2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00
<flectra >
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<template id= "assets_editor" inherit_id= "website.assets_frontend" name= "Event Sale" >
<xpath expr= "." position= "inside" >
<script type= "text/javascript" src= "/website_event_sale/static/src/js/website.tour.event_sale.js" > </script>
<template id= "index" inherit_id= "website_event.index" name= "Event's Ticket" >
<xpath expr= "//li[@t-foreach='event_ids']/div/h4" position= "before" >
<t t-if= "event.state in ['draft', 'confirm'] and event.event_ticket_ids" >
<span t-if= "event.seats_availability == 'limited' and not event.seats_available" class= "label label-danger pull-right" > Sold Out</span>
<span t-if= "event.seats_availability == 'limited' and event.seats_available and event.seats_available <= ((event.seats_max or 0) / 4)" class= "label pull-right label-info" >
Only <t t-esc= "event.seats_available" /> Remaining
<template id= "registration_template" inherit_id= "website_event.registration_template" >
<xpath expr= "//t[@t-id='tickets']" position= "replace" >
<t t-set= "saleable_tickets" t-value= "event.event_ticket_ids.filtered(lambda t: not t.is_expired)" />
<t t-id= "tickets" t-foreach= "saleable_tickets" t-as= "ticket" >
<t t-call= "website_event.ticket" >
<t t-set= "name" >
<span itemprop= "name" t-field= "ticket.name" />
<t t-set= "description" >
<span itemprop= "description" t-field= "ticket.product_id.description_sale" />
<t t-set= "registration_end" >
<t t-if= "ticket.deadline" >
<span itemprop= "priceValidUntil" t-field= "ticket.deadline" />
<t t-if= "not ticket.deadline" >
<span > Unlimited</span>
<t t-set= "price" >
<t t-if= "ticket.price or editable" >
2018-04-05 13:55:40 +05:30
<t t-if= "(ticket.price-website.get_current_pricelist().currency_id.compute(ticket.price_reduce, e v e n t . c o m p a n y _ i d . s u d o ( ) . c u r r e n c y _ i d ) ) & g t ; 1
and website.get_current_pricelist().discount_policy == 'without_discount'">
2018-01-16 11:28:15 +05:30
<del class= "text-danger mr4" t-field= "ticket.price" t-options= '{
"widget": "monetary",
"from_currency": event.company_id.sudo().currency_id,
"display_currency": website.get_current_pricelist().currency_id
<span t-field= "ticket.price_reduce" t-options= '{
"widget": "monetary",
"display_currency": website.pricelist_id.currency_id
}' groups="sale.group_show_price_subtotal"/>
<span t-field= "ticket.price_reduce_taxinc" t-options= '{
"widget": "monetary",
"display_currency": website.pricelist_id.currency_id
}' groups="sale.group_show_price_total"/>
<span itemprop= "price" style= "display:none;" t-esc= "ticket.price" />
<span itemprop= "priceCurrency" style= "display:none;" t-esc= "website.pricelist_id.currency_id.name" />
<t t-if= "not ticket.price and not editable" >
<span > Free</span>
<span t-if= "ticket.seats_max and ((ticket.seats_reserved or 0)*100 / ticket.seats_max)>75" class= "badge" itemprop= "availability" content= "http://schema.org/LimitedAvailability" >
<t t-esc= "ticket.seats_max - ticket.seats_reserved" />
<span > left</span>
<t t-set= "quantity" >
<select t-attf-name= "nb_register-#{ticket.id}" class= "form-control" >
<t t-set= "seats_max_ticket" t-value= "(ticket.seats_availability == 'unlimited' or ticket.seats_available > 9) and 10 or ticket.seats_available + 1" />
<t t-set= "seats_max_event" t-value= "(event.seats_availability == 'unlimited' or event.seats_available > 9) and 10 or event.seats_available + 1" />
<t t-set= "seats_max" t-value= "min(seats_max_ticket, seats_max_event)" />
<t t-foreach= "range(0, seats_max)" t-as= "nb" >
<option t-esc= "nb" t-att-selected= "len(saleable_tickets) == 1 and nb == 1 and 'selected'" />
<xpath expr= "//form[@id='registration_form']" position= "attributes" >
<attribute name= "t-if" > event.event_ticket_ids and not all([ticket.is_expired for ticket in event.event_ticket_ids])</attribute>
<template id= "cart" inherit_id= "website_sale.cart_lines" name= "Hide product reduction for event tickets" >
<xpath expr= "//td[hasclass('td-product_name')]/div/a" position= "attributes" >
<attribute name= "t-attf-href" />
<attribute name= "t-att-href" >
line.event_id and ('/event/%s/register' % slug(line.event_id)) or ('/shop/product/%s' % slug(line.product_id.product_tmpl_id))
<xpath expr= "//del" position= "attributes" >
<attribute name= "t-attf-class" separator= " " add= "#{line.event_id and 'hidden' or ''}" />
2018-01-16 02:34:37 -08:00