2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
<flectra >
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<!-- views -->
<record id= "view_attendance_tree" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > hr.attendance.tree</field>
<field name= "model" > hr.attendance</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<tree string= "Employee attendances" >
<field name= "employee_id" />
<field name= "check_in" />
<field name= "check_out" />
<record id= "view_hr_attendance_kanban" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > hr.attendance.kanban</field>
<field name= "model" > hr.attendance</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<kanban class= "o_kanban_mobile" >
<field name= "employee_id" />
<field name= "check_in" />
<field name= "check_out" />
<templates >
<t t-name= "kanban-box" >
<div t-attf-class= "oe_kanban_global_click" >
<div >
<img t-att-src= "kanban_image('hr.employee', 'image_small', record.employee_id.raw_value)" t-att-title= "record.employee_id.value" width= "24" height= "24" class= "oe_kanban_avatar mr4" />
<span class= "o_kanban_record_title" >
<strong > <t t-esc= "record.employee_id.value" /> </strong>
<hr class= "mt4 mb8" />
<div class= "o_kanban_record_subtitle" >
<i class= "fa fa-calendar" aria-hidden= "true" > </i>
<t t-esc= "record.check_in.value" />
- <t t-esc= "record.check_out.value" />
<record id= "hr_attendance_view_form" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > hr.attendance.form</field>
<field name= "model" > hr.attendance</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<form string= "Employee attendances" >
<sheet >
<group >
<field name= "employee_id" />
<field name= "check_in" />
<field name= "check_out" />
<record id= "hr_attendance_view_filter" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > hr_attendance_view_filter</field>
<field name= "model" > hr.attendance</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<search string= "Hr Attendance Search" >
<field name= "employee_id" />
<field name= "department_id" />
<filter name= "today" string= "Today" domain= "[('check_in', '>=', datetime.datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)),('check_in', '<=', datetime.datetime.now().replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59))]" />
<filter string= "Current Month" domain= "[('check_in', '>=', datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-01'))]" />
<separator />
<filter string= "No Check Out" domain= "[('check_out', '=', False)]" />
<separator />
<filter string= "My Attendances" domain= "[('employee_id.user_id.id', '=', uid)]" />
<group expand= "0" string= "Group By" >
<filter name= "employee" string= "Employee" context= "{'group_by':'employee_id'}" />
<separator />
<filter name= "groupby_name" string= "Month" context= "{'group_by':'check_in'}" />
<record id= "hr_attendance_view_pivot" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > hr.attendance.pivot</field>
<field name= "model" > hr.attendance</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<pivot string= "Attendance" >
<field name= "employee_id" type= "row" />
<field name= "check_in" type= "col" />
<field name= "worked_hours" type= "measure" />
<record id= "hr_attendance_view_graph" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > hr.attendance.graph</field>
<field name= "model" > hr.attendance</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<graph string= "Attendance" >
<field name= "employee_id" />
<field name= "check_in" />
<field name= "worked_hours" type= "measure" />
<!-- actions -->
<record id= "hr_attendance_action" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Attendances</field>
<field name= "res_model" > hr.attendance</field>
<field name= "view_type" > form</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > tree,kanban,form</field>
<field name= "context" > {"search_default_today":1}</field>
<field name= "search_view_id" ref= "hr_attendance_view_filter" />
<field name= "help" type= "html" >
<p > The attendance records of your employees will be displayed here.</p>
<p > Please make sure you're using the correct filter if you expected to see any.</p>
<record id= "hr_attendance_action_employee" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Attendances</field>
<field name= "res_model" > hr.attendance</field>
<field name= "view_type" > form</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > tree,form</field>
<field name= "context" > {'search_default_employee_id': active_id, 'default_employee_id': active_id}</field>
<field name= "help" type= "html" >
<p > No attendance records to display.</p>
<record id= "hr_attendance_action_graph" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Attendance Analysis</field>
<field name= "res_model" > hr.attendance</field>
<field name= "view_type" > form</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > graph,pivot</field>
<field name= "view_id" > </field> <!-- force empty -->
<record id= "hr_attendance_action_graph_filtered" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Attendance Analysis</field>
<field name= "res_model" > hr.attendance</field>
<field name= "view_type" > form</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > graph,pivot</field>
<field name= "context" > {
'search_default_department_id': [active_id],
'default_department_id': active_id}
<field name= "view_id" > </field> <!-- force empty -->
<record id= "hr_attendance_action_kiosk_mode" model= "ir.actions.client" >
<field name= "name" > Attendances</field>
<field name= "tag" > hr_attendance_kiosk_mode</field>
<field name= "target" > fullscreen</field>
<record id= "hr_attendance_action_my_attendances" model= "ir.actions.client" >
<field name= "name" > Attendance</field>
<field name= "tag" > hr_attendance_my_attendances</field>
<field name= "target" > main</field>
<record id= "hr_attendance_action_greeting_message" model= "ir.actions.client" >
<field name= "name" > Message</field>
<field name= "tag" > hr_attendance_greeting_message</field>
<!-- Menus -->
<menuitem id= "menu_hr_attendance_root" name= "Attendances" sequence= "90" groups= "hr_attendance.group_hr_attendance" web_icon= "hr_attendance,static/description/icon.png" />
<menuitem id= "menu_hr_attendance_my_attendances" name= "Check In / Check Out" parent= "menu_hr_attendance_root" sequence= "10" groups= "hr_attendance.group_hr_attendance" action= "hr_attendance_action_my_attendances" />
<menuitem id= "menu_hr_attendance_manage_attendances" name= "Manage Attendances" parent= "menu_hr_attendance_root" sequence= "20" groups= "hr_attendance.group_hr_attendance_user" />
<menuitem id= "menu_hr_attendance_view_attendances" name= "Attendances" parent= "menu_hr_attendance_manage_attendances" sequence= "10" groups= "hr_attendance.group_hr_attendance_user" action= "hr_attendance_action" />
<menuitem id= "menu_hr_attendance_view_employees_kanban" name= "Employees" parent= "menu_hr_attendance_manage_attendances" sequence= "15" groups= "hr_attendance.group_hr_attendance_user" action= "hr.open_view_employee_list_my" />
<menuitem id= "menu_hr_attendance_kiosk_mode" name= "Kiosk Mode" parent= "menu_hr_attendance_manage_attendances" sequence= "20" groups= "hr_attendance.group_hr_attendance_user" action= "hr_attendance_action_kiosk_mode" />
<menuitem id= "menu_hr_attendance_report" name= "Reporting" parent= "menu_hr_attendance_root" sequence= "30" groups= "hr_attendance.group_hr_attendance_user" action= "hr_attendance_action_graph" />
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00