# Copyright 2009-2018 Noviat # Copyright 2021 Tecnativa - João Marques # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). import logging from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # List of move's fields that can't be modified if move is linked # with a depreciation line FIELDS_AFFECTS_ASSET_MOVE = {"journal_id", "date"} # List of move line's fields that can't be modified if move is linked # with a depreciation line FIELDS_AFFECTS_ASSET_MOVE_LINE = { "credit", "debit", "account_id", "journal_id", "date", "asset_profile_id", "asset_id", } class AccountMove(models.Model): _inherit = "account.move" def unlink(self): # for move in self: deprs = self.env["account.asset.line"].search( [("move_id", "in", self.ids), ("type", "in", ["depreciate", "remove"])] ) if deprs and not self.env.context.get("unlink_from_asset"): raise UserError( _( "You are not allowed to remove an accounting entry " "linked to an asset." "\nYou should remove such entries from the asset." ) ) # trigger store function deprs.write({"move_id": False}) return super().unlink() def write(self, vals): if set(vals).intersection(FIELDS_AFFECTS_ASSET_MOVE): deprs = self.env["account.asset.line"].search( [("move_id", "in", self.ids), ("type", "=", "depreciate")] ) if deprs: raise UserError( _( "You cannot change an accounting entry " "linked to an asset depreciation line." ) ) return super().write(vals) def action_post(self): super().action_post() for move in self: for aml in move.line_ids.filtered("asset_profile_id"): depreciation_base = aml.price_subtotal vals = { "name": aml.name, "code": move.name, "profile_id": aml.asset_profile_id.id, "purchase_value": depreciation_base, "partner_id": aml.partner_id.id, "date_start": move.date, "account_analytic_id": aml.analytic_account_id.id, } if self.env.context.get("company_id"): vals["company_id"] = self.env.context["company_id"] asset = ( self.env["account.asset"] .with_context(create_asset_from_move_line=True, move_id=move.id) .create(vals) ) aml.with_context(allow_asset=True).asset_id = asset.id refs = [ "%s" % tuple(name_get) for name_get in move.line_ids.filtered( "asset_profile_id" ).asset_id.name_get() ] if refs: message = _("This invoice created the asset(s): %s") % ", ".join(refs) move.message_post(body=message) def button_draft(self): invoices = self.filtered(lambda r: r.is_purchase_document()) if invoices: invoices.line_ids.asset_id.unlink() super().button_draft() def _reverse_move_vals(self, default_values, cancel=True): move_vals = super()._reverse_move_vals(default_values, cancel) if move_vals["type"] not in ("out_invoice", "out_refund"): for line_command in move_vals.get("line_ids", []): line_vals = line_command[2] # (0, 0, {...}) asset = self.env["account.asset"].browse(line_vals["asset_id"]) asset.unlink() line_vals.update(asset_profile_id=False, asset_id=False) return move_vals class AccountMoveLine(models.Model): _inherit = "account.move.line" asset_profile_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="account.asset.profile", string="Asset Profile" ) asset_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="account.asset", string="Asset", ondelete="restrict" ) @api.onchange("account_id") def _onchange_account_id(self): self.asset_profile_id = self.account_id.asset_profile_id super()._onchange_account_id() @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): for vals in vals_list: move = self.env["account.move"].browse(vals.get("move_id")) if not move.is_sale_document(): if vals.get("asset_id") and not self.env.context.get("allow_asset"): raise UserError( _( "You are not allowed to link " "an accounting entry to an asset." "\nYou should generate such entries from the asset." ) ) records = super().create(vals_list) for record in records: record._expand_asset_line() return records def write(self, vals): if set(vals).intersection(FIELDS_AFFECTS_ASSET_MOVE_LINE) and not ( self.env.context.get("allow_asset_removal") and list(vals.keys()) == ["asset_id"] ): # Check if at least one asset is linked to a move linked_asset = False for move_line in self.filtered(lambda r: not r.move_id.is_sale_document()): linked_asset = move_line.asset_id if linked_asset: raise UserError( _( "You cannot change an accounting item " "linked to an asset depreciation line." ) ) if ( self.filtered(lambda r: not r.move_id.is_sale_document()) and vals.get("asset_id") and not self.env.context.get("allow_asset") ): raise UserError( _( "You are not allowed to link " "an accounting entry to an asset." "\nYou should generate such entries from the asset." ) ) super().write(vals) if "quantity" in vals or "asset_profile_id" in vals: for record in self: record._expand_asset_line() return True def _expand_asset_line(self): self.ensure_one() if self.asset_profile_id and self.quantity > 1.0: profile = self.asset_profile_id if profile.asset_product_item: aml = self.with_context(check_move_validity=False) qty = self.quantity name = self.name aml.write({"quantity": 1, "name": "{} {}".format(name, 1)}) aml._onchange_price_subtotal() for i in range(1, int(qty)): aml.copy({"name": "{} {}".format(name, i + 1)}) aml.move_id._onchange_invoice_line_ids()