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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
# Part of Odoo, Flectra. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
from ast import literal_eval
from flectra import api, fields, models, _
from flectra.exceptions import AccessDenied, AccessError, Warning
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ResConfigSettings(models.TransientModel):
_inherit = 'res.config.settings'
def _default_website(self):
return self.env['website'].search([], limit=1)
# FIXME: Set website_id to ondelete='cascade' in master
website_id = fields.Many2one('website', string="website", default=_default_website, required=True)
website_name = fields.Char('Website Name', related='website_id.name')
language_ids = fields.Many2many(related='website_id.language_ids', relation='res.lang')
language_count = fields.Integer(string='Number of languages', compute='_compute_language_count', readonly=True)
default_lang_id = fields.Many2one(string='Default language', related='website_id.default_lang_id', relation='res.lang', required=True)
default_lang_code = fields.Char('Default language code', related='website_id.default_lang_code')
google_analytics_key = fields.Char('Google Analytics Key', related='website_id.google_analytics_key')
google_management_client_id = fields.Char('Google Client ID', related='website_id.google_management_client_id')
google_management_client_secret = fields.Char('Google Client Secret', related='website_id.google_management_client_secret')
cdn_activated = fields.Boolean('Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)', related='website_id.cdn_activated')
cdn_url = fields.Char(related='website_id.cdn_url')
cdn_filters = fields.Text(related='website_id.cdn_filters')
favicon = fields.Binary('Favicon', related='website_id.favicon')
# Set as global config parameter since methods using it are not website-aware. To be changed
# when multi-website is implemented
google_maps_api_key = fields.Char(string='Google Maps API Key')
has_google_analytics = fields.Boolean("Google Analytics")
has_google_analytics_dashboard = fields.Boolean("Google Analytics in Dashboard")
has_google_maps = fields.Boolean("Google Maps")
auth_signup_uninvited = fields.Selection([
('b2b', 'On invitation (B2B)'),
('b2c', 'Free sign up (B2C)'),
], string='Customer Account')
website_theme_id = fields.Many2one(
'ir.module.module', string='Theme',
help='Choose theme for current website.')
# Unique theme per Website for now ;)
# @todo Flectra:
# Do enable support for same theme in multiple website
def onchange_theme_id(self):
if (self.website_id.id not in self.website_theme_id.website_ids.ids) \
and (self.website_theme_id and
warning = {
'title': 'Warning',
'message': _('Selected theme is already active in '
'different website.')}
self.website_theme_id = False
return {'warning': warning}
def onchange_has_google_analytics(self):
if not self.has_google_analytics:
self.has_google_analytics_dashboard = False
if not self.has_google_analytics:
self.google_analytics_key = False
def onchange_has_google_analytics_dashboard(self):
if not self.has_google_analytics_dashboard:
self.google_management_client_id = False
self.google_management_client_secret = False
def _onchange_language_ids(self):
# If current default language is removed from language_ids
# update the default_lang_id
if self.language_ids and self.default_lang_id not in self.language_ids:
self.default_lang_id = self.language_ids[0]
def _compute_language_count(self):
for config in self:
config.language_count = len(self.language_ids)
def get_values(self):
res = super(ResConfigSettings, self).get_values()
get_param = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param
auth_signup_uninvited='b2c' if get_param('auth_signup.allow_uninvited', 'False').lower() == 'true' else 'b2b',
google_maps_api_key=get_param('google_maps_api_key', default=''),
return res
def set_values(self):
if not self.user_has_groups('website.group_website_designer'):
raise AccessDenied()
super(ResConfigSettings, self).set_values()
set_param = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().set_param
set_param('auth_signup.allow_uninvited', repr(self.auth_signup_uninvited == 'b2c'))
set_param('website.has_google_analytics', self.has_google_analytics)
set_param('website.has_google_analytics_dashboard', self.has_google_analytics_dashboard)
set_param('website.has_google_maps', self.has_google_maps)
set_param('google_maps_api_key', (self.google_maps_api_key or '').strip())
def open_template_user(self):
action = self.env.ref('base.action_res_users').read()[0]
action['res_id'] = literal_eval(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('auth_signup.template_user_id', 'False'))
action['views'] = [[self.env.ref('base.view_users_form').id, 'form']]
return action
def _get_classified_fields(self):
res = super(ResConfigSettings, self)._get_classified_fields()
if 'website_theme_id' in dir(self):
ir_module = self.env['ir.module.module']
install_theme_lst = []
uninstall_theme_lst = []
theme_un = ir_module.sudo().search(
['|', ('category_id.name', '=', 'Theme'),
('category_id.parent_id.name', '=', 'Theme')]
for theme in theme_un:
if not theme.website_ids and len(theme.website_ids.ids) < 1:
'install_theme': install_theme_lst,
'uninstall_theme': uninstall_theme_lst
return res
# Overriding Method
def execute(self):
# Multi Website: Do not allow more than 1 website as default website
if self.env['website'].search_count(
[('is_default_website', '=', True)]) > 1:
raise Warning(
_('You can define only one website as default one.\n'
'More than one websites are not allowed '
'as default website.'))
if not self.env.user._is_superuser() and not \
raise AccessError(_("Only administrators can change the settings"))
self = self.with_context(active_test=False)
classified = self._get_classified_fields()
# default values fields
IrDefault = self.env['ir.default'].sudo()
for name, model, field in classified['default']:
if isinstance(self[name], models.BaseModel):
if self._fields[name].type == 'many2one':
value = self[name].id
value = self[name].ids
value = self[name]
IrDefault.set(model, field, value)
# group fields: modify group / implied groups
for name, groups, implied_group in classified['group']:
if self[name]:
groups.write({'implied_ids': [(4, implied_group.id)]})
groups.write({'implied_ids': [(3, implied_group.id)]})
implied_group.write({'users': [(3, user.id) for user in
# other fields: execute method 'set_values'
# Methods that start with `set_` are now deprecated
for method in dir(self):
if method.startswith('set_') and method is not 'set_values':
_logger.warning(_('Methods that start with `set_` '
'are deprecated. Override `set_values` '
'instead (Method %s)') % method)
# module fields: install/uninstall the selected modules
to_install = []
to_upgrade = self.env['ir.module.module']
to_uninstall_modules = self.env['ir.module.module']
lm = len('module_')
for name, module in classified['module']:
if self[name]:
to_install.append((name[lm:], module))
if module and module.state in ('installed', 'to upgrade'):
to_uninstall_modules += module
if 'install_theme' in classified and 'uninstall_theme' in classified:
for theme in classified['install_theme']:
if theme:
to_install.append((theme.name, theme))
if theme.state == 'installed':
to_upgrade += theme
for theme in classified['uninstall_theme']:
if theme and theme.state in ('installed', 'to upgrade'):
to_uninstall_modules += theme
if to_uninstall_modules:
if to_upgrade:
if to_install or to_uninstall_modules:
# After the uninstall/install calls, the registry and environments
# are no longer valid. So we reset the environment.
self = self.env()[self._name]
# pylint: disable=next-method-called
config = self.env['res.config'].next() or {}
if config.get('type') not in ('ir.actions.act_window_close',):
return config
# force client-side reload (update user menu and current view)
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
'tag': 'reload',