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Utility functions for interacting with ``py.js`` objects
Essentially the ``py.js`` version of the Python C API, these functions
are used to implement new ``py.js`` types or to interact with existing
They are prefixed with ``PY_``.
.. function:: py.PY_parseArgs(arguments, format)
Arguments parser converting from the :ref:`user-defined calling
conventions <types-methods-python-call>` to a JS object mapping
argument names to values. It serves the same role as
var args = py.PY_parseArgs(
arguments, ['foo', 'bar', ['baz', 3], ['qux', "foo"]]);
roughly corresponds to the argument spec:
.. code-block:: python
def func(foo, bar, baz=3, qux="foo"):
.. note:: a significant difference is that "default values" will
be re-evaluated at each call, since they are within the
:param arguments: array-like objects holding the args and kwargs
passed to the callable, generally the
``arguments`` of the caller.
:param format: mapping declaration to the actual arguments of the
function. A javascript array composed of five
possible types of elements:
* The literal string ``'*'`` marks all following
parameters as keyword-only, regardless of them
having a default value or not [#kwonly]_. Can
only be present once in the parameters list.
* A string prefixed by ``*``, marks the positional
variadic parameter for the function: gathers all
provided positional arguments left and makes all
following parameters keyword-only
[#star-args]_. ``*args`` is incompatible with
* A string prefixed with ``**``, marks the
positional keyword variadic parameter for the
function: gathers all provided keyword arguments
left and closes the argslist. If present, this
must be the last parameter of the format list.
* A string defines a required parameter, accessible
positionally or through keyword
* A pair of ``[String, py.object]`` defines an
optional parameter and its default value.
For simplicity, when not using optional parameters
it is possible to use a simple string as the format
(using space-separated elements). The string will
be split on whitespace and processed as a normal
format array.
:returns: a javascript object mapping argument names to values
:raises: ``TypeError`` if the provided arguments don't match the
.. class:: py.PY_def(fn)
Type wrapping javascript functions into py.js callables. The
wrapped function follows :ref:`the py.js calling conventions
:param Function fn: the javascript function to wrap
:returns: a callable py.js object
Object Protocol
.. function:: py.PY_hasAttr(o, attr_name)
Returns ``true`` if ``o`` has the attribute ``attr_name``,
otherwise returns ``false``. Equivalent to Python's ``hasattr(o,
:param o: A :class:`py.object`
:param attr_name: a javascript ``String``
:rtype: ``Boolean``
.. function:: py.PY_getAttr(o, attr_name)
Retrieve an attribute ``attr_name`` from the object ``o``. Returns
the attribute value on success, raises ``AttributeError`` on
failure. Equivalent to the python expression ``o.attr_name``.
:param o: A :class:`py.object`
:param attr_name: a javascript ``String``
:returns: A :class:`py.object`
:raises: ``AttributeError``
.. function:: py.PY_str(o)
Computes a string representation of ``o``, returns the string
representation. Equivalent to ``str(o)``
:param o: A :class:`py.object`
:returns: :class:`py.str`
.. function:: py.PY_isInstance(inst, cls)
Returns ``true`` if ``inst`` is an instance of ``cls``, ``false``
.. function:: py.PY_isSubclass(derived, cls)
Returns ``true`` if ``derived`` is ``cls`` or a subclass thereof.
.. function:: py.PY_call(callable[, args][, kwargs])
Call an arbitrary python-level callable from javascript.
:param callable: A ``py.js`` callable object (broadly speaking,
either a class or an object with a ``__call__``
:param args: javascript Array of :class:`py.object`, used as
positional arguments to ``callable``
:param kwargs: javascript Object mapping names to
:class:`py.object`, used as named arguments to
:returns: nothing or :class:`py.object`
.. function:: py.PY_isTrue(o)
Returns ``true`` if the object is considered truthy, ``false``
otherwise. Equivalent to ``bool(o)``.
:param o: A :class:`py.object`
:rtype: Boolean
.. function:: py.PY_not(o)
Inverse of :func:`py.PY_isTrue`.
.. function:: py.PY_size(o)
If ``o`` is a sequence or mapping, returns its length. Otherwise,
raises ``TypeError``.
:param o: A :class:`py.object`
:returns: ``Number``
:raises: ``TypeError`` if the object doesn't have a length
.. function:: py.PY_getItem(o, key)
Returns the element of ``o`` corresponding to the object
``key``. This is equivalent to ``o[key]``.
:param o: :class:`py.object`
:param key: :class:`py.object`
:returns: :class:`py.object`
:raises: ``TypeError`` if ``o`` does not support the operation, if
``key`` or the return value is not a :class:`py.object`
.. function:: py.PY_setItem(o, key, v)
Maps the object ``key`` to the value ``v`` in ``o``. Equivalent to
``o[key] = v``.
:param o: :class:`py.object`
:param key: :class:`py.object`
:param v: :class:`py.object`
:raises: ``TypeError`` if ``o`` does not support the operation, or
if ``key`` or ``v`` are not :class:`py.object`
Number Protocol
.. function:: py.PY_add(o1, o2)
Returns the result of adding ``o1`` and ``o2``, equivalent to
``o1 + o2``.
:param o1: :class:`py.object`
:param o2: :class:`py.object`
:returns: :class:`py.object`
.. function:: py.PY_subtract(o1, o2)
Returns the result of subtracting ``o2`` from ``o1``, equivalent
to ``o1 - o2``.
:param o1: :class:`py.object`
:param o2: :class:`py.object`
:returns: :class:`py.object`
.. function:: py.PY_multiply(o1, o2)
Returns the result of multiplying ``o1`` by ``o2``, equivalent to
``o1 * o2``.
:param o1: :class:`py.object`
:param o2: :class:`py.object`
:returns: :class:`py.object`
.. function:: py.PY_divide(o1, o2)
Returns the result of dividing ``o1`` by ``o2``, equivalent to
``o1 / o2``.
:param o1: :class:`py.object`
:param o2: :class:`py.object`
:returns: :class:`py.object`
.. function:: py.PY_negative(o)
Returns the negation of ``o``, equivalent to ``-o``.
:param o: :class:`py.object`
:returns: :class:`py.object`
.. function:: py.PY_positive(o)
Returns the "positive" of ``o``, equivalent to ``+o``.
:param o: :class:`py.object`
:returns: :class:`py.object`
.. [#kwonly] Python 2, which py.js currently implements, does not
support Python-level keyword-only parameters (it can be
done through the C-API), but it seemed neat and easy
enough so there.
.. [#star-args] due to this and contrary to Python 2, py.js allows
arguments other than ``**kwargs`` to follow ``*args``.
.. _PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords: