from odoo import models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError from ..utils import MODULE_NAME class AccountInvoice(models.Model): _inherit = "account.invoice" def invoice_print(self): self.ensure_one() for so in self.env["sale.order"].search([]): if in so.invoice_ids.ids: order = so break else: return super().invoice_print() if not order.contract_annex_id or not order.contract_annex_id.contract_id: raise UserError( _( "There is no binding contract. It is necessary to link the order with the annex to the contract." ) ) self.sent = True view = self.env.ref( "{}.res_partner_wizard_print_document_view".format(MODULE_NAME) ) return { "name": _("Print Form of Contract Annex"), "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "res_model": "res.partner.contract.wizard", "view_mode": "form", "view_id":, "target": "new", "context": { "self_id":, "active_model": "res.partner.contract.annex", }, }