# Copyright 2009-2018 Noviat
# Copyright 2021 Tecnativa - João Marques
# Copyright 2021 Tecnativa - Víctor Martínez
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).

import logging

from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.tests.common import Form

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# List of move's fields that can't be modified if move is linked
# with a depreciation line
FIELDS_AFFECTS_ASSET_MOVE = {"journal_id", "date"}
# List of move line's fields that can't be modified if move is linked
# with a depreciation line

class AccountMove(models.Model):
    _inherit = "account.move"

    asset_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_asset_count")

    def _compute_asset_count(self):
        rg_res = self.env["account.asset.line"].read_group(
            [("move_id", "in", self.ids)], ["move_id"], ["move_id"]
        mapped_data = {x["move_id"][0]: x["move_id_count"] for x in rg_res}
        for move in self:
            move.asset_count = mapped_data.get(move.id, 0)

    def unlink(self):
        # for move in self:
        deprs = self.env["account.asset.line"].search(
            [("move_id", "in", self.ids), ("type", "in", ["depreciate", "remove"])]
        if deprs and not self.env.context.get("unlink_from_asset"):
            raise UserError(
                    "You are not allowed to remove an accounting entry "
                    "linked to an asset."
                    "\nYou should remove such entries from the asset."
        # trigger store function
        deprs.write({"move_id": False})
        return super().unlink()

    def write(self, vals):
        if set(vals).intersection(FIELDS_AFFECTS_ASSET_MOVE):
            deprs = (
                .search([("move_id", "in", self.ids), ("type", "=", "depreciate")])
            if deprs:
                raise UserError(
                        "You cannot change an accounting entry "
                        "linked to an asset depreciation line."
        return super().write(vals)

    def _prepare_asset_vals(self, aml):
        depreciation_base = aml.balance
        return {
            "name": aml.name,
            "code": self.name,
            "profile_id": aml.asset_profile_id,
            "purchase_value": depreciation_base,
            "partner_id": aml.partner_id,
            "date_start": self.date,

    def action_post(self):
        ret_val = super().action_post()
        for move in self:
            for aml in move.line_ids.filtered(
                lambda line: line.asset_profile_id and not line.tax_line_id
                vals = move._prepare_asset_vals(aml)
                if not aml.name:
                    raise UserError(
                        _("Asset name must be set in the label of the line.")
                if aml.asset_id:
                asset_form = Form(
                    .with_context(create_asset_from_move_line=True, move_id=move.id)
                for key, val in vals.items():
                    setattr(asset_form, key, val)
                asset = asset_form.save()
                asset.analytic_distribution = aml.analytic_distribution
                    allow_asset=True, allow_asset_removal=True
                ).asset_id = asset.id
            refs = [
                "<a href=# data-oe-model=account.asset data-oe-id=%s>%s</a>"
                % tuple(name_get)
                for name_get in move.line_ids.filtered(
            if refs:
                message = _("This invoice created the asset(s): %s") % ", ".join(refs)
        return ret_val

    def button_draft(self):
        invoices = self.filtered(lambda r: r.is_purchase_document())
        if invoices:
        return super().button_draft()

    def _reverse_move_vals(self, default_values, cancel=True):
        move_vals = super()._reverse_move_vals(default_values, cancel)
        if move_vals["move_type"] not in ("out_invoice", "out_refund"):
            for line_command in move_vals.get("line_ids", []):
                line_vals = line_command[2]  # (0, 0, {...})
                asset = self.env["account.asset"].browse(line_vals["asset_id"])
                # We remove the asset if we recognize that we are reversing
                # the asset creation
                if asset:
                    asset_line = self.env["account.asset.line"].search(
                        [("asset_id", "=", asset.id), ("type", "=", "create")], limit=1
                    if asset_line and asset_line.move_id == self:
                        line_vals.update(asset_profile_id=False, asset_id=False)
        return move_vals

    def action_view_assets(self):
        assets = (
            .search([("move_id", "=", self.id)])
        action = self.env.ref("account_asset_management.account_asset_action")
        action_dict = action.sudo().read()[0]
        if len(assets) == 1:
            res = self.env.ref(
                "account_asset_management.account_asset_view_form", False
            action_dict["views"] = [(res and res.id or False, "form")]
            action_dict["res_id"] = assets.id
        elif assets:
            action_dict["domain"] = [("id", "in", assets.ids)]
            action_dict = {"type": "ir.actions.act_window_close"}
        return action_dict

class AccountMoveLine(models.Model):
    _inherit = "account.move.line"

    asset_profile_id = fields.Many2one(
        string="Asset Profile",
    asset_id = fields.Many2one(

    @api.depends("account_id", "asset_id")
    def _compute_asset_profile(self):
        for rec in self:
            if rec.account_id.asset_profile_id and not rec.asset_id:
                rec.asset_profile_id = rec.account_id.asset_profile_id
            elif rec.asset_id:
                rec.asset_profile_id = rec.asset_id.profile_id

    def _onchange_asset_profile_id(self):
        if self.asset_profile_id.account_asset_id:
            self.account_id = self.asset_profile_id.account_asset_id

    def create(self, vals_list):
        for vals in vals_list:
            move = self.env["account.move"].browse(vals.get("move_id"))
            if not move.is_sale_document():
                if vals.get("asset_id") and not self.env.context.get("allow_asset"):
                    raise UserError(
                            "You are not allowed to link "
                            "an accounting entry to an asset."
                            "\nYou should generate such entries from the asset."
        records = super().create(vals_list)
        for record in records:
        return records

    def write(self, vals):
        if set(vals).intersection(FIELDS_AFFECTS_ASSET_MOVE_LINE) and not (
            and list(vals.keys()) == ["asset_id"]
            # Check if at least one asset is linked to a move
            linked_asset = False
            for move_line in self.filtered(lambda r: not r.move_id.is_sale_document()):
                linked_asset = move_line.asset_id
                if linked_asset:
                    raise UserError(
                            "You cannot change an accounting item "
                            "linked to an asset depreciation line."

        if (
            self.filtered(lambda r: not r.move_id.is_sale_document())
            and vals.get("asset_id")
            and not self.env.context.get("allow_asset")
            raise UserError(
                    "You are not allowed to link "
                    "an accounting entry to an asset."
                    "\nYou should generate such entries from the asset."
        if "quantity" in vals or "asset_profile_id" in vals:
            for record in self:
        return True

    def _expand_asset_line(self):
        if self.asset_profile_id and self.quantity > 1.0:
            profile = self.asset_profile_id
            if profile.asset_product_item:
                aml = self.with_context(check_move_validity=False)
                qty = self.quantity
                name = self.name
                aml.write({"quantity": 1, "name": "{} {}".format(name, 1)})
                for i in range(1, int(qty)):
                    aml.copy({"name": "{} {}".format(name, i + 1)})