from odoo import api, fields, models class PurchaseOrder(models.Model): _inherit = "purchase.order" @api.depends("order_line.invoice_lines.move_id") def _compute_journal_entries(self): for order in self: journal_entries = order.mapped("order_line.invoice_lines.move_id").filtered( lambda r: r.move_type == "entry" ) order.journal_entry_ids = journal_entries order.journal_entries_count = len(journal_entries) journal_entries_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_journal_entries") journal_entry_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name="account.move", relation="journal_entries_ids_purchase_order", compute="_compute_journal_entries", string="Journal Entries", ) @api.depends("order_line.invoice_lines.move_id") def _compute_invoice(self): """Overwritten compute to avoid show all Journal Entries with purchase_order_line as invoice_lines One2many would take them into account.""" for order in self: invoices = order.order_line.invoice_lines.move_id.filtered( lambda m: m.is_invoice(include_receipts=True) ) order.invoice_ids = invoices order.invoice_count = len(invoices) def action_view_journal_entries(self, invoices=False): """This function returns an action that display existing journal entries of given purchase order ids. When only one found, show the journal entry immediately. """ if not invoices: self.sudo()._read(["journal_entry_ids"]) invoices = self.journal_entry_ids result = self.env["ir.actions.act_window"]._for_xml_id( "account.action_move_in_invoice_type" ) # choose the view_mode accordingly if len(invoices) > 1: result["domain"] = [("id", "in", invoices.ids)] elif len(invoices) == 1: res = self.env.ref("account.view_move_form", False) form_view = [(res and or False, "form")] if "views" in result: result["views"] = form_view + [ (state, view) for state, view in result["views"] if view != "form" ] else: result["views"] = form_view result["res_id"] = else: result = {"type": "ir.actions.act_window_close"} return result