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2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
<template id="portal_my_orders_payment" name="Payment on my orders" inherit_id="sale.portal_order_page">
<xpath expr="//t[@name='portal_confirmation_sign']" position="after">
<t t-if="not invoices and order.state in ('sent', 'sale') and portal_confirmation == 'pay' and order.payment_tx_id.state != 'done'" name="portal_confirmation_pay">
<a class="btn btn-primary ml8 pull-right" href="#portal_pay">
<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"/> Pay Now
<t t-if="invoices and order.state in ('sale', 'done') and portal_confirmation == 'pay'">
<a class="btn btn-primary ml8 pull-right" disabled="disabled">
<i class="fa fa-check-circle"/> Done
<xpath expr="//div[@id='portal_sign']" position="after">
<div class="row" t-if="not invoices and order.state in ('sent', 'sale') and portal_confirmation == 'pay'" id="portal_pay">
<div class="col-md-offset-3 col-md-6">
<div t-if="pms or s2s_acquirers or form_acquirers" id="payment_method" class="text-left col-md-13">
<h4 class="mb24">Pay with</h4>
<t t-call="payment.payment_tokens_list">
<t t-set="mode" t-value="'payment'"/>
<t t-set="partner_id" t-value="order.partner_id.id"/>
<t t-set="access_token" t-value="access_token"/>
<t t-set="success_url" t-value="'/my/orders/%s?%s' % (order.id, keep_query())"/>
<t t-set="error_url" t-value="'/my/orders/%s?%s' % (order.id, keep_query())"/>
<t t-set="callback_method" t-value="''"/>
<t t-set="submit_txt" t-value="'Pay Now'"/>
<t t-set="icon_class" t-value="'fa-lock'"/>
<t t-set="form_action" t-value="'/pay/sale/' + str(order.id) + '/s2s_token_tx/'"/>
<t t-set="prepare_tx_url" t-value="'/pay/sale/' + str(order.id) + '/form_tx/'"/>
<xpath expr="//t[@t-if='invoices']" position="before">
<t t-set="tx_ids" t-value="order.payment_tx_ids.filtered(lambda tx: tx.state in ('pending', 'authorized', 'done'))"/>
<t t-if="tx_ids">
<t t-foreach="tx_ids" t-as="tx">
<span t-esc="tx.reference"/>
<span class="text-muted" t-field="tx.create_date"/>
<t t-if="tx.state == 'done'">
<span class="label label-success orders_label_text_align"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-check"/> Done</span>
<t t-if="tx.state != 'done'">
<span class="label label-info orders_label_text_align"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-clock-o"/> Waiting</span>
<t t-if="tx.state_message"><br /><span t-esc="tx.state_message"/></t>
<template id="portal_order_error" name="Order error display: payment errors"
<xpath expr="//t[@name='generic']" position="after">
<t t-if="error == 'pay_sale_invalid_doc'">
There was an error processing your payment: invalid order.
<t t-if="error == 'pay_sale_invalid_doc_state'">
There was an error processing your payment: invalid order state.
<t t-if="error == 'pay_sale_invalid_token'">
There was en error processing your payment: invalid credit card ID.
<t t-if="error == 'pay_sale_tx_amount'">
There was an error processing your payment: transaction amount issue.<br />
<t t-if="order.payment_tx_id">
<t t-esc="order.payment_tx_id.amount"/> / <t t-esc="order.amount_total"/>
<t t-if="error == 'pay_sale_tx_fail'">
There was an error processing your payment: transaction failed.<br />
<t t-if="order.payment_tx_id and order.payment_tx_id.state_message">
<t t-esc="order.payment_tx_id.state_message"/>
<t t-if="error == 'pay_sale_tx_state'">
There was an error processing your payment: transaction issue.<br />
<t t-if="order.payment_tx_id and order.payment_tx_id.state_message">
<t t-esc="order.payment_tx_id.state_message"/>
<t t-if="error == 'pay_sale_tx_confirm'">
There was an error processing your payment: impossible to validate order.
<t t-if="error == 'pay_sale_tx_token'">
There was an error processing your payment: issue with credit card ID validation.
<template id="portal_order_success" name="Order success display: payment success"
<xpath expr="//a[hasclass('close')]" position="after">
<t t-if="success == 'pay_sale'">
Order successfully paid.
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00