715 lines
25 KiB
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import abc
import collections
import contextlib
import fnmatch
import io
import re
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive
from docutils.statemachine import StringList
from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.ext.autodoc import members_set_option, bool_option, ALL
from autojsdoc.ext.extractor import read_js
from ..parser import jsdoc, types
def addto(parent, newnode):
assert isinstance(newnode, nodes.Node), \
"Expected newnode to be a Node, got %s" % (type(newnode))
yield newnode
def documenter_for(directive, doc):
if isinstance(doc, jsdoc.FunctionDoc):
return FunctionDocumenter(directive, doc)
if isinstance(doc, jsdoc.ClassDoc):
return ClassDocumenter(directive, doc)
if isinstance(doc, jsdoc.MixinDoc):
return MixinDocumenter(directive, doc)
if isinstance(doc, (jsdoc.PropertyDoc, jsdoc.LiteralDoc)):
return PropertyDocumenter(directive, doc)
if isinstance(doc, jsdoc.InstanceDoc):
return InstanceDocumenter(directive, doc)
if isinstance(doc, jsdoc.Unknown):
return UnknownDocumenter(directive, doc)
if isinstance(doc, jsdoc.NSDoc):
return NSDocumenter(directive, doc)
raise TypeError("No documenter for %s" % type(doc))
def to_list(doc, source=None):
return StringList([
for line in io.StringIO(doc)
], source=source)
'members': members_set_option,
'undoc-members': bool_option,
'private-members': bool_option,
'undoc-matches': bool_option,
def automodule_bound(app, modules):
class AutoModuleDirective(Directive):
required_arguments = 1
has_content = True
# self.state.nested_parse(string, offset, node) => parse context for sub-content (body which can contain RST data)
# => needed for doc (converted?) and for actual directive body
def run(self):
self.env = self.state.document.settings.env
modname = self.arguments[0].strip()
# TODO: cache/memoize modules & symbols?
if not modules:
read_js(app, modules)
mods = [
(name, mod)
for name, mod in modules.items()
if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, modname)
ret = []
for name, mod in mods:
if mod.is_private:
if name != modname and not (mod.doc or mod.exports):
# this module has no documentation, no exports and was
# not specifically requested through automodule -> skip
# unless requested
if not self.options.get('undoc-matches'):
modsource = mod['sourcefile']
if modsource:
# not sure what that's used for as normal xrefs are resolved using the id directly
target = nodes.target('', '', ids=['module-' + name], ismod=True)
documenter = ModuleDocumenter(self, mod)
return ret
return AutoModuleDirective
def autodirective_bound(app, modules):
documenters = {
'js:autoclass': ClassDocumenter,
'js:autonamespace': NSDocumenter,
'js:autofunction': FunctionDocumenter,
'js:automixin': MixinDocumenter,
class AutoDirective(Directive):
required_arguments = 1
has_content = True
def run(self):
self.env = self.state.document.settings.env
# strip 'js:auto'
objname = self.arguments[0].strip()
2018-07-19 16:22:28 +05:30
if not modules:
read_js(app, modules)
2018-07-19 16:22:28 +05:30
# build complete path to object
path = self.env.temp_data.get('autojs:prefix', []) + objname.split('.')
# look for module/object split
for i in range(1, len(path)):
modname, objpath = '.'.join(path[:-i]), path[-i:]
module = modules.get(modname)
if module:
raise Exception("Found no valid module in " + '.'.join(path))
item = module
# deref' namespaces until we reach the object we're looking for
2018-07-19 16:22:28 +05:30
for k in objpath:
item = item.get_property(k)
docclass = documenters[self.name]
return docclass(self, item).generate()
return AutoDirective
class Documenter(object):
objtype = None
def __init__(self, directive, doc):
self.directive = directive
self.env = directive.env
self.item = doc
def modname(self):
return self.env.temp_data.get('autojs:module', '')
def classname(self):
return self.env.temp_data.get('autojs:class', '')
def generate(self, all_members=False):
:rtype: List[nodes.Node]
objname = self.item.name
prefixed = (self.item['sourcemodule'].name + '.' + objname) if self.item['sourcemodule'] else None
objtype = self.objtype
assert objtype, '%s has no objtype' % type(self)
root = addnodes.desc(domain='js', desctype=objtype, objtype=objtype)
with addto(root, addnodes.desc_signature(
module=self.modname or '',
)) as s:
s['class'] = self.classname
s['ids'] = []
if objname:
if prefixed:
if objtype:
s += addnodes.desc_annotation(
objtype, objtype,
nodes.Text(' '),
env = self.env
if objname:
env.domaindata['js']['objects'][objname] = (env.docname, objtype)
if prefixed:
env.domaindata['js']['objects'][prefixed] = (env.docname, objtype)
# TODO: linkcode_resolve
s += self.make_signature()
with addto(root, addnodes.desc_content()) as c:
# must be here otherwise nested_parse(self.content) will not have
# the prefix set
self.env.temp_data.setdefault('autojs:prefix', []).append(self.item.name)
c += self.make_content(all_members=all_members)
return [root]
def make_signature(self):
:rtype: List[nodes.Node]
return [addnodes.desc_name(self.item.name, self.item.name)]
def make_content(self, all_members):
:rtype: List[nodes.Node]
def document_subtypes(self, subtypes):
docs = []
with with_mapping_value(self.directive.options, 'undoc-members', True):
for cls in subtypes:
docs += ClassDocumenter(self.directive, cls).generate(all_members=True)
return docs
class NSDocumenter(Documenter):
objtype = 'namespace'
def make_content(self, all_members):
doc = self.item
ret = nodes.section()
2018-07-19 16:22:28 +05:30
if doc.doc:
self.directive.state.nested_parse(to_list(doc.doc), 0, ret)
2018-07-19 16:22:28 +05:30
self.directive.state.nested_parse(self.directive.content, 0, ret)
ret += self.document_properties(all_members)
return ret.children
def should_document(self, member, name, all_members):
:type member: jsdoc.CommentDoc
:type name: str
:type all_members: bool
:rtype: bool
options = self.directive.options
members = options.get('members') or []
if not (all_members or members is ALL):
# if a member is requested by name, it's always documented
return name in members
# ctor params are merged into the class doc
if member.is_constructor:
return False
# only document "private" members if option is set
if self.is_private(member, name) and not options.get('private-members'):
return False
# TODO: what if member doesn't have a description but has non-desc tags set?
# TODO: add @public to force documenting symbol? => useful for implicit typedef
return bool(member.doc or options.get('undoc-members'))
def is_private(self, member, name):
return member.is_private
def document_properties(self, all_members):
ret = nodes.section()
# TODO: :member-order: [alphabetical | groupwise | bysource]
for (n, p) in self.item.properties:
if not self.should_document(p, n, all_members):
# FIXME: maybe should use property name as name inside?
ret += documenter_for(self.directive, p).generate(all_members=True)
return ret.children
_NONE = object()
def with_mapping_value(mapping, key, value, restore_to=_NONE):
""" Sets ``key`` to ``value`` for the duration of the context.
If ``restore_to`` is not provided, restores ``key``'s old value
afterwards, removes it entirely if there was no value for ``key`` in the
.. warning:: for defaultdict & similar mappings, may restore the default
value (depends how the collections' .get behaves)
if restore_to is _NONE:
restore_to = mapping.get(key, _NONE)
mapping[key] = value
if restore_to is _NONE:
del mapping[key]
mapping[key] = restore_to
class ModuleDocumenter(NSDocumenter):
objtype = 'module'
def document_properties(self, all_members):
with with_mapping_value(self.env.temp_data, 'autojs:module', self.item.name, ''):
return super(ModuleDocumenter, self).document_properties(all_members)
def make_content(self, all_members):
doc = self.item
content = addnodes.desc_content()
if doc.exports or doc.dependencies:
with addto(content, nodes.field_list()) as fields:
if doc.exports:
with addto(fields, nodes.field()) as field:
field += nodes.field_name('Exports', 'Exports')
with addto(field, nodes.field_body()) as body:
ref = doc['exports'] # warning: not the same as doc.exports
label = ref or '<anonymous>'
link = addnodes.pending_xref(
ref, nodes.paragraph(ref, label),
link['js:module'] = doc.name
body += link
if doc.dependencies:
with addto(fields, nodes.field()) as field:
self.make_dependencies(field, doc)
if doc.doc:
# FIXME: source offset
self.directive.state.nested_parse(to_list(doc.doc, source=doc['sourcefile']), 0, content)
2018-07-19 16:22:28 +05:30
self.directive.state.nested_parse(self.directive.content, 0, content)
content += self.document_properties(all_members)
return content
def make_dependencies(self, field, doc):
field += nodes.field_name("Depends On", "Depends On")
with addto(field, nodes.field_body()) as body:
with addto(body, nodes.bullet_list()) as deps:
for dep in sorted(doc.dependencies):
ref = addnodes.pending_xref(
dep, nodes.paragraph(dep, dep),
deps += nodes.list_item(dep, ref)
def should_document(self, member, name, all_members):
# member can be Nothing?
if not member:
return False
modname = getattr(member['sourcemodule'], 'name', None)
doc = self.item
# always document exported symbol (regardless undoc, private, ...)
# otherwise things become... somewhat odd
if name == doc['exports']:
return True
# if doc['exports'] the module is exporting a "named" item which
# does not need to be documented twice, if not doc['exports'] it's
# exporting an anonymous item (e.g. object literal) which needs to
# be documented on its own
if name == '<exports>' and not doc['exports']:
return True
# TODO: :imported-members:
# FIXME: *directly* re-exported "foreign symbols"?
return (not modname or modname == doc.name) \
and super(ModuleDocumenter, self).should_document(member, name, all_members)
class ClassDocumenter(NSDocumenter):
objtype = 'class'
def document_properties(self, all_members):
with with_mapping_value(self.env.temp_data, 'autojs:class', self.item.name, ''):
return super(ClassDocumenter, self).document_properties(all_members)
def make_signature(self):
sig = super(ClassDocumenter, self).make_signature()
return sig
def make_parameters(self):
params = addnodes.desc_parameterlist('', '')
ctor = self.item.constructor
if ctor:
params += make_desc_parameters(ctor.params)
return params
def make_content(self, all_members):
doc = self.item
ret = nodes.section()
ctor = self.item.constructor
params = subtypes = []
if ctor:
check_parameters(self, ctor)
params, subtypes = extract_subtypes(doc.name, ctor)
fields = nodes.field_list()
fields += self.make_super()
fields += self.make_mixins()
fields += self.make_params(params)
if fields.children:
ret += fields
if doc.doc:
self.directive.state.nested_parse(to_list(doc.doc), 0, ret)
2018-07-19 16:22:28 +05:30
self.directive.state.nested_parse(self.directive.content, 0, ret)
ret += self.document_properties(all_members)
ret += self.document_subtypes(subtypes)
return ret.children
def is_private(self, member, name):
return name.startswith('_') or super(ClassDocumenter, self).is_private(member, name)
def make_super(self):
doc = self.item
if not doc.superclass:
return []
sup_link = addnodes.pending_xref(
doc.superclass.name, nodes.paragraph(doc.superclass.name, doc.superclass.name),
refdomain='js', reftype='class', reftarget=doc.superclass.name,
sup_link['js:module'] = doc.superclass['sourcemodule'].name
return nodes.field(
nodes.field_name("Extends", "Extends"),
nodes.field_body(doc.superclass.name, sup_link),
def make_mixins(self):
doc = self.item
if not doc.mixins:
return []
ret = nodes.field('', nodes.field_name("Mixes", "Mixes"))
with addto(ret, nodes.field_body()) as body:
with addto(body, nodes.bullet_list()) as mixins:
for mixin in sorted(doc.mixins, key=lambda m: m.name):
mixin_link = addnodes.pending_xref(
mixin.name, nodes.paragraph(mixin.name, mixin.name),
refdomain='js', reftype='mixin', reftarget=mixin.name
mixin_link['js:module'] = mixin['sourcemodule'].name
mixins += nodes.list_item('', mixin_link)
return ret
def make_params(self, params):
if not params:
return []
ret = nodes.field('', nodes.field_name('Parameters', 'Parameters'))
with addto(ret, nodes.field_body()) as body,\
addto(body, nodes.bullet_list()) as holder:
holder += make_parameters(params, mod=self.modname)
return ret
class InstanceDocumenter(Documenter):
objtype = 'object'
def make_signature(self):
cls = self.item.cls
ret = super(InstanceDocumenter, self).make_signature()
if cls:
super_ref = addnodes.pending_xref(
cls.name, nodes.Text(cls.name, cls.name),
refdomain='js', reftype='class', reftarget=cls.name
super_ref['js:module'] = cls['sourcemodule'].name
ret.append(addnodes.desc_annotation(' instance of ', ' instance of '))
ret.append(addnodes.desc_type(cls.name, '', super_ref))
if not ret:
return [addnodes.desc_name('???', '???')]
return ret
def make_content(self, all_members):
ret = nodes.section()
2018-07-19 16:22:28 +05:30
if self.item.doc:
self.directive.state.nested_parse(to_list(self.item.doc), 0, ret)
2018-07-19 16:22:28 +05:30
self.directive.state.nested_parse(self.directive.content, 0, ret)
return ret.children
class FunctionDocumenter(Documenter):
def objtype(self):
return 'method' if self.classname else 'function'
def make_signature(self):
ret = super(FunctionDocumenter, self).make_signature()
with addto(ret, addnodes.desc_parameterlist()) as params:
params += make_desc_parameters(self.item.params)
retval = self.item.return_val
if retval.type or retval.doc:
ret.append(addnodes.desc_returns(retval.type or '*', retval.type or '*'))
return ret
def make_content(self, all_members):
ret = nodes.section()
doc = self.item
2018-07-19 16:22:28 +05:30
if doc.doc:
self.directive.state.nested_parse(to_list(doc.doc), 0, ret)
2018-07-19 16:22:28 +05:30
self.directive.state.nested_parse(self.directive.content, 0, ret)
check_parameters(self, doc)
params, subtypes = extract_subtypes(self.item.name, self.item)
rdoc = doc.return_val.doc
rtype = doc.return_val.type
if params or rtype or rdoc:
with addto(ret, nodes.field_list()) as fields:
if params:
with addto(fields, nodes.field()) as field:
field += nodes.field_name('Parameters', 'Parameters')
with addto(field, nodes.field_body()) as body,\
addto(body, nodes.bullet_list()) as holder:
holder.extend(make_parameters(params, mod=doc['sourcemodule'].name))
if rdoc:
with addto(fields, nodes.field()) as field:
field += nodes.field_name("Returns", "Returns")
with addto(field, nodes.field_body()) as body,\
addto(body, nodes.paragraph()) as p:
p += nodes.inline(rdoc, rdoc)
if rtype:
with addto(fields, nodes.field()) as field:
field += nodes.field_name("Return Type", "Return Type")
with addto(field, nodes.field_body()) as body, \
addto(body, nodes.paragraph()) as p:
p += make_types(rtype, mod=doc['sourcemodule'].name)
ret += self.document_subtypes(subtypes)
return ret.children
def pascal_case_ify(name):
Uppercase first letter of ``name``, or any letter following an ``_``. In
the latter case, also strips out the ``_``.
=> key_for becomes KeyFor
=> options becomes Options
return re.sub(r'(^|_)\w', lambda m: m.group(0)[-1].upper(), name)
def extract_subtypes(parent_name, doc):
""" Extracts composite parameters (a.b) into sub-types for the parent
parameter, swaps the parent's type from whatever it is to the extracted
one, and returns the extracted type for inclusion into the parent.
:arg parent_name: name of the containing symbol (function, class), will
be used to compose subtype names
:type parent_name: str
:type doc: FunctionDoc
:rtype: (List[ParamDoc], List[ClassDoc])
# map of {param_name: [ParamDoc]} (from complete doc)
subparams = collections.defaultdict(list)
for p in map(jsdoc.ParamDoc, doc.get_as_list('param')):
pair = p.name.split('.', 1)
if len(pair) == 2:
k, p.name = pair # remove prefix from param name
# keep original params order as that's the order of formal parameters in
# the function signature
params = collections.OrderedDict((p.name, p) for p in doc.params)
subtypes = []
# now we can use the subparams map to extract "compound" parameter types
# and swap the new type for the original param's type
for param_name, subs in subparams.items():
typename = '%s%s' % (
param = params[param_name]
param.type = typename
'name': typename,
'doc': param.doc,
'_members': [
# TODO: add default value
(sub.name, jsdoc.PropertyDoc(dict(sub.to_dict(), sourcemodule=doc['sourcemodule'])))
for sub in subs
'sourcemodule': doc['sourcemodule'],
return params.values(), subtypes
def check_parameters(documenter, doc):
Check that all documented parameters match a formal parameter for the
function. Documented params which don't match the actual function may be
guessed = set(doc['guessed_params'] or [])
if not guessed:
documented = {
# param name can be of the form [foo.bar.baz=default]\ndescription
for text in doc.get_as_list('param')
odd = documented - guessed
if not odd:
app = documenter.directive.env.app
app.warn("Found documented params %s not in formal parameter list "
"of function %s in module %s (%s)" % (
', '.join(odd),
def make_desc_parameters(params):
for p in params:
if '.' in p.name:
node = addnodes.desc_parameter(p.name, p.name)
if p.optional:
node = addnodes.desc_optional('', '', node)
yield node
def make_parameters(params, mod=None):
for param in params:
p = nodes.paragraph('', '', nodes.strong(param.name, param.name))
if param.default is not None:
p += nodes.Text('=', '=')
p += nodes.emphasis(param.default, param.default)
if param.type:
p += nodes.Text(' (')
p += make_types(param.type, mod=mod)
p += nodes.Text(')')
if param.doc:
p += [
nodes.Text(' -- '),
nodes.inline(param.doc, param.doc)
yield p
def _format_value(v):
if v == '|':
return nodes.emphasis(' or ', ' or ')
if v == ',':
return nodes.Text(', ', ', ')
return nodes.Text(v, v)
def make_types(typespec, mod=None):
# TODO: in closure notation {type=} => optional, do we care?
def format_type(t):
ref = addnodes.pending_xref(
t, addnodes.literal_emphasis(t, t),
refdomain='js', reftype='class', reftarget=t,
if mod:
ref['js:module'] = mod
return ref
return types.iterate(
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError("%s in '%s'" % (e, typespec))
class MixinDocumenter(NSDocumenter):
objtype = 'mixin'
class PropertyDocumenter(Documenter):
objtype = 'attribute'
def make_signature(self):
ret = super(PropertyDocumenter, self).make_signature()
proptype = self.item.type
if proptype:
typeref = addnodes.pending_xref(
proptype, nodes.Text(proptype, proptype),
refdomain='js', reftype='class', reftarget=proptype
typeref['js:module'] = self.item['sourcemodule'].name
ret.append(nodes.Text(' '))
return ret
def make_content(self, all_members):
doc = self.item
ret = nodes.section()
2018-07-19 16:22:28 +05:30
self.directive.state.nested_parse(self.directive.content, 0, ret)
if doc.doc:
self.directive.state.nested_parse(to_list(doc.doc), 0, ret)
return ret.children
class UnknownDocumenter(Documenter):
objtype = 'unknown'
def make_content(self, all_members):
return []