import io from collections import OrderedDict from jinja2 import Environment as Jinja2Environment from logging import getLogger from docxcompose.composer import Composer from docx import Document from docxtpl import DocxTemplate from odoo import _, api, fields, models, SUPERUSER_ID from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError from odoo.sql_db import TestCursor from import safe_eval, time from ..utils.num2words import num2words_, num2words_currency _logger = getLogger(__name__) class IrActionsReport(models.Model): _inherit = "ir.actions.actions" report_name = fields.Char(required=False) report_type = fields.Selection( selection_add=[("docx-docx", "DOCX")], ondelete="cascade" ) report_docx_template = fields.Binary( string="Report docx template", ) def _render_docx_docx(self, res_ids=None, data=None): if not data: data = {} data.setdefault("report_type", "docx") # access the report details with sudo() but evaluation context as current user self_sudo = self.sudo() save_in_attachment = OrderedDict() # Maps the streams in `save_in_attachment` back to the records they came from stream_record = dict() if res_ids: Model = self.env[self_sudo.model] record_ids = Model.browse(res_ids) docx_record_ids = Model if self_sudo.attachment: for record_id in record_ids: attachment = self_sudo.retrieve_attachment(record_id) if attachment: stream = self_sudo._retrieve_stream_from_attachment(attachment) save_in_attachment[] = stream stream_record[stream] = record_id if not self_sudo.attachment_use or not attachment: docx_record_ids += record_id else: docx_record_ids = record_ids res_ids = docx_record_ids.ids if save_in_attachment and not res_ids:"The DOCS report has been generated from attachments.") return self_sudo._post_docx(save_in_attachment), "docx" template = self.report_docx_template template_path = template._full_path(template.store_fname) doc = DocxTemplate(template_path) jinja_env = Jinja2Environment() functions = { "number2words": num2words_, "currency2words": num2words_currency, } jinja_env.globals.update(**functions) doc.render(data, jinja_env) docx_content = io.BytesIO() if res_ids: "The DOCS report has been generated for model: %s, records %s." % (self_sudo.model, str(res_ids)) ) return ( self_sudo._post_docx( save_in_attachment, docx_content=docx_content, res_ids=res_ids ), "docx", ) return docx_content, "docx" def _post_docx(self, save_in_attachment, docx_content=None, res_ids=None): def close_streams(streams): for stream in streams: try: stream.close() except Exception: pass if len(save_in_attachment) == 1 and not docx_content: return list(save_in_attachment.values())[0].getvalue() streams = [] if docx_content: # Build a record_map mapping id -> record record_map = { r for r in self.env[self.model].browse( [res_id for res_id in res_ids if res_id] ) } # If no value in attachment or no record specified, only append the whole docx. if not record_map or not self.attachment: streams.append(docx_content) else: if len(res_ids) == 1: # Only one record, so postprocess directly and append the whole docx. if ( res_ids[0] in record_map and not res_ids[0] in save_in_attachment ): new_stream = self._postprocess_docx_report( record_map[res_ids[0]], docx_content ) # If the buffer has been modified, mark the old buffer to be closed as well. if new_stream and new_stream != docx_content: close_streams([docx_content]) docx_content = new_stream streams.append(docx_content) else: streams.append(docx_content) if self.attachment_use: for stream in save_in_attachment.values(): streams.append(stream) if len(streams) == 1: result = streams[0].getvalue() else: try: result = self._merge_docx(streams) except Exception: raise UserError(_("One of the documents, you try to merge is fallback")) close_streams(streams) return result def _postprocess_docx_report(self, record, buffer): attachment_name = safe_eval(self.attachment, {"object": record, "time": time}) if not attachment_name: return None attachment_vals = { "name": attachment_name, "raw": buffer.getvalue(), "res_model": self.model, "res_id":, "type": "binary", } try: self.env["ir.attachment"].create(attachment_vals) except AccessError: "Cannot save DOCX report %r as attachment", attachment_vals["name"] ) else: "The DOCX document %s is now saved in the database", attachment_vals["name"], ) return buffer def _merge_docx(self, streams): writer = Document() composer = Composer(writer) for stream in streams: reader = Document(stream) composer.append(reader) return composer.getvalue()