :
field_group_xmlids = getattr ( field , ' group ' , ' base.group_user ' ) . split ( ' , ' )
field_groups = self . env [ ' res.groups ' ] . concat ( * ( self . env . ref ( it ) for it in field_group_xmlids ) )
field_groups . write ( { ' implied_ids ' : [ ( 4 , self . env . ref ( field . implied_group ) . id ) ] } )
def execute ( self ) :
return {
' type ' : ' ir.actions.client ' ,
' tag ' : ' reload ' ,
' params ' : { ' wait ' : True }
# Methods to open the POS
def open_ui ( self ) :
""" open the pos interface """
self . ensure_one ( )
return {
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_url ' ,
' url ' : ' /pos/web/ ' ,
' target ' : ' self ' ,
def open_session_cb ( self ) :
""" new session button
create one if none exist
access cash control interface if enabled or start a session
self . ensure_one ( )
if not self . current_session_id :
self . current_session_id = self . env [ ' pos.session ' ] . create ( {
' user_id ' : self . env . uid ,
' config_id ' : self . id
} )
if self . current_session_id . state == ' opened ' :
return self . open_ui ( )
return self . _open_session ( self . current_session_id . id )
return self . _open_session ( self . current_session_id . id )
def open_existing_session_cb ( self ) :
""" close session button
access session form to validate entries
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . _open_session ( self . current_session_id . id )
def _open_session ( self , session_id ) :
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Session ' ) ,
' view_type ' : ' form ' ,
' view_mode ' : ' form,tree ' ,
' res_model ' : ' pos.session ' ,
' res_id ' : session_id ,
' view_id ' : False ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,