# Copyright 2013-2020 Akretion France (https://akretion.com/) # @author: Alexis de Lattre # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from odoo import _, api, models class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = "res.partner" @api.onchange("property_account_position_id") def fiscal_position_change(self): """Warning if the fiscal position requires a VAT number and the partner doesn't have one yet""" fp = self.property_account_position_id if fp.vat_required and not self.vat: return { "warning": { "title": _("Missing VAT number:"), "message": _( "You have set the fiscal position '%s' " "that require customers to have a VAT number. " "If you plan to use this partner as a customer, you " "should add its VAT number." ) % fp.display_name, } }