from json import dumps as json_dumps, loads as json_loads from logging import getLogger from werkzeug.urls import url_decode from odoo.http import ( content_disposition, request, route, serialize_exception as _serialize_exception, ) from import html_escape from import safe_eval, time from odoo.addons.web.controllers.main import ReportController _logger = getLogger(__name__) class DocxReportController(ReportController): @route() def report_routes(self, reportname, docids=None, converter=None, **data): report = request.env[""]._get_report_from_name(reportname) context = dict(request.env.context) _data = dict() if docids: _docids = [int(i) for i in docids.split(",")] if data.get("options"): _data.update(json_loads(data.pop("options"))) if data.get("context"): # Ignore 'lang' here, because the context in data is the one from the webclient *but* if # the user explicitely wants to change the lang, this mechanism overwrites it. _data["context"] = json_loads(data["context"]) if _data["context"].get("lang") and not _data.get("force_context_lang"): del _data["context"]["lang"] context.update(_data["context"]) if converter == "docx": docx = report.with_context(context)._render_docx_docx(_docids, data=_data) docxhttpheaders = [ ( "Content-Type", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", ), # ("Content-Length", len(docx)), ] return request.make_response(docx, headers=docxhttpheaders) elif converter == "pdf" and "docx" in report.report_type: pdf = report.with_context(context)._render_docx_pdf(_docids, data=_data) pdfhttpheaders = [ ( "Content-Type", "application/pdf", ), ("Content-Length", len(pdf)), ] return request.make_response(pdf, headers=pdfhttpheaders) else: return super().report_routes( reportname, docids=docids, converter=converter, **data ) @route() def report_download(self, data, token, context=None): requestcontent = json_loads(data) url, type = requestcontent[0], requestcontent[1] try: if type in ["docx-docx", "docx-pdf"]: converter = "docx" if type == "docx-docx" else "pdf" extension = "docx" if type == "docx-docx" else "pdf" pattern = "/report/%s/" % ("docx" if type == "docx-docx" else "pdf") reportname = url.split(pattern)[1].split("?")[0] docids = None if "/" in reportname: reportname, docids = reportname.split("/") if docids: # Generic report: response = self.report_routes( reportname, docids=docids, converter=converter, context=context ) else: # Particular report: data = dict( url_decode(url.split("?")[1]).items() ) # decoding the args represented in JSON if "context" in data: context, data_context = json_loads(context or "{}"), json_loads( data.pop("context") ) context = json_dumps({**context, **data_context}) response = self.report_routes( reportname, converter=converter, context=context, **data ) report = request.env[""]._get_report_from_name( reportname ) filename = "%s.%s" % (, extension) if docids: ids = [int(x) for x in docids.split(",")] obj = request.env[report.model].browse(ids) if report.print_report_name and not len(obj) > 1: report_name = safe_eval( report.print_report_name, {"object": obj, "time": time} ) filename = "%s.%s" % (report_name, extension) response.headers.add( "Content-Disposition", content_disposition(filename) ) response.set_cookie("fileToken", token) return response else: return super().report_download(data, token, context=context) except Exception as e: se = _serialize_exception(e) error = {"code": 200, "message": "Odoo Server Error", "data": se} return request.make_response(html_escape(json_dumps(error)))