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* Benchmark.js <https://benchmarkjs.com/>
* Copyright 2010-2016 Mathias Bynens <https://mths.be/>
* Based on JSLitmus.js, copyright Robert Kieffer <http://broofa.com/>
* Modified by John-David Dalton <http://allyoucanleet.com/>
* Available under MIT license <https://mths.be/mit>
;(function() {
'use strict';
/** Used as a safe reference for `undefined` in pre ES5 environments. */
var undefined;
/** Used to determine if values are of the language type Object. */
var objectTypes = {
'function': true,
'object': true
/** Used as a reference to the global object. */
var root = (objectTypes[typeof window] && window) || this;
/** Detect free variable `define`. */
var freeDefine = typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd && define;
/** Detect free variable `exports`. */
var freeExports = objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;
/** Detect free variable `module`. */
var freeModule = objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && module;
/** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js or Browserified code and use it as `root`. */
var freeGlobal = freeExports && freeModule && typeof global == 'object' && global;
if (freeGlobal && (freeGlobal.global === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.self === freeGlobal)) {
root = freeGlobal;
/** Detect free variable `require`. */
var freeRequire = typeof require == 'function' && require;
/** Used to assign each benchmark an incremented id. */
var counter = 0;
/** Detect the popular CommonJS extension `module.exports`. */
var moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports && freeExports;
/** Used to detect primitive types. */
var rePrimitive = /^(?:boolean|number|string|undefined)$/;
/** Used to make every compiled test unique. */
var uidCounter = 0;
/** Used to assign default `context` object properties. */
var contextProps = [
'Array', 'Date', 'Function', 'Math', 'Object', 'RegExp', 'String', '_',
'clearTimeout', 'chrome', 'chromium', 'document', 'navigator', 'phantom',
'platform', 'process', 'runtime', 'setTimeout'
/** Used to avoid hz of Infinity. */
var divisors = {
'1': 4096,
'2': 512,
'3': 64,
'4': 8,
'5': 0
* T-Distribution two-tailed critical values for 95% confidence.
* For more info see http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda3672.htm.
var tTable = {
'1': 12.706, '2': 4.303, '3': 3.182, '4': 2.776, '5': 2.571, '6': 2.447,
'7': 2.365, '8': 2.306, '9': 2.262, '10': 2.228, '11': 2.201, '12': 2.179,
'13': 2.16, '14': 2.145, '15': 2.131, '16': 2.12, '17': 2.11, '18': 2.101,
'19': 2.093, '20': 2.086, '21': 2.08, '22': 2.074, '23': 2.069, '24': 2.064,
'25': 2.06, '26': 2.056, '27': 2.052, '28': 2.048, '29': 2.045, '30': 2.042,
'infinity': 1.96
* Critical Mann-Whitney U-values for 95% confidence.
* For more info see http://www.saburchill.com/IBbiology/stats/003.html.
var uTable = {
'5': [0, 1, 2],
'6': [1, 2, 3, 5],
'7': [1, 3, 5, 6, 8],
'8': [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13],
'9': [2, 4, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17],
'10': [3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23],
'11': [3, 6, 9, 13, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30],
'12': [4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 22, 26, 29, 33, 37],
'13': [4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 33, 37, 41, 45],
'14': [5, 9, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31, 36, 40, 45, 50, 55],
'15': [5, 10, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49, 54, 59, 64],
'16': [6, 11, 15, 21, 26, 31, 37, 42, 47, 53, 59, 64, 70, 75],
'17': [6, 11, 17, 22, 28, 34, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 67, 75, 81, 87],
'18': [7, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 55, 61, 67, 74, 80, 86, 93, 99],
'19': [7, 13, 19, 25, 32, 38, 45, 52, 58, 65, 72, 78, 85, 92, 99, 106, 113],
'20': [8, 14, 20, 27, 34, 41, 48, 55, 62, 69, 76, 83, 90, 98, 105, 112, 119, 127],
'21': [8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 43, 50, 58, 65, 73, 80, 88, 96, 103, 111, 119, 126, 134, 142],
'22': [9, 16, 23, 30, 38, 45, 53, 61, 69, 77, 85, 93, 101, 109, 117, 125, 133, 141, 150, 158],
'23': [9, 17, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 73, 81, 89, 98, 106, 115, 123, 132, 140, 149, 157, 166, 175],
'24': [10, 17, 25, 33, 42, 50, 59, 67, 76, 85, 94, 102, 111, 120, 129, 138, 147, 156, 165, 174, 183, 192],
'25': [10, 18, 27, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 89, 98, 107, 117, 126, 135, 145, 154, 163, 173, 182, 192, 201, 211],
'26': [11, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 74, 83, 93, 102, 112, 122, 132, 141, 151, 161, 171, 181, 191, 200, 210, 220, 230],
'27': [11, 20, 29, 38, 48, 57, 67, 77, 87, 97, 107, 118, 125, 138, 147, 158, 168, 178, 188, 199, 209, 219, 230, 240, 250],
'28': [12, 21, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 101, 111, 122, 132, 143, 154, 164, 175, 186, 196, 207, 218, 228, 239, 250, 261, 272],
'29': [13, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 73, 83, 94, 105, 116, 127, 138, 149, 160, 171, 182, 193, 204, 215, 226, 238, 249, 260, 271, 282, 294],
'30': [13, 23, 33, 43, 54, 65, 76, 87, 98, 109, 120, 131, 143, 154, 166, 177, 189, 200, 212, 223, 235, 247, 258, 270, 282, 293, 305, 317]
* Create a new `Benchmark` function using the given `context` object.
* @static
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @param {Object} [context=root] The context object.
* @returns {Function} Returns a new `Benchmark` function.
function runInContext(context) {
// Exit early if unable to acquire lodash.
var _ = context && context._ || require('lodash') || root._;
if (!_) {
Benchmark.runInContext = runInContext;
return Benchmark;
// Avoid issues with some ES3 environments that attempt to use values, named
// after built-in constructors like `Object`, for the creation of literals.
// ES5 clears this up by stating that literals must use built-in constructors.
// See http://es5.github.io/#x11.1.5.
context = context ? _.defaults(root.Object(), context, _.pick(root, contextProps)) : root;
/** Native constructor references. */
var Array = context.Array,
Date = context.Date,
Function = context.Function,
Math = context.Math,
Object = context.Object,
RegExp = context.RegExp,
String = context.String;
/** Used for `Array` and `Object` method references. */
var arrayRef = [],
objectProto = Object.prototype;
/** Native method shortcuts. */
var abs = Math.abs,
clearTimeout = context.clearTimeout,
floor = Math.floor,
log = Math.log,
max = Math.max,
min = Math.min,
pow = Math.pow,
push = arrayRef.push,
setTimeout = context.setTimeout,
shift = arrayRef.shift,
slice = arrayRef.slice,
sqrt = Math.sqrt,
toString = objectProto.toString,
unshift = arrayRef.unshift;
/** Used to avoid inclusion in Browserified bundles. */
var req = require;
/** Detect DOM document object. */
var doc = isHostType(context, 'document') && context.document;
/** Used to access Wade Simmons' Node.js `microtime` module. */
var microtimeObject = req('microtime');
/** Used to access Node.js's high resolution timer. */
var processObject = isHostType(context, 'process') && context.process;
/** Used to prevent a `removeChild` memory leak in IE < 9. */
var trash = doc && doc.createElement('div');
/** Used to integrity check compiled tests. */
var uid = 'uid' + _.now();
/** Used to avoid infinite recursion when methods call each other. */
var calledBy = {};
* An object used to flag environments/features.
* @static
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type Object
var support = {};
(function() {
* Detect if running in a browser environment.
* @memberOf Benchmark.support
* @type boolean
support.browser = doc && isHostType(context, 'navigator') && !isHostType(context, 'phantom');
* Detect if the Timers API exists.
* @memberOf Benchmark.support
* @type boolean
support.timeout = isHostType(context, 'setTimeout') && isHostType(context, 'clearTimeout');
* Detect if function decompilation is support.
* @name decompilation
* @memberOf Benchmark.support
* @type boolean
try {
// Safari 2.x removes commas in object literals from `Function#toString` results.
// See http://webk.it/11609 for more details.
// Firefox 3.6 and Opera 9.25 strip grouping parentheses from `Function#toString` results.
// See http://bugzil.la/559438 for more details.
support.decompilation = Function(
('return (' + (function(x) { return { 'x': '' + (1 + x) + '', 'y': 0 }; }) + ')')
// Avoid issues with code added by Istanbul.
.replace(/__cov__[^;]+;/g, '')
)()(0).x === '1';
} catch(e) {
support.decompilation = false;
* Timer object used by `clock()` and `Deferred#resolve`.
* @private
* @type Object
var timer = {
* The timer namespace object or constructor.
* @private
* @memberOf timer
* @type {Function|Object}
'ns': Date,
* Starts the deferred timer.
* @private
* @memberOf timer
* @param {Object} deferred The deferred instance.
'start': null, // Lazy defined in `clock()`.
* Stops the deferred timer.
* @private
* @memberOf timer
* @param {Object} deferred The deferred instance.
'stop': null // Lazy defined in `clock()`.
* The Benchmark constructor.
* Note: The Benchmark constructor exposes a handful of lodash methods to
* make working with arrays, collections, and objects easier. The lodash
* methods are:
* [`each/forEach`](https://lodash.com/docs#forEach), [`forOwn`](https://lodash.com/docs#forOwn),
* [`has`](https://lodash.com/docs#has), [`indexOf`](https://lodash.com/docs#indexOf),
* [`map`](https://lodash.com/docs#map), and [`reduce`](https://lodash.com/docs#reduce)
* @constructor
* @param {string} name A name to identify the benchmark.
* @param {Function|string} fn The test to benchmark.
* @param {Object} [options={}] Options object.
* @example
* // basic usage (the `new` operator is optional)
* var bench = new Benchmark(fn);
* // or using a name first
* var bench = new Benchmark('foo', fn);
* // or with options
* var bench = new Benchmark('foo', fn, {
* // displayed by `Benchmark#toString` if `name` is not available
* 'id': 'xyz',
* // called when the benchmark starts running
* 'onStart': onStart,
* // called after each run cycle
* 'onCycle': onCycle,
* // called when aborted
* 'onAbort': onAbort,
* // called when a test errors
* 'onError': onError,
* // called when reset
* 'onReset': onReset,
* // called when the benchmark completes running
* 'onComplete': onComplete,
* // compiled/called before the test loop
* 'setup': setup,
* // compiled/called after the test loop
* 'teardown': teardown
* });
* // or name and options
* var bench = new Benchmark('foo', {
* // a flag to indicate the benchmark is deferred
* 'defer': true,
* // benchmark test function
* 'fn': function(deferred) {
* // call `Deferred#resolve` when the deferred test is finished
* deferred.resolve();
* }
* });
* // or options only
* var bench = new Benchmark({
* // benchmark name
* 'name': 'foo',
* // benchmark test as a string
* 'fn': '[1,2,3,4].sort()'
* });
* // a test's `this` binding is set to the benchmark instance
* var bench = new Benchmark('foo', function() {
* 'My name is '.concat(this.name); // "My name is foo"
* });
function Benchmark(name, fn, options) {
var bench = this;
// Allow instance creation without the `new` operator.
if (!(bench instanceof Benchmark)) {
return new Benchmark(name, fn, options);
// Juggle arguments.
if (_.isPlainObject(name)) {
// 1 argument (options).
options = name;
else if (_.isFunction(name)) {
// 2 arguments (fn, options).
options = fn;
fn = name;
else if (_.isPlainObject(fn)) {
// 2 arguments (name, options).
options = fn;
fn = null;
bench.name = name;
else {
// 3 arguments (name, fn [, options]).
bench.name = name;
setOptions(bench, options);
bench.id || (bench.id = ++counter);
bench.fn == null && (bench.fn = fn);
bench.stats = cloneDeep(bench.stats);
bench.times = cloneDeep(bench.times);
* The Deferred constructor.
* @constructor
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @param {Object} clone The cloned benchmark instance.
function Deferred(clone) {
var deferred = this;
if (!(deferred instanceof Deferred)) {
return new Deferred(clone);
deferred.benchmark = clone;
* The Event constructor.
* @constructor
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @param {Object|string} type The event type.
function Event(type) {
var event = this;
if (type instanceof Event) {
return type;
return (event instanceof Event)
? _.assign(event, { 'timeStamp': _.now() }, typeof type == 'string' ? { 'type': type } : type)
: new Event(type);
* The Suite constructor.
* Note: Each Suite instance has a handful of wrapped lodash methods to
* make working with Suites easier. The wrapped lodash methods are:
* [`each/forEach`](https://lodash.com/docs#forEach), [`indexOf`](https://lodash.com/docs#indexOf),
* [`map`](https://lodash.com/docs#map), and [`reduce`](https://lodash.com/docs#reduce)
* @constructor
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @param {string} name A name to identify the suite.
* @param {Object} [options={}] Options object.
* @example
* // basic usage (the `new` operator is optional)
* var suite = new Benchmark.Suite;
* // or using a name first
* var suite = new Benchmark.Suite('foo');
* // or with options
* var suite = new Benchmark.Suite('foo', {
* // called when the suite starts running
* 'onStart': onStart,
* // called between running benchmarks
* 'onCycle': onCycle,
* // called when aborted
* 'onAbort': onAbort,
* // called when a test errors
* 'onError': onError,
* // called when reset
* 'onReset': onReset,
* // called when the suite completes running
* 'onComplete': onComplete
* });
function Suite(name, options) {
var suite = this;
// Allow instance creation without the `new` operator.
if (!(suite instanceof Suite)) {
return new Suite(name, options);
// Juggle arguments.
if (_.isPlainObject(name)) {
// 1 argument (options).
options = name;
} else {
// 2 arguments (name [, options]).
suite.name = name;
setOptions(suite, options);
* A specialized version of `_.cloneDeep` which only clones arrays and plain
* objects assigning all other values by reference.
* @private
* @param {*} value The value to clone.
* @returns {*} The cloned value.
var cloneDeep = _.partial(_.cloneDeepWith, _, function(value) {
// Only clone primitives, arrays, and plain objects.
if (!_.isArray(value) && !_.isPlainObject(value)) {
return value;
* Creates a function from the given arguments string and body.
* @private
* @param {string} args The comma separated function arguments.
* @param {string} body The function body.
* @returns {Function} The new function.
function createFunction() {
// Lazy define.
createFunction = function(args, body) {
var result,
anchor = freeDefine ? freeDefine.amd : Benchmark,
prop = uid + 'createFunction';
runScript((freeDefine ? 'define.amd.' : 'Benchmark.') + prop + '=function(' + args + '){' + body + '}');
result = anchor[prop];
delete anchor[prop];
return result;
// Fix JaegerMonkey bug.
// For more information see http://bugzil.la/639720.
createFunction = support.browser && (createFunction('', 'return"' + uid + '"') || _.noop)() == uid ? createFunction : Function;
return createFunction.apply(null, arguments);
* Delay the execution of a function based on the benchmark's `delay` property.
* @private
* @param {Object} bench The benchmark instance.
* @param {Object} fn The function to execute.
function delay(bench, fn) {
bench._timerId = _.delay(fn, bench.delay * 1e3);
* Destroys the given element.
* @private
* @param {Element} element The element to destroy.
function destroyElement(element) {
trash.innerHTML = '';
* Gets the name of the first argument from a function's source.
* @private
* @param {Function} fn The function.
* @returns {string} The argument name.
function getFirstArgument(fn) {
return (!_.has(fn, 'toString') &&
(/^[\s(]*function[^(]*\(([^\s,)]+)/.exec(fn) || 0)[1]) || '';
* Computes the arithmetic mean of a sample.
* @private
* @param {Array} sample The sample.
* @returns {number} The mean.
function getMean(sample) {
return (_.reduce(sample, function(sum, x) {
return sum + x;
}) / sample.length) || 0;
* Gets the source code of a function.
* @private
* @param {Function} fn The function.
* @returns {string} The function's source code.
function getSource(fn) {
var result = '';
if (isStringable(fn)) {
result = String(fn);
} else if (support.decompilation) {
// Escape the `{` for Firefox 1.
result = _.result(/^[^{]+\{([\s\S]*)\}\s*$/.exec(fn), 1);
// Trim string.
result = (result || '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
// Detect strings containing only the "use strict" directive.
return /^(?:\/\*+[\w\W]*?\*\/|\/\/.*?[\n\r\u2028\u2029]|\s)*(["'])use strict\1;?$/.test(result)
? ''
: result;
* Checks if an object is of the specified class.
* @private
* @param {*} value The value to check.
* @param {string} name The name of the class.
* @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the value is of the specified class, else `false`.
function isClassOf(value, name) {
return value != null && toString.call(value) == '[object ' + name + ']';
* Host objects can return type values that are different from their actual
* data type. The objects we are concerned with usually return non-primitive
* types of "object", "function", or "unknown".
* @private
* @param {*} object The owner of the property.
* @param {string} property The property to check.
* @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the property value is a non-primitive, else `false`.
function isHostType(object, property) {
if (object == null) {
return false;
var type = typeof object[property];
return !rePrimitive.test(type) && (type != 'object' || !!object[property]);
* Checks if a value can be safely coerced to a string.
* @private
* @param {*} value The value to check.
* @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the value can be coerced, else `false`.
function isStringable(value) {
return _.isString(value) || (_.has(value, 'toString') && _.isFunction(value.toString));
* A wrapper around `require` to suppress `module missing` errors.
* @private
* @param {string} id The module id.
* @returns {*} The exported module or `null`.
function require(id) {
try {
var result = freeExports && freeRequire(id);
} catch(e) {}
return result || null;
* Runs a snippet of JavaScript via script injection.
* @private
* @param {string} code The code to run.
function runScript(code) {
var anchor = freeDefine ? define.amd : Benchmark,
script = doc.createElement('script'),
sibling = doc.getElementsByTagName('script')[0],
parent = sibling.parentNode,
prop = uid + 'runScript',
prefix = '(' + (freeDefine ? 'define.amd.' : 'Benchmark.') + prop + '||function(){})();';
// Firefox cannot use script injection as intended because it executes
// asynchronously, but that's OK because script injection is only used to avoid
// the previously commented JaegerMonkey bug.
try {
// Remove the inserted script *before* running the code to avoid differences
// in the expected script element count/order of the document.
script.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(prefix + code));
anchor[prop] = function() { destroyElement(script); };
} catch(e) {
parent = parent.cloneNode(false);
sibling = null;
script.text = code;
parent.insertBefore(script, sibling);
delete anchor[prop];
* A helper function for setting options/event handlers.
* @private
* @param {Object} object The benchmark or suite instance.
* @param {Object} [options={}] Options object.
function setOptions(object, options) {
options = object.options = _.assign({}, cloneDeep(object.constructor.options), cloneDeep(options));
_.forOwn(options, function(value, key) {
if (value != null) {
// Add event listeners.
if (/^on[A-Z]/.test(key)) {
_.each(key.split(' '), function(key) {
object.on(key.slice(2).toLowerCase(), value);
} else if (!_.has(object, key)) {
object[key] = cloneDeep(value);
* Handles cycling/completing the deferred benchmark.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Deferred
function resolve() {
var deferred = this,
clone = deferred.benchmark,
bench = clone._original;
if (bench.aborted) {
// cycle() -> clone cycle/complete event -> compute()'s invoked bench.run() cycle/complete.
clone.running = false;
else if (++deferred.cycles < clone.count) {
clone.compiled.call(deferred, context, timer);
else {
delay(clone, function() { cycle(deferred); });
* A generic `Array#filter` like method.
* @static
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.
* @param {Function|string} callback The function/alias called per iteration.
* @returns {Array} A new array of values that passed callback filter.
* @example
* // get odd numbers
* Benchmark.filter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], function(n) {
* return n % 2;
* }); // -> [1, 3, 5];
* // get fastest benchmarks
* Benchmark.filter(benches, 'fastest');
* // get slowest benchmarks
* Benchmark.filter(benches, 'slowest');
* // get benchmarks that completed without erroring
* Benchmark.filter(benches, 'successful');
function filter(array, callback) {
if (callback === 'successful') {
// Callback to exclude those that are errored, unrun, or have hz of Infinity.
callback = function(bench) {
return bench.cycles && _.isFinite(bench.hz) && !bench.error;
else if (callback === 'fastest' || callback === 'slowest') {
// Get successful, sort by period + margin of error, and filter fastest/slowest.
var result = filter(array, 'successful').sort(function(a, b) {
a = a.stats; b = b.stats;
return (a.mean + a.moe > b.mean + b.moe ? 1 : -1) * (callback === 'fastest' ? 1 : -1);
return _.filter(result, function(bench) {
return result[0].compare(bench) == 0;
return _.filter(array, callback);
* Converts a number to a more readable comma-separated string representation.
* @static
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @param {number} number The number to convert.
* @returns {string} The more readable string representation.
function formatNumber(number) {
number = String(number).split('.');
return number[0].replace(/(?=(?:\d{3})+$)(?!\b)/g, ',') +
(number[1] ? '.' + number[1] : '');
* Invokes a method on all items in an array.
* @static
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @param {Array} benches Array of benchmarks to iterate over.
* @param {Object|string} name The name of the method to invoke OR options object.
* @param {...*} [args] Arguments to invoke the method with.
* @returns {Array} A new array of values returned from each method invoked.
* @example
* // invoke `reset` on all benchmarks
* Benchmark.invoke(benches, 'reset');
* // invoke `emit` with arguments
* Benchmark.invoke(benches, 'emit', 'complete', listener);
* // invoke `run(true)`, treat benchmarks as a queue, and register invoke callbacks
* Benchmark.invoke(benches, {
* // invoke the `run` method
* 'name': 'run',
* // pass a single argument
* 'args': true,
* // treat as queue, removing benchmarks from front of `benches` until empty
* 'queued': true,
* // called before any benchmarks have been invoked.
* 'onStart': onStart,
* // called between invoking benchmarks
* 'onCycle': onCycle,
* // called after all benchmarks have been invoked.
* 'onComplete': onComplete
* });
function invoke(benches, name) {
var args,
index = -1,
eventProps = { 'currentTarget': benches },
options = { 'onStart': _.noop, 'onCycle': _.noop, 'onComplete': _.noop },
result = _.toArray(benches);
* Invokes the method of the current object and if synchronous, fetches the next.
function execute() {
var listeners,
async = isAsync(bench);
if (async) {
// Use `getNext` as the first listener.
bench.on('complete', getNext);
listeners = bench.events.complete;
listeners.splice(0, 0, listeners.pop());
// Execute method.
result[index] = _.isFunction(bench && bench[name]) ? bench[name].apply(bench, args) : undefined;
// If synchronous return `true` until finished.
return !async && getNext();
* Fetches the next bench or executes `onComplete` callback.
function getNext(event) {
var cycleEvent,
last = bench,
async = isAsync(last);
if (async) {
last.off('complete', getNext);
// Emit "cycle" event.
eventProps.type = 'cycle';
eventProps.target = last;
cycleEvent = Event(eventProps);
options.onCycle.call(benches, cycleEvent);
// Choose next benchmark if not exiting early.
if (!cycleEvent.aborted && raiseIndex() !== false) {
bench = queued ? benches[0] : result[index];
if (isAsync(bench)) {
delay(bench, execute);
else if (async) {
// Resume execution if previously asynchronous but now synchronous.
while (execute()) {}
else {
// Continue synchronous execution.
return true;
} else {
// Emit "complete" event.
eventProps.type = 'complete';
options.onComplete.call(benches, Event(eventProps));
// When used as a listener `event.aborted = true` will cancel the rest of
// the "complete" listeners because they were already called above and when
// used as part of `getNext` the `return false` will exit the execution while-loop.
if (event) {
event.aborted = true;
} else {
return false;
* Checks if invoking `Benchmark#run` with asynchronous cycles.
function isAsync(object) {
// Avoid using `instanceof` here because of IE memory leak issues with host objects.
var async = args[0] && args[0].async;
return name == 'run' && (object instanceof Benchmark) &&
((async == null ? object.options.async : async) && support.timeout || object.defer);
* Raises `index` to the next defined index or returns `false`.
function raiseIndex() {
// If queued remove the previous bench.
if (queued && index > 0) {
// If we reached the last index then return `false`.
return (queued ? benches.length : index < result.length)
? index
: (index = false);
// Juggle arguments.
if (_.isString(name)) {
// 2 arguments (array, name).
args = slice.call(arguments, 2);
} else {
// 2 arguments (array, options).
options = _.assign(options, name);
name = options.name;
args = _.isArray(args = 'args' in options ? options.args : []) ? args : [args];
queued = options.queued;
// Start iterating over the array.
if (raiseIndex() !== false) {
// Emit "start" event.
bench = result[index];
eventProps.type = 'start';
eventProps.target = bench;
options.onStart.call(benches, Event(eventProps));
// End early if the suite was aborted in an "onStart" listener.
if (name == 'run' && (benches instanceof Suite) && benches.aborted) {
// Emit "cycle" event.
eventProps.type = 'cycle';
options.onCycle.call(benches, Event(eventProps));
// Emit "complete" event.
eventProps.type = 'complete';
options.onComplete.call(benches, Event(eventProps));
// Start method execution.
else {
if (isAsync(bench)) {
delay(bench, execute);
} else {
while (execute()) {}
return result;
* Creates a string of joined array values or object key-value pairs.
* @static
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @param {Array|Object} object The object to operate on.
* @param {string} [separator1=','] The separator used between key-value pairs.
* @param {string} [separator2=': '] The separator used between keys and values.
* @returns {string} The joined result.
function join(object, separator1, separator2) {
var result = [],
length = (object = Object(object)).length,
arrayLike = length === length >>> 0;
separator2 || (separator2 = ': ');
_.each(object, function(value, key) {
result.push(arrayLike ? value : key + separator2 + value);
return result.join(separator1 || ',');
* Aborts all benchmarks in the suite.
* @name abort
* @memberOf Benchmark.Suite
* @returns {Object} The suite instance.
function abortSuite() {
var event,
suite = this,
resetting = calledBy.resetSuite;
if (suite.running) {
event = Event('abort');
if (!event.cancelled || resetting) {
// Avoid infinite recursion.
calledBy.abortSuite = true;
delete calledBy.abortSuite;
if (!resetting) {
suite.aborted = true;
invoke(suite, 'abort');
return suite;
* Adds a test to the benchmark suite.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Suite
* @param {string} name A name to identify the benchmark.
* @param {Function|string} fn The test to benchmark.
* @param {Object} [options={}] Options object.
* @returns {Object} The suite instance.
* @example
* // basic usage
* suite.add(fn);
* // or using a name first
* suite.add('foo', fn);
* // or with options
* suite.add('foo', fn, {
* 'onCycle': onCycle,
* 'onComplete': onComplete
* });
* // or name and options
* suite.add('foo', {
* 'fn': fn,
* 'onCycle': onCycle,
* 'onComplete': onComplete
* });
* // or options only
* suite.add({
* 'name': 'foo',
* 'fn': fn,
* 'onCycle': onCycle,
* 'onComplete': onComplete
* });
function add(name, fn, options) {
var suite = this,
bench = new Benchmark(name, fn, options),
event = Event({ 'type': 'add', 'target': bench });
if (suite.emit(event), !event.cancelled) {
return suite;
* Creates a new suite with cloned benchmarks.
* @name clone
* @memberOf Benchmark.Suite
* @param {Object} options Options object to overwrite cloned options.
* @returns {Object} The new suite instance.
function cloneSuite(options) {
var suite = this,
result = new suite.constructor(_.assign({}, suite.options, options));
// Copy own properties.
_.forOwn(suite, function(value, key) {
if (!_.has(result, key)) {
result[key] = _.isFunction(_.get(value, 'clone'))
? value.clone()
: cloneDeep(value);
return result;
* An `Array#filter` like method.
* @name filter
* @memberOf Benchmark.Suite
* @param {Function|string} callback The function/alias called per iteration.
* @returns {Object} A new suite of benchmarks that passed callback filter.
function filterSuite(callback) {
var suite = this,
result = new suite.constructor(suite.options);
result.push.apply(result, filter(suite, callback));
return result;
* Resets all benchmarks in the suite.
* @name reset
* @memberOf Benchmark.Suite
* @returns {Object} The suite instance.
function resetSuite() {
var event,
suite = this,
aborting = calledBy.abortSuite;
if (suite.running && !aborting) {
// No worries, `resetSuite()` is called within `abortSuite()`.
calledBy.resetSuite = true;
delete calledBy.resetSuite;
// Reset if the state has changed.
else if ((suite.aborted || suite.running) &&
(suite.emit(event = Event('reset')), !event.cancelled)) {
suite.aborted = suite.running = false;
if (!aborting) {
invoke(suite, 'reset');
return suite;
* Runs the suite.
* @name run
* @memberOf Benchmark.Suite
* @param {Object} [options={}] Options object.
* @returns {Object} The suite instance.
* @example
* // basic usage
* suite.run();
* // or with options
* suite.run({ 'async': true, 'queued': true });
function runSuite(options) {
var suite = this;
suite.running = true;
options || (options = {});
invoke(suite, {
'name': 'run',
'args': options,
'queued': options.queued,
'onStart': function(event) {
'onCycle': function(event) {
var bench = event.target;
if (bench.error) {
suite.emit({ 'type': 'error', 'target': bench });
event.aborted = suite.aborted;
'onComplete': function(event) {
suite.running = false;
return suite;
* Executes all registered listeners of the specified event type.
* @memberOf Benchmark, Benchmark.Suite
* @param {Object|string} type The event type or object.
* @param {...*} [args] Arguments to invoke the listener with.
* @returns {*} Returns the return value of the last listener executed.
function emit(type) {
var listeners,
object = this,
event = Event(type),
events = object.events,
args = (arguments[0] = event, arguments);
event.currentTarget || (event.currentTarget = object);
event.target || (event.target = object);
delete event.result;
if (events && (listeners = _.has(events, event.type) && events[event.type])) {
_.each(listeners.slice(), function(listener) {
if ((event.result = listener.apply(object, args)) === false) {
event.cancelled = true;
return !event.aborted;
return event.result;
* Returns an array of event listeners for a given type that can be manipulated
* to add or remove listeners.
* @memberOf Benchmark, Benchmark.Suite
* @param {string} type The event type.
* @returns {Array} The listeners array.
function listeners(type) {
var object = this,
events = object.events || (object.events = {});
return _.has(events, type) ? events[type] : (events[type] = []);
* Unregisters a listener for the specified event type(s),
* or unregisters all listeners for the specified event type(s),
* or unregisters all listeners for all event types.
* @memberOf Benchmark, Benchmark.Suite
* @param {string} [type] The event type.
* @param {Function} [listener] The function to unregister.
* @returns {Object} The current instance.
* @example
* // unregister a listener for an event type
* bench.off('cycle', listener);
* // unregister a listener for multiple event types
* bench.off('start cycle', listener);
* // unregister all listeners for an event type
* bench.off('cycle');
* // unregister all listeners for multiple event types
* bench.off('start cycle complete');
* // unregister all listeners for all event types
* bench.off();
function off(type, listener) {
var object = this,
events = object.events;
if (!events) {
return object;
_.each(type ? type.split(' ') : events, function(listeners, type) {
var index;
if (typeof listeners == 'string') {
type = listeners;
listeners = _.has(events, type) && events[type];
if (listeners) {
if (listener) {
index = _.indexOf(listeners, listener);
if (index > -1) {
listeners.splice(index, 1);
} else {
listeners.length = 0;
return object;
* Registers a listener for the specified event type(s).
* @memberOf Benchmark, Benchmark.Suite
* @param {string} type The event type.
* @param {Function} listener The function to register.
* @returns {Object} The current instance.
* @example
* // register a listener for an event type
* bench.on('cycle', listener);
* // register a listener for multiple event types
* bench.on('start cycle', listener);
function on(type, listener) {
var object = this,
events = object.events || (object.events = {});
_.each(type.split(' '), function(type) {
(_.has(events, type)
? events[type]
: (events[type] = [])
return object;
* Aborts the benchmark without recording times.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @returns {Object} The benchmark instance.
function abort() {
var event,
bench = this,
resetting = calledBy.reset;
if (bench.running) {
event = Event('abort');
if (!event.cancelled || resetting) {
// Avoid infinite recursion.
calledBy.abort = true;
delete calledBy.abort;
if (support.timeout) {
delete bench._timerId;
if (!resetting) {
bench.aborted = true;
bench.running = false;
return bench;
* Creates a new benchmark using the same test and options.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @param {Object} options Options object to overwrite cloned options.
* @returns {Object} The new benchmark instance.
* @example
* var bizarro = bench.clone({
* 'name': 'doppelganger'
* });
function clone(options) {
var bench = this,
result = new bench.constructor(_.assign({}, bench, options));
// Correct the `options` object.
result.options = _.assign({}, cloneDeep(bench.options), cloneDeep(options));
// Copy own custom properties.
_.forOwn(bench, function(value, key) {
if (!_.has(result, key)) {
result[key] = cloneDeep(value);
return result;
* Determines if a benchmark is faster than another.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @param {Object} other The benchmark to compare.
* @returns {number} Returns `-1` if slower, `1` if faster, and `0` if indeterminate.
function compare(other) {
var bench = this;
// Exit early if comparing the same benchmark.
if (bench == other) {
return 0;
var critical,
sample1 = bench.stats.sample,
sample2 = other.stats.sample,
size1 = sample1.length,
size2 = sample2.length,
maxSize = max(size1, size2),
minSize = min(size1, size2),
u1 = getU(sample1, sample2),
u2 = getU(sample2, sample1),
u = min(u1, u2);
function getScore(xA, sampleB) {
return _.reduce(sampleB, function(total, xB) {
return total + (xB > xA ? 0 : xB < xA ? 1 : 0.5);
}, 0);
function getU(sampleA, sampleB) {
return _.reduce(sampleA, function(total, xA) {
return total + getScore(xA, sampleB);
}, 0);
function getZ(u) {
return (u - ((size1 * size2) / 2)) / sqrt((size1 * size2 * (size1 + size2 + 1)) / 12);
// Reject the null hypothesis the two samples come from the
// same population (i.e. have the same median) if...
if (size1 + size2 > 30) {
// ...the z-stat is greater than 1.96 or less than -1.96
// http://www.statisticslectures.com/topics/mannwhitneyu/
zStat = getZ(u);
return abs(zStat) > 1.96 ? (u == u1 ? 1 : -1) : 0;
// ...the U value is less than or equal the critical U value.
critical = maxSize < 5 || minSize < 3 ? 0 : uTable[maxSize][minSize - 3];
return u <= critical ? (u == u1 ? 1 : -1) : 0;
* Reset properties and abort if running.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @returns {Object} The benchmark instance.
function reset() {
var bench = this;
if (bench.running && !calledBy.abort) {
// No worries, `reset()` is called within `abort()`.
calledBy.reset = true;
delete calledBy.reset;
return bench;
var event,
index = 0,
changes = [],
queue = [];
// A non-recursive solution to check if properties have changed.
// For more information see http://www.jslab.dk/articles/non.recursive.preorder.traversal.part4.
var data = {
'destination': bench,
'source': _.assign({}, cloneDeep(bench.constructor.prototype), cloneDeep(bench.options))
do {
_.forOwn(data.source, function(value, key) {
var changed,
destination = data.destination,
currValue = destination[key];
// Skip pseudo private properties and event listeners.
if (/^_|^events$|^on[A-Z]/.test(key)) {
if (_.isObjectLike(value)) {
if (_.isArray(value)) {
// Check if an array value has changed to a non-array value.
if (!_.isArray(currValue)) {
changed = true;
currValue = [];
// Check if an array has changed its length.
if (currValue.length != value.length) {
changed = true;
currValue = currValue.slice(0, value.length);
currValue.length = value.length;
// Check if an object has changed to a non-object value.
else if (!_.isObjectLike(currValue)) {
changed = true;
currValue = {};
// Register a changed object.
if (changed) {
changes.push({ 'destination': destination, 'key': key, 'value': currValue });
queue.push({ 'destination': currValue, 'source': value });
// Register a changed primitive.
else if (!_.eq(currValue, value) && value !== undefined) {
changes.push({ 'destination': destination, 'key': key, 'value': value });
while ((data = queue[index++]));
// If changed emit the `reset` event and if it isn't cancelled reset the benchmark.
if (changes.length &&
(bench.emit(event = Event('reset')), !event.cancelled)) {
_.each(changes, function(data) {
data.destination[data.key] = data.value;
return bench;
* Displays relevant benchmark information when coerced to a string.
* @name toString
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @returns {string} A string representation of the benchmark instance.
function toStringBench() {
var bench = this,
error = bench.error,
hz = bench.hz,
id = bench.id,
stats = bench.stats,
size = stats.sample.length,
pm = '\xb1',
result = bench.name || (_.isNaN(id) ? id : '<Test #' + id + '>');
if (error) {
var errorStr;
if (!_.isObject(error)) {
errorStr = String(error);
} else if (!_.isError(Error)) {
errorStr = join(error);
} else {
// Error#name and Error#message properties are non-enumerable.
errorStr = join(_.assign({ 'name': error.name, 'message': error.message }, error));
result += ': ' + errorStr;
else {
result += ' x ' + formatNumber(hz.toFixed(hz < 100 ? 2 : 0)) + ' ops/sec ' + pm +
stats.rme.toFixed(2) + '% (' + size + ' run' + (size == 1 ? '' : 's') + ' sampled)';
return result;
* Clocks the time taken to execute a test per cycle (secs).
* @private
* @param {Object} bench The benchmark instance.
* @returns {number} The time taken.
function clock() {
var options = Benchmark.options,
templateData = {},
timers = [{ 'ns': timer.ns, 'res': max(0.0015, getRes('ms')), 'unit': 'ms' }];
// Lazy define for hi-res timers.
clock = function(clone) {
var deferred;
if (clone instanceof Deferred) {
deferred = clone;
clone = deferred.benchmark;
var bench = clone._original,
stringable = isStringable(bench.fn),
count = bench.count = clone.count,
decompilable = stringable || (support.decompilation && (clone.setup !== _.noop || clone.teardown !== _.noop)),
id = bench.id,
name = bench.name || (typeof id == 'number' ? '<Test #' + id + '>' : id),
result = 0;
// Init `minTime` if needed.
clone.minTime = bench.minTime || (bench.minTime = bench.options.minTime = options.minTime);
// Compile in setup/teardown functions and the test loop.
// Create a new compiled test, instead of using the cached `bench.compiled`,
// to avoid potential engine optimizations enabled over the life of the test.
var funcBody = deferred
? 'var d#=this,${fnArg}=d#,m#=d#.benchmark._original,f#=m#.fn,su#=m#.setup,td#=m#.teardown;' +
// When `deferred.cycles` is `0` then...
'if(!d#.cycles){' +
// set `deferred.fn`,
'd#.fn=function(){var ${fnArg}=d#;if(typeof f#=="function"){try{${fn}\n}catch(e#){f#(d#)}}else{${fn}\n}};' +
// set `deferred.teardown`,
'd#.teardown=function(){d#.cycles=0;if(typeof td#=="function"){try{${teardown}\n}catch(e#){td#()}}else{${teardown}\n}};' +
// execute the benchmark's `setup`,
'if(typeof su#=="function"){try{${setup}\n}catch(e#){su#()}}else{${setup}\n};' +
// start timer,
't#.start(d#);' +
// and then execute `deferred.fn` and return a dummy object.
: 'var r#,s#,m#=this,f#=m#.fn,i#=m#.count,n#=t#.ns;${setup}\n${begin};' +
var compiled = bench.compiled = clone.compiled = createCompiled(bench, decompilable, deferred, funcBody),
isEmpty = !(templateData.fn || stringable);
try {
if (isEmpty) {
// Firefox may remove dead code from `Function#toString` results.
// For more information see http://bugzil.la/536085.
throw new Error('The test "' + name + '" is empty. This may be the result of dead code removal.');
else if (!deferred) {
// Pretest to determine if compiled code exits early, usually by a
// rogue `return` statement, by checking for a return object with the uid.
bench.count = 1;
compiled = decompilable && (compiled.call(bench, context, timer) || {}).uid == templateData.uid && compiled;
bench.count = count;
} catch(e) {
compiled = null;
clone.error = e || new Error(String(e));
bench.count = count;
// Fallback when a test exits early or errors during pretest.
if (!compiled && !deferred && !isEmpty) {
funcBody = (
stringable || (decompilable && !clone.error)
? 'function f#(){${fn}\n}var r#,s#,m#=this,i#=m#.count'
: 'var r#,s#,m#=this,f#=m#.fn,i#=m#.count'
) +
',n#=t#.ns;${setup}\n${begin};m#.f#=f#;while(i#--){m#.f#()}${end};' +
'delete m#.f#;${teardown}\nreturn{elapsed:r#}';
compiled = createCompiled(bench, decompilable, deferred, funcBody);
try {
// Pretest one more time to check for errors.
bench.count = 1;
compiled.call(bench, context, timer);
bench.count = count;
delete clone.error;
catch(e) {
bench.count = count;
if (!clone.error) {
clone.error = e || new Error(String(e));
// If no errors run the full test loop.
if (!clone.error) {
compiled = bench.compiled = clone.compiled = createCompiled(bench, decompilable, deferred, funcBody);
result = compiled.call(deferred || bench, context, timer).elapsed;
return result;
* Creates a compiled function from the given function `body`.
function createCompiled(bench, decompilable, deferred, body) {
var fn = bench.fn,
fnArg = deferred ? getFirstArgument(fn) || 'deferred' : '';
templateData.uid = uid + uidCounter++;
_.assign(templateData, {
'setup': decompilable ? getSource(bench.setup) : interpolate('m#.setup()'),
'fn': decompilable ? getSource(fn) : interpolate('m#.fn(' + fnArg + ')'),
'fnArg': fnArg,
'teardown': decompilable ? getSource(bench.teardown) : interpolate('m#.teardown()')
// Use API of chosen timer.
if (timer.unit == 'ns') {
_.assign(templateData, {
'begin': interpolate('s#=n#()'),
'end': interpolate('r#=n#(s#);r#=r#[0]+(r#[1]/1e9)')
else if (timer.unit == 'us') {
if (timer.ns.stop) {
_.assign(templateData, {
'begin': interpolate('s#=n#.start()'),
'end': interpolate('r#=n#.microseconds()/1e6')
} else {
_.assign(templateData, {
'begin': interpolate('s#=n#()'),
'end': interpolate('r#=(n#()-s#)/1e6')
else if (timer.ns.now) {
_.assign(templateData, {
'begin': interpolate('s#=n#.now()'),
'end': interpolate('r#=(n#.now()-s#)/1e3')
else {
_.assign(templateData, {
'begin': interpolate('s#=new n#().getTime()'),
'end': interpolate('r#=(new n#().getTime()-s#)/1e3')
// Define `timer` methods.
timer.start = createFunction(
interpolate('var n#=this.ns,${begin};o#.elapsed=0;o#.timeStamp=s#')
timer.stop = createFunction(
interpolate('var n#=this.ns,s#=o#.timeStamp,${end};o#.elapsed=r#')
// Create compiled test.
return createFunction(
'var global = window, clearTimeout = global.clearTimeout, setTimeout = global.setTimeout;\n' +
* Gets the current timer's minimum resolution (secs).
function getRes(unit) {
var measured,
count = 30,
divisor = 1e3,
ns = timer.ns,
sample = [];
// Get average smallest measurable time.
while (count--) {
if (unit == 'us') {
divisor = 1e6;
if (ns.stop) {
while (!(measured = ns.microseconds())) {}
} else {
begin = ns();
while (!(measured = ns() - begin)) {}
else if (unit == 'ns') {
divisor = 1e9;
begin = (begin = ns())[0] + (begin[1] / divisor);
while (!(measured = ((measured = ns())[0] + (measured[1] / divisor)) - begin)) {}
divisor = 1;
else if (ns.now) {
begin = ns.now();
while (!(measured = ns.now() - begin)) {}
else {
begin = new ns().getTime();
while (!(measured = new ns().getTime() - begin)) {}
// Check for broken timers.
if (measured > 0) {
} else {
// Convert to seconds.
return getMean(sample) / divisor;
* Interpolates a given template string.
function interpolate(string) {
// Replaces all occurrences of `#` with a unique number and template tokens with content.
return _.template(string.replace(/\#/g, /\d+/.exec(templateData.uid)))(templateData);
// Detect Chrome's microsecond timer:
// enable benchmarking via the --enable-benchmarking command
// line switch in at least Chrome 7 to use chrome.Interval
try {
if ((timer.ns = new (context.chrome || context.chromium).Interval)) {
timers.push({ 'ns': timer.ns, 'res': getRes('us'), 'unit': 'us' });
} catch(e) {}
// Detect Node.js's nanosecond resolution timer available in Node.js >= 0.8.
if (processObject && typeof (timer.ns = processObject.hrtime) == 'function') {
timers.push({ 'ns': timer.ns, 'res': getRes('ns'), 'unit': 'ns' });
// Detect Wade Simmons' Node.js `microtime` module.
if (microtimeObject && typeof (timer.ns = microtimeObject.now) == 'function') {
timers.push({ 'ns': timer.ns, 'res': getRes('us'), 'unit': 'us' });
// Pick timer with highest resolution.
timer = _.minBy(timers, 'res');
// Error if there are no working timers.
if (timer.res == Infinity) {
throw new Error('Benchmark.js was unable to find a working timer.');
// Resolve time span required to achieve a percent uncertainty of at most 1%.
// For more information see http://spiff.rit.edu/classes/phys273/uncert/uncert.html.
options.minTime || (options.minTime = max(timer.res / 2 / 0.01, 0.05));
return clock.apply(null, arguments);
* Computes stats on benchmark results.
* @private
* @param {Object} bench The benchmark instance.
* @param {Object} options The options object.
function compute(bench, options) {
options || (options = {});
var async = options.async,
elapsed = 0,
initCount = bench.initCount,
minSamples = bench.minSamples,
queue = [],
sample = bench.stats.sample;
* Adds a clone to the queue.
function enqueue() {
queue.push(_.assign(bench.clone(), {
'_original': bench,
'events': {
'abort': [update],
'cycle': [update],
'error': [update],
'start': [update]
* Updates the clone/original benchmarks to keep their data in sync.
function update(event) {
var clone = this,
type = event.type;
if (bench.running) {
if (type == 'start') {
// Note: `clone.minTime` prop is inited in `clock()`.
clone.count = bench.initCount;
else {
if (type == 'error') {
bench.error = clone.error;
if (type == 'abort') {
} else {
event.currentTarget = event.target = bench;
} else if (bench.aborted) {
// Clear abort listeners to avoid triggering bench's abort/cycle again.
clone.events.abort.length = 0;
* Determines if more clones should be queued or if cycling should stop.
function evaluate(event) {
var critical,
clone = event.target,
done = bench.aborted,
now = _.now(),
size = sample.push(clone.times.period),
maxedOut = size >= minSamples && (elapsed += now - clone.times.timeStamp) / 1e3 > bench.maxTime,
times = bench.times,
varOf = function(sum, x) { return sum + pow(x - mean, 2); };
// Exit early for aborted or unclockable tests.
if (done || clone.hz == Infinity) {
maxedOut = !(size = sample.length = queue.length = 0);
if (!done) {
// Compute the sample mean (estimate of the population mean).
mean = getMean(sample);
// Compute the sample variance (estimate of the population variance).
variance = _.reduce(sample, varOf, 0) / (size - 1) || 0;
// Compute the sample standard deviation (estimate of the population standard deviation).
sd = sqrt(variance);
// Compute the standard error of the mean (a.k.a. the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample mean).
sem = sd / sqrt(size);
// Compute the degrees of freedom.
df = size - 1;
// Compute the critical value.
critical = tTable[Math.round(df) || 1] || tTable.infinity;
// Compute the margin of error.
moe = sem * critical;
// Compute the relative margin of error.
rme = (moe / mean) * 100 || 0;
_.assign(bench.stats, {
'deviation': sd,
'mean': mean,
'moe': moe,
'rme': rme,
'sem': sem,
'variance': variance
// Abort the cycle loop when the minimum sample size has been collected
// and the elapsed time exceeds the maximum time allowed per benchmark.
// We don't count cycle delays toward the max time because delays may be
// increased by browsers that clamp timeouts for inactive tabs. For more
// information see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/window.setTimeout#Inactive_tabs.
if (maxedOut) {
// Reset the `initCount` in case the benchmark is rerun.
bench.initCount = initCount;
bench.running = false;
done = true;
times.elapsed = (now - times.timeStamp) / 1e3;
if (bench.hz != Infinity) {
bench.hz = 1 / mean;
times.cycle = mean * bench.count;
times.period = mean;
// If time permits, increase sample size to reduce the margin of error.
if (queue.length < 2 && !maxedOut) {
// Abort the `invoke` cycle when done.
event.aborted = done;
// Init queue and begin.
invoke(queue, {
'name': 'run',
'args': { 'async': async },
'queued': true,
'onCycle': evaluate,
'onComplete': function() { bench.emit('complete'); }
* Cycles a benchmark until a run `count` can be established.
* @private
* @param {Object} clone The cloned benchmark instance.
* @param {Object} options The options object.
function cycle(clone, options) {
options || (options = {});
var deferred;
if (clone instanceof Deferred) {
deferred = clone;
clone = clone.benchmark;
var clocked,
async = options.async,
bench = clone._original,
count = clone.count,
times = clone.times;
// Continue, if not aborted between cycles.
if (clone.running) {
// `minTime` is set to `Benchmark.options.minTime` in `clock()`.
cycles = ++clone.cycles;
clocked = deferred ? deferred.elapsed : clock(clone);
minTime = clone.minTime;
if (cycles > bench.cycles) {
bench.cycles = cycles;
if (clone.error) {
event = Event('error');
event.message = clone.error;
if (!event.cancelled) {
// Continue, if not errored.
if (clone.running) {
// Compute the time taken to complete last test cycle.
bench.times.cycle = times.cycle = clocked;
// Compute the seconds per operation.
period = bench.times.period = times.period = clocked / count;
// Compute the ops per second.
bench.hz = clone.hz = 1 / period;
// Avoid working our way up to this next time.
bench.initCount = clone.initCount = count;
// Do we need to do another cycle?
clone.running = clocked < minTime;
if (clone.running) {
// Tests may clock at `0` when `initCount` is a small number,
// to avoid that we set its count to something a bit higher.
if (!clocked && (divisor = divisors[clone.cycles]) != null) {
count = floor(4e6 / divisor);
// Calculate how many more iterations it will take to achieve the `minTime`.
if (count <= clone.count) {
count += Math.ceil((minTime - clocked) / period);
clone.running = count != Infinity;
// Should we exit early?
event = Event('cycle');
if (event.aborted) {
// Figure out what to do next.
if (clone.running) {
// Start a new cycle.
clone.count = count;
if (deferred) {
clone.compiled.call(deferred, context, timer);
} else if (async) {
delay(clone, function() { cycle(clone, options); });
} else {
else {
// Fix TraceMonkey bug associated with clock fallbacks.
// For more information see http://bugzil.la/509069.
if (support.browser) {
runScript(uid + '=1;delete ' + uid);
// We're done.
* Runs the benchmark.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @param {Object} [options={}] Options object.
* @returns {Object} The benchmark instance.
* @example
* // basic usage
* bench.run();
* // or with options
* bench.run({ 'async': true });
function run(options) {
var bench = this,
event = Event('start');
// Set `running` to `false` so `reset()` won't call `abort()`.
bench.running = false;
bench.running = true;
bench.count = bench.initCount;
bench.times.timeStamp = _.now();
if (!event.cancelled) {
options = { 'async': ((options = options && options.async) == null ? bench.async : options) && support.timeout };
// For clones created within `compute()`.
if (bench._original) {
if (bench.defer) {
} else {
cycle(bench, options);
// For original benchmarks.
else {
compute(bench, options);
return bench;
// Firefox 1 erroneously defines variable and argument names of functions on
// the function itself as non-configurable properties with `undefined` values.
// The bugginess continues as the `Benchmark` constructor has an argument
// named `options` and Firefox 1 will not assign a value to `Benchmark.options`,
// making it non-writable in the process, unless it is the first property
// assigned by for-in loop of `_.assign()`.
_.assign(Benchmark, {
* The default options copied by benchmark instances.
* @static
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type Object
'options': {
* A flag to indicate that benchmark cycles will execute asynchronously
* by default.
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type boolean
'async': false,
* A flag to indicate that the benchmark clock is deferred.
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type boolean
'defer': false,
* The delay between test cycles (secs).
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type number
'delay': 0.005,
* Displayed by `Benchmark#toString` when a `name` is not available
* (auto-generated if absent).
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type string
'id': undefined,
* The default number of times to execute a test on a benchmark's first cycle.
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type number
'initCount': 1,
* The maximum time a benchmark is allowed to run before finishing (secs).
* Note: Cycle delays aren't counted toward the maximum time.
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type number
'maxTime': 5,
* The minimum sample size required to perform statistical analysis.
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type number
'minSamples': 5,
* The time needed to reduce the percent uncertainty of measurement to 1% (secs).
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type number
'minTime': 0,
* The name of the benchmark.
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type string
'name': undefined,
* An event listener called when the benchmark is aborted.
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type Function
'onAbort': undefined,
* An event listener called when the benchmark completes running.
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type Function
'onComplete': undefined,
* An event listener called after each run cycle.
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type Function
'onCycle': undefined,
* An event listener called when a test errors.
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type Function
'onError': undefined,
* An event listener called when the benchmark is reset.
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type Function
'onReset': undefined,
* An event listener called when the benchmark starts running.
* @memberOf Benchmark.options
* @type Function
'onStart': undefined
* Platform object with properties describing things like browser name,
* version, and operating system. See [`platform.js`](https://mths.be/platform).
* @static
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type Object
'platform': context.platform || require('platform') || ({
'description': context.navigator && context.navigator.userAgent || null,
'layout': null,
'product': null,
'name': null,
'manufacturer': null,
'os': null,
'prerelease': null,
'version': null,
'toString': function() {
return this.description || '';
* The semantic version number.
* @static
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type string
'version': '2.1.4'
_.assign(Benchmark, {
'filter': filter,
'formatNumber': formatNumber,
'invoke': invoke,
'join': join,
'runInContext': runInContext,
'support': support
// Add lodash methods to Benchmark.
_.each(['each', 'forEach', 'forOwn', 'has', 'indexOf', 'map', 'reduce'], function(methodName) {
Benchmark[methodName] = _[methodName];
_.assign(Benchmark.prototype, {
* The number of times a test was executed.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type number
'count': 0,
* The number of cycles performed while benchmarking.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type number
'cycles': 0,
* The number of executions per second.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type number
'hz': 0,
* The compiled test function.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type {Function|string}
'compiled': undefined,
* The error object if the test failed.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type Object
'error': undefined,
* The test to benchmark.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type {Function|string}
'fn': undefined,
* A flag to indicate if the benchmark is aborted.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type boolean
'aborted': false,
* A flag to indicate if the benchmark is running.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type boolean
'running': false,
* Compiled into the test and executed immediately **before** the test loop.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type {Function|string}
* @example
* // basic usage
* var bench = Benchmark({
* 'setup': function() {
* var c = this.count,
* element = document.getElementById('container');
* while (c--) {
* element.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
* }
* },
* 'fn': function() {
* element.removeChild(element.lastChild);
* }
* });
* // compiles to something like:
* var c = this.count,
* element = document.getElementById('container');
* while (c--) {
* element.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
* }
* var start = new Date;
* while (count--) {
* element.removeChild(element.lastChild);
* }
* var end = new Date - start;
* // or using strings
* var bench = Benchmark({
* 'setup': '\
* var a = 0;\n\
* (function() {\n\
* (function() {\n\
* (function() {',
* 'fn': 'a += 1;',
* 'teardown': '\
* }())\n\
* }())\n\
* }())'
* });
* // compiles to something like:
* var a = 0;
* (function() {
* (function() {
* (function() {
* var start = new Date;
* while (count--) {
* a += 1;
* }
* var end = new Date - start;
* }())
* }())
* }())
'setup': _.noop,
* Compiled into the test and executed immediately **after** the test loop.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type {Function|string}
'teardown': _.noop,
* An object of stats including mean, margin or error, and standard deviation.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type Object
'stats': {
* The margin of error.
* @memberOf Benchmark#stats
* @type number
'moe': 0,
* The relative margin of error (expressed as a percentage of the mean).
* @memberOf Benchmark#stats
* @type number
'rme': 0,
* The standard error of the mean.
* @memberOf Benchmark#stats
* @type number
'sem': 0,
* The sample standard deviation.
* @memberOf Benchmark#stats
* @type number
'deviation': 0,
* The sample arithmetic mean (secs).
* @memberOf Benchmark#stats
* @type number
'mean': 0,
* The array of sampled periods.
* @memberOf Benchmark#stats
* @type Array
'sample': [],
* The sample variance.
* @memberOf Benchmark#stats
* @type number
'variance': 0
* An object of timing data including cycle, elapsed, period, start, and stop.
* @memberOf Benchmark
* @type Object
'times': {
* The time taken to complete the last cycle (secs).
* @memberOf Benchmark#times
* @type number
'cycle': 0,
* The time taken to complete the benchmark (secs).
* @memberOf Benchmark#times
* @type number
'elapsed': 0,
* The time taken to execute the test once (secs).
* @memberOf Benchmark#times
* @type number
'period': 0,
* A timestamp of when the benchmark started (ms).
* @memberOf Benchmark#times
* @type number
'timeStamp': 0
_.assign(Benchmark.prototype, {
'abort': abort,
'clone': clone,
'compare': compare,
'emit': emit,
'listeners': listeners,
'off': off,
'on': on,
'reset': reset,
'run': run,
'toString': toStringBench
_.assign(Deferred.prototype, {
* The deferred benchmark instance.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Deferred
* @type Object
'benchmark': null,
* The number of deferred cycles performed while benchmarking.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Deferred
* @type number
'cycles': 0,
* The time taken to complete the deferred benchmark (secs).
* @memberOf Benchmark.Deferred
* @type number
'elapsed': 0,
* A timestamp of when the deferred benchmark started (ms).
* @memberOf Benchmark.Deferred
* @type number
'timeStamp': 0
_.assign(Deferred.prototype, {
'resolve': resolve
_.assign(Event.prototype, {
* A flag to indicate if the emitters listener iteration is aborted.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Event
* @type boolean
'aborted': false,
* A flag to indicate if the default action is cancelled.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Event
* @type boolean
'cancelled': false,
* The object whose listeners are currently being processed.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Event
* @type Object
'currentTarget': undefined,
* The return value of the last executed listener.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Event
* @type Mixed
'result': undefined,
* The object to which the event was originally emitted.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Event
* @type Object
'target': undefined,
* A timestamp of when the event was created (ms).
* @memberOf Benchmark.Event
* @type number
'timeStamp': 0,
* The event type.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Event
* @type string
'type': ''
* The default options copied by suite instances.
* @static
* @memberOf Benchmark.Suite
* @type Object
Suite.options = {
* The name of the suite.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Suite.options
* @type string
'name': undefined
_.assign(Suite.prototype, {
* The number of benchmarks in the suite.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Suite
* @type number
'length': 0,
* A flag to indicate if the suite is aborted.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Suite
* @type boolean
'aborted': false,
* A flag to indicate if the suite is running.
* @memberOf Benchmark.Suite
* @type boolean
'running': false
_.assign(Suite.prototype, {
'abort': abortSuite,
'add': add,
'clone': cloneSuite,
'emit': emit,
'filter': filterSuite,
'join': arrayRef.join,
'listeners': listeners,
'off': off,
'on': on,
'pop': arrayRef.pop,
'push': push,
'reset': resetSuite,
'run': runSuite,
'reverse': arrayRef.reverse,
'shift': shift,
'slice': slice,
'sort': arrayRef.sort,
'splice': arrayRef.splice,
'unshift': unshift
// Expose Deferred, Event, and Suite.
_.assign(Benchmark, {
'Deferred': Deferred,
'Event': Event,
'Suite': Suite
// Add lodash methods as Suite methods.
_.each(['each', 'forEach', 'indexOf', 'map', 'reduce'], function(methodName) {
var func = _[methodName];
Suite.prototype[methodName] = function() {
var args = [this];
push.apply(args, arguments);
return func.apply(_, args);
// Avoid array-like object bugs with `Array#shift` and `Array#splice`
// in Firefox < 10 and IE < 9.
_.each(['pop', 'shift', 'splice'], function(methodName) {
var func = arrayRef[methodName];
Suite.prototype[methodName] = function() {
var value = this,
result = func.apply(value, arguments);
if (value.length === 0) {
delete value[0];
return result;
// Avoid buggy `Array#unshift` in IE < 8 which doesn't return the new
// length of the array.
Suite.prototype.unshift = function() {
var value = this;
unshift.apply(value, arguments);
return value.length;
return Benchmark;
// Export Benchmark.
// Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for condition patterns like the following:
if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd) {
// Define as an anonymous module so, through path mapping, it can be aliased.
define(['lodash', 'platform'], function(_, platform) {
return runInContext({
'_': _,
'platform': platform
else {
var Benchmark = runInContext();
// Check for `exports` after `define` in case a build optimizer adds an `exports` object.
if (freeExports && freeModule) {
// Export for Node.js.
if (moduleExports) {
(freeModule.exports = Benchmark).Benchmark = Benchmark;
// Export for CommonJS support.
freeExports.Benchmark = Benchmark;
else {
// Export to the global object.
root.Benchmark = Benchmark;