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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
from email.utils import formataddr
import re
import uuid
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
from flectra import _, api, fields, models, modules, tools
from flectra.exceptions import UserError
from flectra.osv import expression
from flectra.tools import ormcache
from flectra.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
class ChannelPartner(models.Model):
_name = 'mail.channel.partner'
_description = 'Listeners of a Channel'
_table = 'mail_channel_partner'
_rec_name = 'partner_id'
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Recipient', ondelete='cascade')
partner_email = fields.Char('Email', related='partner_id.email')
channel_id = fields.Many2one('mail.channel', string='Channel', ondelete='cascade')
seen_message_id = fields.Many2one('mail.message', string='Last Seen')
fold_state = fields.Selection([('open', 'Open'), ('folded', 'Folded'), ('closed', 'Closed')], string='Conversation Fold State', default='open')
is_minimized = fields.Boolean("Conversation is minimized")
is_pinned = fields.Boolean("Is pinned on the interface", default=True)
class Channel(models.Model):
""" A mail.channel is a discussion group that may behave like a listener
on documents. """
_description = 'Discussion channel'
_name = 'mail.channel'
_mail_flat_thread = False
_mail_post_access = 'read'
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.alias.mixin']
def _get_default_image(self):
image_path = modules.get_module_resource('mail', 'static/src/img', 'groupdefault.png')
return tools.image_resize_image_big(base64.b64encode(open(image_path, 'rb').read()))
def default_get(self, fields):
res = super(Channel, self).default_get(fields)
if not res.get('alias_contact') and (not fields or 'alias_contact' in fields):
res['alias_contact'] = 'everyone' if res.get('public', 'private') == 'public' else 'followers'
return res
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True)
channel_type = fields.Selection([
('chat', 'Chat Discussion'),
('channel', 'Channel')],
'Channel Type', default='channel')
description = fields.Text('Description')
uuid = fields.Char('UUID', size=50, index=True, default=lambda self: '%s' % uuid.uuid4(), copy=False)
email_send = fields.Boolean('Send messages by email', default=False)
# multi users channel
channel_last_seen_partner_ids = fields.One2many('mail.channel.partner', 'channel_id', string='Last Seen')
channel_partner_ids = fields.Many2many('res.partner', 'mail_channel_partner', 'channel_id', 'partner_id', string='Listeners')
channel_message_ids = fields.Many2many('mail.message', 'mail_message_mail_channel_rel')
is_member = fields.Boolean('Is a member', compute='_compute_is_member')
# access
public = fields.Selection([
('public', 'Everyone'),
('private', 'Invited people only'),
('groups', 'Selected group of users')],
'Privacy', required=True, default='groups',
help='This group is visible by non members. Invisible groups can add members through the invite button.')
group_public_id = fields.Many2one('res.groups', string='Authorized Group',
default=lambda self: self.env.ref('base.group_user'))
group_ids = fields.Many2many(
'res.groups', string='Auto Subscription',
help="Members of those groups will automatically added as followers. "
"Note that they will be able to manage their subscription manually "
"if necessary.")
# image: all image fields are base64 encoded and PIL-supported
image = fields.Binary("Photo", default=_get_default_image, attachment=True,
help="This field holds the image used as photo for the group, limited to 1024x1024px.")
image_medium = fields.Binary('Medium-sized photo', attachment=True,
help="Medium-sized photo of the group. It is automatically "
"resized as a 128x128px image, with aspect ratio preserved. "
"Use this field in form views or some kanban views.")
image_small = fields.Binary('Small-sized photo', attachment=True,
help="Small-sized photo of the group. It is automatically "
"resized as a 64x64px image, with aspect ratio preserved. "
"Use this field anywhere a small image is required.")
is_subscribed = fields.Boolean(
'Is Subscribed', compute='_compute_is_subscribed')
def _compute_is_subscribed(self):
self.is_subscribed = self.env.user.partner_id in self.channel_partner_ids
def _compute_is_member(self):
memberships = self.env['mail.channel.partner'].sudo().search([
('channel_id', 'in', self.ids),
('partner_id', '=', self.env.user.partner_id.id),
membership_ids = memberships.mapped('channel_id')
for record in self:
record.is_member = record in membership_ids
def _onchange_public(self):
if self.public == 'public':
self.alias_contact = 'everyone'
self.alias_contact = 'followers'
def create(self, vals):
# Create channel and alias
channel = super(Channel, self.with_context(
alias_model_name=self._name, alias_parent_model_name=self._name, mail_create_nolog=True, mail_create_nosubscribe=True)
channel.alias_id.write({"alias_force_thread_id": channel.id, 'alias_parent_thread_id': channel.id})
if vals.get('group_ids'):
# make channel listen itself: posting on a channel notifies the channel
if not self._context.get('mail_channel_noautofollow'):
return channel
def unlink(self):
aliases = self.mapped('alias_id')
# Delete mail.channel
all_emp_group = self.env.ref('mail.channel_all_employees')
except ValueError:
all_emp_group = None
if all_emp_group and all_emp_group in self:
raise UserError(_('You cannot delete those groups, as the Whole Company group is required by other modules.'))
res = super(Channel, self).unlink()
# Cascade-delete mail aliases as well, as they should not exist without the mail.channel.
return res
def write(self, vals):
result = super(Channel, self).write(vals)
if vals.get('group_ids'):
return result
def get_alias_model_name(self, vals):
return vals.get('alias_model', 'mail.channel')
def _subscribe_users(self):
for mail_channel in self:
mail_channel.write({'channel_partner_ids': [(4, pid) for pid in mail_channel.mapped('group_ids').mapped('users').mapped('partner_id').ids]})
def action_follow(self):
channel_partner = self.mapped('channel_last_seen_partner_ids').filtered(lambda cp: cp.partner_id == self.env.user.partner_id)
if not channel_partner:
return self.write({'channel_last_seen_partner_ids': [(0, 0, {'partner_id': self.env.user.partner_id.id})]})
def action_unfollow(self):
return self._action_unfollow(self.env.user.partner_id)
def _action_unfollow(self, partner):
channel_info = self.channel_info('unsubscribe')[0] # must be computed before leaving the channel (access rights)
result = self.write({'channel_partner_ids': [(3, partner.id)]})
self.env['bus.bus'].sendone((self._cr.dbname, 'res.partner', partner.id), channel_info)
if not self.email_send:
notification = _('<div class="o_mail_notification">left <a href="#" class="o_channel_redirect" data-oe-id="%s">#%s</a></div>') % (self.id, self.name,)
# post 'channel left' message as root since the partner just unsubscribed from the channel
self.sudo().message_post(body=notification, message_type="notification", subtype="mail.mt_comment", author_id=partner.id)
return result
def _notification_recipients(self, message, groups):
""" All recipients of a message on a channel are considered as partners.
This means they will receive a minimal email, without a link to access
in the backend. Mailing lists should indeed send minimal emails to avoid
the noise. """
groups = super(Channel, self)._notification_recipients(message, groups)
for (index, (group_name, group_func, group_data)) in enumerate(groups):
if group_name != 'customer':
groups[index] = (group_name, lambda partner: False, group_data)
return groups
def message_get_email_values(self, notif_mail=None):
res = super(Channel, self).message_get_email_values(notif_mail=notif_mail)
headers = {}
if res.get('headers'):
except Exception:
headers['Precedence'] = 'list'
# avoid out-of-office replies from MS Exchange
# http://blogs.technet.com/b/exchange/archive/2006/10/06/3395024.aspx
headers['X-Auto-Response-Suppress'] = 'OOF'
if self.alias_domain and self.alias_name:
headers['List-Id'] = '<%s.%s>' % (self.alias_name, self.alias_domain)
headers['List-Post'] = '<mailto:%s@%s>' % (self.alias_name, self.alias_domain)
# Avoid users thinking it was a personal message
# X-Forge-To: will replace To: after SMTP envelope is determined by ir.mail.server
list_to = '"%s" <%s@%s>' % (self.name, self.alias_name, self.alias_domain)
headers['X-Forge-To'] = list_to
res['headers'] = repr(headers)
return res
def message_receive_bounce(self, email, partner, mail_id=None):
""" Override bounce management to unsubscribe bouncing addresses """
for p in partner:
if p.message_bounce >= self.MAX_BOUNCE_LIMIT:
return super(Channel, self).message_receive_bounce(email, partner, mail_id=mail_id)
def message_get_recipient_values(self, notif_message=None, recipient_ids=None):
# real mailing list: multiple recipients (hidden by X-Forge-To)
if self.alias_domain and self.alias_name:
return {
'email_to': ','.join(formataddr((partner.name, partner.email)) for partner in self.env['res.partner'].sudo().browse(recipient_ids)),
'recipient_ids': [],
return super(Channel, self).message_get_recipient_values(notif_message=notif_message, recipient_ids=recipient_ids)
@api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
def message_post(self, body='', subject=None, message_type='notification', subtype=None, parent_id=False, attachments=None, content_subtype='html', **kwargs):
# auto pin 'direct_message' channel partner
self.filtered(lambda channel: channel.channel_type == 'chat').mapped('channel_last_seen_partner_ids').write({'is_pinned': True})
message = super(Channel, self.with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True)).message_post(body=body, subject=subject, message_type=message_type, subtype=subtype, parent_id=parent_id, attachments=attachments, content_subtype=content_subtype, **kwargs)
return message
def _alias_check_contact(self, message, message_dict, alias):
if alias.alias_contact == 'followers' and self.ids:
author = self.env['res.partner'].browse(message_dict.get('author_id', False))
if not author or author not in self.channel_partner_ids:
return {
'error_message': _('restricted to channel members'),
return True
return super(Channel, self)._alias_check_contact(message, message_dict, alias)
def init(self):
self._cr.execute('SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = %s', ('mail_channel_partner_seen_message_id_idx',))
if not self._cr.fetchone():
self._cr.execute('CREATE INDEX mail_channel_partner_seen_message_id_idx ON mail_channel_partner (channel_id,partner_id,seen_message_id)')
# Instant Messaging API
# A channel header should be broadcasted:
# - when adding user to channel (only to the new added partners)
# - when folding/minimizing a channel (only to the user making the action)
# A message should be broadcasted:
# - when a message is posted on a channel (to the channel, using _notify() method)
# Anonymous method
def _broadcast(self, partner_ids):
""" Broadcast the current channel header to the given partner ids
:param partner_ids : the partner to notify
notifications = self._channel_channel_notifications(partner_ids)
def _channel_channel_notifications(self, partner_ids):
""" Generate the bus notifications of current channel for the given partner ids
:param partner_ids : the partner to send the current channel header
:returns list of bus notifications (tuple (bus_channe, message_content))
notifications = []
for partner in self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_ids):
user_id = partner.user_ids and partner.user_ids[0] or False
if user_id:
for channel_info in self.sudo(user_id).channel_info():
notifications.append([(self._cr.dbname, 'res.partner', partner.id), channel_info])
return notifications
def _notify(self, message):
""" Broadcast the given message on the current channels.
Send the message on the Bus Channel (uuid for public mail.channel, and partner private bus channel (the tuple)).
A partner will receive only on message on its bus channel, even if this message belongs to multiple mail channel. Then 'channel_ids' field
of the received message indicates on wich mail channel the message should be displayed.
:param : mail.message to broadcast
if not self:
notifications = self._channel_message_notifications(message)
def _channel_message_notifications(self, message):
""" Generate the bus notifications for the given message
:param message : the mail.message to sent
:returns list of bus notifications (tuple (bus_channe, message_content))
message_values = message.message_format()[0]
notifications = []
for channel in self:
notifications.append([(self._cr.dbname, 'mail.channel', channel.id), dict(message_values)])
# add uuid to allow anonymous to listen
if channel.public == 'public':
notifications.append([channel.uuid, dict(message_values)])
return notifications
def channel_info(self, extra_info = False):
""" Get the informations header for the current channels
:returns a list of channels values
:rtype : list(dict)
channel_infos = []
partner_channels = self.env['mail.channel.partner']
# find the channel partner state, if logged user
if self.env.user and self.env.user.partner_id:
partner_channels = self.env['mail.channel.partner'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.env.user.partner_id.id), ('channel_id', 'in', self.ids)])
# for each channel, build the information header and include the logged partner information
for channel in self:
info = {
'id': channel.id,
'name': channel.name,
'uuid': channel.uuid,
'state': 'open',
'is_minimized': False,
'channel_type': channel.channel_type,
'public': channel.public,
'mass_mailing': channel.email_send,
'group_based_subscription': bool(channel.group_ids),
if extra_info:
info['info'] = extra_info
# add the partner for 'direct mesage' channel
if channel.channel_type == 'chat':
info['direct_partner'] = (channel.sudo()
.filtered(lambda p: p.id != self.env.user.partner_id.id)
.read(['id', 'name', 'im_status']))
# add last message preview (only used in mobile)
if self._context.get('isMobile', False):
last_message = channel.channel_fetch_preview()
if last_message:
info['last_message'] = last_message[0].get('last_message')
# add user session state, if available and if user is logged
if partner_channels.ids:
partner_channel = partner_channels.filtered(lambda c: channel.id == c.channel_id.id)
if len(partner_channel) >= 1:
partner_channel = partner_channel[0]
info['state'] = partner_channel.fold_state or 'open'
info['is_minimized'] = partner_channel.is_minimized
info['seen_message_id'] = partner_channel.seen_message_id.id
# add needaction and unread counter, since the user is logged
info['message_needaction_counter'] = channel.message_needaction_counter
info['message_unread_counter'] = channel.message_unread_counter
return channel_infos
def channel_fetch_message(self, last_id=False, limit=20):
""" Return message values of the current channel.
:param last_id : last message id to start the research
:param limit : maximum number of messages to fetch
:returns list of messages values
:rtype : list(dict)
domain = [("channel_ids", "in", self.ids)]
if last_id:
domain.append(("id", "<", last_id))
return self.env['mail.message'].message_fetch(domain=domain, limit=limit)
# User methods
def channel_get(self, partners_to, pin=True):
""" Get the canonical private channel between some partners, create it if needed.
To reuse an old channel (conversation), this one must be private, and contains
only the given partners.
:param partners_to : list of res.partner ids to add to the conversation
:param pin : True if getting the channel should pin it for the current user
:returns a channel header, or False if the users_to was False
:rtype : dict
if partners_to:
# determine type according to the number of partner in the channel
SELECT P.channel_id as channel_id
FROM mail_channel C, mail_channel_partner P
WHERE P.channel_id = C.id
AND C.public LIKE 'private'
AND P.partner_id IN %s
AND channel_type LIKE 'chat'
GROUP BY P.channel_id
HAVING COUNT(P.partner_id) = %s
""", (tuple(partners_to), len(partners_to),))
result = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
if result:
# get the existing channel between the given partners
channel = self.browse(result[0].get('channel_id'))
# pin up the channel for the current partner
if pin:
self.env['mail.channel.partner'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.env.user.partner_id.id), ('channel_id', '=', channel.id)]).write({'is_pinned': True})
# create a new one
channel = self.create({
'channel_partner_ids': [(4, partner_id) for partner_id in partners_to],
'public': 'private',
'channel_type': 'chat',
'email_send': False,
'name': ', '.join(self.env['res.partner'].sudo().browse(partners_to).mapped('name')),
# broadcast the channel header to the other partner (not me)
return channel.channel_info()[0]
return False
def channel_get_and_minimize(self, partners_to):
channel = self.channel_get(partners_to)
if channel:
return channel
def channel_fold(self, uuid, state=None):
""" Update the fold_state of the given session. In order to syncronize web browser
tabs, the change will be broadcast to himself (the current user channel).
Note: the user need to be logged
:param state : the new status of the session for the current user.
domain = [('partner_id', '=', self.env.user.partner_id.id), ('channel_id.uuid', '=', uuid)]
for session_state in self.env['mail.channel.partner'].search(domain):
if not state:
state = session_state.fold_state
if session_state.fold_state == 'open':
state = 'folded'
state = 'open'
'fold_state': state,
'is_minimized': bool(state != 'closed'),
self.env['bus.bus'].sendone((self._cr.dbname, 'res.partner', self.env.user.partner_id.id), session_state.channel_id.channel_info()[0])
def channel_minimize(self, uuid, minimized=True):
values = {
'fold_state': minimized and 'open' or 'closed',
'is_minimized': minimized
domain = [('partner_id', '=', self.env.user.partner_id.id), ('channel_id.uuid', '=', uuid)]
channel_partners = self.env['mail.channel.partner'].search(domain)
self.env['bus.bus'].sendone((self._cr.dbname, 'res.partner', self.env.user.partner_id.id), channel_partners.channel_id.channel_info()[0])
def channel_pin(self, uuid, pinned=False):
# add the person in the channel, and pin it (or unpin it)
channel = self.search([('uuid', '=', uuid)])
channel_partners = self.env['mail.channel.partner'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.env.user.partner_id.id), ('channel_id', '=', channel.id)])
if not pinned:
self.env['bus.bus'].sendone((self._cr.dbname, 'res.partner', self.env.user.partner_id.id), channel.channel_info('unsubscribe')[0])
if channel_partners:
channel_partners.write({'is_pinned': pinned})
def channel_seen(self):
if self.channel_message_ids.ids:
last_message_id = self.channel_message_ids.ids[0] # zero is the index of the last message
self.env['mail.channel.partner'].search([('channel_id', 'in', self.ids), ('partner_id', '=', self.env.user.partner_id.id)]).write({'seen_message_id': last_message_id})
self.env['bus.bus'].sendone((self._cr.dbname, 'res.partner', self.env.user.partner_id.id), {'info': 'channel_seen', 'id': self.id, 'last_message_id': last_message_id})
return last_message_id
def channel_invite(self, partner_ids):
""" Add the given partner_ids to the current channels and broadcast the channel header to them.
:param partner_ids : list of partner id to add
partners = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_ids)
# add the partner
for channel in self:
partners_to_add = partners - channel.channel_partner_ids
channel.write({'channel_last_seen_partner_ids': [(0, 0, {'partner_id': partner_id}) for partner_id in partners_to_add.ids]})
for partner in partners_to_add:
notification = _('<div class="o_mail_notification">joined <a href="#" class="o_channel_redirect" data-oe-id="%s">#%s</a></div>') % (self.id, self.name,)
self.message_post(body=notification, message_type="notification", subtype="mail.mt_comment", author_id=partner.id)
# broadcast the channel header to the added partner
# Instant Messaging View Specific (Slack Client Action)
def channel_fetch_slot(self):
""" Return the channels of the user grouped by 'slot' (channel, direct_message or private_group), and
the mapping between partner_id/channel_id for direct_message channels.
:returns dict : the grouped channels and the mapping
values = {}
my_partner_id = self.env.user.partner_id.id
pinned_channels = self.env['mail.channel.partner'].search([('partner_id', '=', my_partner_id), ('is_pinned', '=', True)]).mapped('channel_id')
# get the group/public channels
values['channel_channel'] = self.search([('channel_type', '=', 'channel'), ('public', 'in', ['public', 'groups']), ('channel_partner_ids', 'in', [my_partner_id])]).channel_info()
# get the pinned 'direct message' channel
direct_message_channels = self.search([('channel_type', '=', 'chat'), ('id', 'in', pinned_channels.ids)])
values['channel_direct_message'] = direct_message_channels.channel_info()
# get the private group
values['channel_private_group'] = self.search([('channel_type', '=', 'channel'), ('public', '=', 'private'), ('channel_partner_ids', 'in', [my_partner_id])]).channel_info()
return values
def channel_search_to_join(self, name=None, domain=None):
""" Return the channel info of the channel the current partner can join
:param name : the name of the researched channels
:param domain : the base domain of the research
:returns dict : channel dict
if not domain:
domain = []
domain = expression.AND([
[('channel_type', '=', 'channel')],
[('channel_partner_ids', 'not in', [self.env.user.partner_id.id])],
[('public', '!=', 'private')],
if name:
domain = expression.AND([domain, [('name', 'ilike', '%'+name+'%')]])
return self.search(domain).read(['name', 'public', 'uuid', 'channel_type'])
def channel_join_and_get_info(self):
if self.channel_type == 'channel' and not self.email_send:
notification = _('<div class="o_mail_notification">joined <a href="#" class="o_channel_redirect" data-oe-id="%s">#%s</a></div>') % (self.id, self.name,)
self.message_post(body=notification, message_type="notification", subtype="mail.mt_comment")
channel_info = self.channel_info()[0]
self.env['bus.bus'].sendone((self._cr.dbname, 'res.partner', self.env.user.partner_id.id), channel_info)
return channel_info
def channel_create(self, name, privacy='public'):
""" Create a channel and add the current partner, broadcast it (to make the user directly
listen to it when polling)
:param name : the name of the channel to create
:param privacy : privacy of the channel. Should be 'public' or 'private'.
:return dict : channel header
# create the channel
new_channel = self.create({
'name': name,
'public': privacy,
'email_send': False,
'channel_partner_ids': [(4, self.env.user.partner_id.id)]
notification = _('<div class="o_mail_notification">created <a href="#" class="o_channel_redirect" data-oe-id="%s">#%s</a></div>') % (new_channel.id, new_channel.name,)
new_channel.message_post(body=notification, message_type="notification", subtype="mail.mt_comment")
channel_info = new_channel.channel_info('creation')[0]
self.env['bus.bus'].sendone((self._cr.dbname, 'res.partner', self.env.user.partner_id.id), channel_info)
return channel_info
def get_mention_suggestions(self, search, limit=8):
""" Return 'limit'-first channels' id, name and public fields such that the name matches a
'search' string. Exclude channels of type chat (DM), and private channels the current
user isn't registered to. """
domain = expression.AND([
[('name', 'ilike', search)],
[('channel_type', '=', 'channel')],
[('public', '!=', 'private')],
[('channel_partner_ids', 'in', [self.env.user.partner_id.id])]
return self.search_read(domain, ['id', 'name', 'public'], limit=limit)
def channel_fetch_listeners(self, uuid):
""" Return the id, name and email of partners listening to the given channel """
SELECT P.id, P.name, P.email
FROM mail_channel_partner CP
INNER JOIN res_partner P ON CP.partner_id = P.id
INNER JOIN mail_channel C ON CP.channel_id = C.id
WHERE C.uuid = %s""", (uuid,))
return self._cr.dictfetchall()
def channel_fetch_preview(self):
""" Return the last message of the given channels """
SELECT mail_channel_id AS id, MAX(mail_message_id) AS message_id
FROM mail_message_mail_channel_rel
WHERE mail_channel_id IN %s
GROUP BY mail_channel_id
""", (tuple(self.ids),))
channels_preview = dict((r['message_id'], r) for r in self._cr.dictfetchall())
last_messages = self.env['mail.message'].browse(channels_preview).message_format()
for message in last_messages:
channel = channels_preview[message['id']]
channel['last_message'] = message
return list(channels_preview.values())
# Commands
def get_mention_commands(self):
""" Returns the allowed commands in channels """
commands = []
for n in dir(self):
match = re.search('^_define_command_(.+?)$', n)
if match:
command = getattr(self, n)()
command['name'] = match.group(1)
return commands
def execute_command(self, command='', **kwargs):
""" Executes a given command """
command_callback = getattr(self, '_execute_command_' + command, False)
if command_callback:
def _send_transient_message(self, partner_to, content):
""" Notifies partner_to that a message (not stored in DB) has been
written in this channel """
self.env['bus.bus'].sendone((self._cr.dbname, 'res.partner', partner_to.id), {
'body': "<span class='o_mail_notification'>" + content + "</span>",
'channel_ids': [self.id],
'info': 'transient_message',
def _define_command_help(self):
return {'help': _("Show an helper message")}
def _execute_command_help(self, **kwargs):
partner = self.env.user.partner_id
if self.channel_type == 'channel':
msg = _("You are in channel <b>#%s</b>.") % self.name
if self.public == 'private':
msg += _(" This channel is private. People must be invited to join it.")
channel_partners = self.env['mail.channel.partner'].search([('partner_id', '!=', partner.id), ('channel_id', '=', self.id)])
msg = _("You are in a private conversation with <b>@%s</b>.") % channel_partners[0].partner_id.name
msg += _("""<br><br>
You can mention someone by typing <b>@username</b>, this will grab its attention.<br>
You can mention a channel by typing <b>#channel</b>.<br>
You can execute a command by typing <b>/command</b>.<br>
You can insert canned responses in your message by typing <b>:shortcut</b>.<br>""")
self._send_transient_message(partner, msg)
def _define_command_leave(self):
return {'help': _("Leave this channel")}
def _execute_command_leave(self, **kwargs):
if self.channel_type == 'channel':
self.channel_pin(self.uuid, False)
def _define_command_who(self):
return {
'channel_types': ['channel', 'chat'],
'help': _("List users in the current channel")
def _execute_command_who(self, **kwargs):
partner = self.env.user.partner_id
members = [
'<a href="#" data-oe-id='+str(p.id)+' data-oe-model="res.partner">@'+p.name+'</a>'
for p in self.channel_partner_ids[:30] if p != partner
if len(members) == 0:
msg = _("You are alone in this channel.")
dots = "..." if len(members) != len(self.channel_partner_ids) - 1 else ""
msg = _("Users in this channel: %s %s and you.") % (", ".join(members), dots)
self._send_transient_message(partner, msg)