# Copyright 2021 Akretion France (http://www.akretion.com/) # Copyright 2022 Vauxoo (https://www.vauxoo.com/) # @author: Alexis de Lattre # @author: Moisés López # @author: Francisco Luna # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). import logging from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AccountJournal(models.Model): _inherit = "account.journal" sequence_id = fields.Many2one( "ir.sequence", string="Entry Sequence", copy=False, check_company=True, domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]", help="This sequence will be used to generate the journal entry number.", ) refund_sequence_id = fields.Many2one( "ir.sequence", string="Credit Note Entry Sequence", copy=False, check_company=True, domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]", help="This sequence will be used to generate the journal entry number for refunds.", ) # Redefine the default to True as <=v13.0 refund_sequence = fields.Boolean(default=True) @api.constrains("refund_sequence_id", "sequence_id") def _check_journal_sequence(self): for journal in self: if ( journal.refund_sequence_id and journal.sequence_id and journal.refund_sequence_id == journal.sequence_id ): raise ValidationError( _( "On journal '%s', the same sequence is used as " "Entry Sequence and Credit Note Entry Sequence.", journal.display_name, ) ) if journal.sequence_id and not journal.sequence_id.company_id: msg = _( "The company is not set on sequence '%(sequence)s' configured on " "journal '%(journal)s'.", sequence=journal.sequence_id.display_name, journal=journal.display_name, ) raise ValidationError(msg) if journal.refund_sequence_id and not journal.refund_sequence_id.company_id: msg = _( "The company is not set on sequence '%(sequence)s' configured as " "credit note sequence of journal '%(journal)s'.", sequence=journal.refund_sequence_id.display_name, journal=journal.display_name, ) raise ValidationError(msg) @api.model def create(self, vals): if not vals.get("sequence_id"): vals["sequence_id"] = self._create_sequence(vals).id if ( vals.get("type") in ("sale", "purchase") and vals.get("refund_sequence") and not vals.get("refund_sequence_id") ): vals["refund_sequence_id"] = self._create_sequence(vals, refund=True).id return super().create(vals) @api.model def _prepare_sequence(self, vals, refund=False): code = vals.get("code") and vals["code"].upper() or "" prefix = "%s%s/%%(range_year)s/" % (refund and "R" or "", code) seq_vals = { "name": "%s%s" % (vals.get("name", _("Sequence")), refund and _("Refund") + " " or ""), "company_id": vals.get("company_id") or self.env.company.id, "implementation": "no_gap", "prefix": prefix, "padding": 4, "use_date_range": True, } return seq_vals @api.model def _create_sequence(self, vals, refund=False): seq_vals = self._prepare_sequence(vals, refund=refund) return self.env["ir.sequence"].sudo().create(seq_vals) def _prepare_sequence_current_moves(self, refund=False): """Get sequence dict values the journal based on current moves""" self.ensure_one() move_domain = [ ("journal_id", "=", self.id), ("name", "!=", "/"), ] if self.refund_sequence: #  Based on original Odoo behavior if refund: move_domain.append(("move_type", "in", ("out_refund", "in_refund"))) else: move_domain.append(("move_type", "not in", ("out_refund", "in_refund"))) last_move = self.env["account.move"].search( move_domain, limit=1, order="id DESC" ) msg_err = ( "Journal %s could not get sequence %s values based on current moves. " "Using default values." % (self.id, refund and "refund" or "") ) if not last_move: _logger.warning("%s %s", msg_err, "No moves found") return {} try: with self.env.cr.savepoint(): # get the current sequence values could be buggy to get # But even we can use the default values # or do manual changes instead of raising errors last_sequence = last_move._get_last_sequence() if not last_sequence: last_sequence = ( last_move._get_last_sequence(relaxed=True) or last_move._get_starting_sequence() ) __, seq_format_values = last_move._get_sequence_format_param( last_sequence ) prefix1 = seq_format_values["prefix1"] prefix = prefix1 if seq_format_values["year_length"] == 4: prefix += "%(range_year)s" elif seq_format_values["year_length"] == 2: prefix += "%(range_y)s" else: # If there is not year so current values are valid seq_vals = { "padding": seq_format_values["seq_length"], "suffix": seq_format_values["suffix"], "prefix": prefix, "date_range_ids": [], "use_date_range": False, "number_next_actual": seq_format_values["seq"] + 1, } return seq_vals prefix2 = seq_format_values.get("prefix2") or "" prefix += prefix2 month = seq_format_values.get("month") # It is 0 if only have year if month: prefix += "%(range_month)s" prefix3 = seq_format_values.get("prefix3") or "" where_name_value = "%s%s%s%s%s%%" % ( prefix1, "_" * seq_format_values["year_length"], prefix2, "_" * bool(month) * 2, prefix3, ) prefixes = prefix1 + prefix2 select_year = ( "split_part(name, '%s', %d)" % (prefix2, prefixes.count(prefix2)) if prefix2 else "''" ) prefixes += prefix3 select_month = ( "split_part(name, '%s', %d)" % (prefix3, prefixes.count(prefix3)) if prefix3 else "''" ) select_max_number = ( "MAX(split_part(name, '%s', %d)::INTEGER) AS max_number" % ( prefixes[-1], prefixes.count(prefixes[-1]) + 1, ) ) query = ( "SELECT %s, %s, %s FROM account_move " "WHERE name LIKE %%s AND journal_id=%%s GROUP BY 1,2" ) % ( select_year, select_month, select_max_number, ) # It is not using user input # pylint: disable=sql-injection self.env.cr.execute(query, (where_name_value, self.id)) res = self.env.cr.fetchall() prefix += prefix3 seq_vals = { "padding": seq_format_values["seq_length"], "suffix": seq_format_values["suffix"], "prefix": prefix, "date_range_ids": [], "use_date_range": True, } for year, month, max_number in res: if not year and not month: seq_vals.update( { "use_date_range": False, "number_next_actual": max_number + 1, } ) continue if len(year) == 2: # Year >=50 will be considered as last century 1950 # Year <=49 will be considered as current century 2049 if int(year) >= 50: year = "19" + year else: year = "20" + year if month: date_from = fields.Date.to_date("%s-%s-1" % (year, month)) date_to = fields.Date.end_of(date_from, "month") else: date_from = fields.Date.to_date("%s-1-1" % year) date_to = fields.Date.to_date("%s-12-31" % year) seq_vals["date_range_ids"].append( ( 0, 0, { "date_from": date_from, "date_to": date_to, "number_next_actual": max_number + 1, }, ) ) return seq_vals except Exception as e: _logger.warning("%s %s", msg_err, e) return {}