Damien Crier 6bdd7dbfd9 [FIX*IMP] account_fiscal_year
* Add contributors to README
* try to find a FY start date according to the start date from choosen period
* Unable to unlink a date_range with type fiscal_year
* `fiscal_year` flag readonly
* add menu to date_range under accounting section
* remove method on  object because it's the same as in  file
* unable to delete  with flag 'fiscal_year' but can delete
* clean __openerp__.py
* account_fiscal_year version number
2022-10-04 09:37:28 +02:00

73 lines
1.9 KiB

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Account Fiscal Year
This module extends `date.range.type` to add `fiscal_year` flag.
Override official `res_company.compute_fiscal_year_dates` to get the
fiscal year date start / date end for any given date.
That methods first looks for a date range of type fiscal year that
encloses the give date.
If it does not find it, it falls back on the standard Odoo
technique based on the day/month of end of fiscal year.
Just install it
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check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first,
help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback.
* Odoo Community Association: `Icon <https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools/blob/master/template/module/static/description/icon.svg>`_.
* Damien Crier <damien.crier@camptocamp.com>
* Laurent Mignon <laurent.mignon@acsone.eu>
* Lorenzo Battistini <lorenzo.battistini@agilebg.com>
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This module is maintained by the OCA.
OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose
mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and
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