- 'submit_txt' the text displayed inside the submit button
- 'submit_class' the css classes to style the submit button
- 'icon_class' font awesome class (e.g. 'fa-trash', 'fa-lock')
- 'form_action' the URI to the page that will handle the form values given for server2server
- 'pms' the tokens
- 'checked_pm_id' the payment token that should be checked (for radio buttons)
- 'mode' can take two values, either 'payment' or 'manage'. 'manage' displays the add a new card and delete buttons. 'payment'
display a form that is used to pay and send the information to the form action url.
- 's2s_acquirers' the list of the server2server acquirers
- 'form_acquirers' the list of the payment acquirers to pay with forms
- 'verify_validity' if we need to verify if the payment method is valid when adding a new one
- 'prepare_tx_url' the url of the route which will handle the creation of a transaction for a form base payment (handles if the transaction is form or form_save)
<formt-if="s2s_acquirers or pms or form_acquirers"method="post"class="o_payment_form"
t-att-action="form_action if form_action else '#'"
t-att-data-success-url="success_url or ''"
t-att-data-error-url="error_url or ''"
t-att-data-access-token="access_token or ''"
t-att-data-callback-method="callback_method or ''">
<ahref="#"class="o_payment_form_pay_icon_more"data-toggle="tooltip"t-att-title="', '.join([opt.name for opt in acq.payment_icon_ids[3:]])">and more</a>
<divt-attf-id="o_payment_add_token_acq_{{acq.id}}"t-attf-class="panel-footer {{'hidden' if(acquirers_count > 1 and pms_count==0 and s2s_acquirers[0]!=acq) else 'hidden' if pms_count >0 else ''}}">
<ahref="#"class="o_payment_form_pay_icon_more"data-toggle="tooltip"t-att-title="', '.join([opt.name for opt in acq.payment_icon_ids[3:]])">and more</a>
<divt-attf-id="o_payment_form_acq_{{acq.id}}"t-attf-class="hidden {{'panel-footer' if acq.save_token == 'ask' else ''}}">
<labelt-if="acq.save_token == 'ask'"><inputtype="checkbox"name="o_payment_form_save_token"data-remove-me=""/> Save my payment data</label>