from odoo import api, fields, models class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = "res.partner" name_write = fields.Char( string="Name (in contracts)", help="This name uses in contracts", ) name_genitive = fields.Char(string="Name Genitive",) name_initials = fields.Char(string="Name Initials",) function_genitive = fields.Char(string="Function Genitive",) # TODO: have no use of this client_contract_ids = fields.One2many( "res.partner.contract", "partner_id", string="Contracts", ) contract_count = fields.Integer( compute="_compute_contract_count", string="# of contracts" ) full_address = fields.Char( compute="_compute_full_address" ) # Check for res.partner.contact_address in base/res street_actual = fields.Many2one("res.partner", string="Actual Address",) representative_id = fields.Many2one( "res.partner", string="Representative", help="Person, who represents company" ) representative_document = fields.Char( string="Representative acts on the basis of", help="Parent Case", ) signature = fields.Binary(string="Client signature") phone_whatsapp = fields.Char( string="WhatsApp", help="If a contact have a WhatsApp number", ) phone_telegram = fields.Char( string="Telegram", help="If a contact have a Telegram number or identifier", ) @api.depends("street", "street2", "city", "state_id", "zip", "country_id") def _compute_full_address(self): for record in self: data = filter( None, map( lambda s: s and s.strip(), [, record.street, record.street2,,, ], ), ) record.full_address = ", ".join(data) @api.depends("self.client_contract_ids") def _compute_contract_count(self): self.contract_count = len(self.client_contract_ids)