When renumbering the moves, a lot of recomputes were executed, specially after Yeeeeaah was merged (a.k.a. https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/96134). None of those recomputes is needed. The entry number we're adding here has no impact on taxes, invoices, or anything related. We can just skip all that stuff and make renumbering actually be able to finish in less than 100 years. @moduon MT-2806
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# Copyright 2022 Moduon
# License LGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html).
from datetime import date
from odoo import _, api, exceptions, fields, models
class AccountMoveRenumberWizard(models.TransientModel):
_name = "account.move.renumber.wizard"
_description = "Account move entry renumbering wizard"
starting_date = fields.Date(
default=lambda self: self._default_starting_date(),
help="Renumber account moves starting this day.",
starting_number = fields.Integer(
default=1, help="Reset sequence to this number before starting."
available_sequence_ids = fields.Many2many(
string="Available sequences",
default=lambda self: self._default_available_sequence_ids(),
sequence_id = fields.Many2one(
default=lambda self: self._default_entry_number_sequence(),
domain="[('id', 'in', available_sequence_ids)]",
help="Sequence to use for renumbering. Affects all journals that use this sequence.",
def _default_starting_date(self):
"""Start by default on day 1 of current year."""
return date(date.today().year, 1, 1)
def _default_entry_number_sequence(self):
"""Get default sequence if it exists."""
return self.env["ir.sequence"].search(
[("code", "=", "account_journal_general_sequence.default")]
def _default_available_sequence_ids(self):
"""Let view display only journal-related sequences."""
return self.env["account.journal"].search([]).mapped("entry_number_sequence_id")
def action_renumber(self):
"""Renumber moves.
Makes sure moves exist. Sorts them. Resets sequences. Renumbers them.
# Find posted moves that match wizard criteria
moves = self.env["account.move"].search(
("state", "=", "posted"),
("date", ">=", self.starting_date),
("journal_id.entry_number_sequence_id", "=", self.sequence_id.id),
order="date, id",
if not moves:
raise exceptions.UserError(_("No account moves found."))
# Reset sequence
future_ranges = self.env["ir.sequence.date_range"].search(
("date_from", ">", self.starting_date),
("sequence_id", "=", self.sequence_id.id),
# Safe `sudo` calls; wizard only available for accounting managers
current_range = self.sequence_id._get_current_sequence(self.starting_date)
current_range.sudo().number_next = self.starting_number
self.sequence_id.sudo().number_next = self.starting_number
# Renumber the moves
moves = moves.with_context(skip_invoice_sync=True)
moves.entry_number = False