# Copyright 2020 Ecosoft (http://ecosoft.co.th) # License AGPL-3 - See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError from odoo.tests.common import Form, TransactionCase class TestAccountMoveTemplateEnhanced(TransactionCase): def setUp(self): super(TestAccountMoveTemplateEnhanced, self).setUp() self.Move = self.env["account.move"] self.Journal = self.env["account.journal"] self.Account = self.env["account.account"] self.Template = self.env["account.move.template"] self.Partner = self.env["res.partner"] self.journal = self.Journal.search([("type", "=", "general")], limit=1) self.ar_account_id = self.Account.search( [("user_type_id.type", "=", "receivable")], limit=1 ) self.ap_account_id = self.Account.search( [("user_type_id.type", "=", "payable")], limit=1 ) self.income_account_id = self.Account.search( [ ("user_type_id.type", "=", "other"), ("user_type_id.internal_group", "=", "income"), ], limit=1, ) self.expense_account_id = self.Account.search( [ ("user_type_id.type", "=", "other"), ("user_type_id.internal_group", "=", "expense"), ], limit=1, ) self.partners = self.Partner.search([], limit=3) # Create a simple move tempalte ar_line = { "sequence": 0, "name": "AR Line 1", "account_id": self.ar_account_id.id, "opt_account_id": self.ap_account_id.id, "move_line_type": "dr", "type": "input", } income_line1 = { "sequence": 1, "name": "Income Line 2", "account_id": self.income_account_id.id, "opt_account_id": self.expense_account_id.id, "move_line_type": "cr", "type": "computed", "python_code": "L0*1/3", } income_line2 = { "sequence": 2, "name": "Income Line 2", "account_id": self.income_account_id.id, "opt_account_id": self.expense_account_id.id, "move_line_type": "cr", "type": "computed", "python_code": "L0*2/3", } self.move_template = self.Template.create( { "name": "Test Template", "journal_id": self.journal.id, "line_ids": [ (0, 0, ar_line), (0, 0, income_line1), (0, 0, income_line2), ], } ) def test_move_template_normal(self): """ Test normal case, input amount 300 """ with Form(self.env["account.move.template.run"]) as f: f.template_id = self.move_template template_run = f.save() template_run.load_lines() template_run.line_ids[0].amount = 300 res = template_run.generate_move() move = self.Move.browse(res["res_id"]) self.assertRecordValues( move.line_ids.sorted("credit"), [ {"account_id": self.ar_account_id.id, "credit": 0.0, "debit": 300.0}, { "account_id": self.income_account_id.id, "credit": 100.0, "debit": 0.0, }, { "account_id": self.income_account_id.id, "credit": 200.0, "debit": 0.0, }, ], ) def test_move_template_optional(self): """ Test optional case, input amount -300, expect optional account """ with Form(self.env["account.move.template.run"]) as f: f.template_id = self.move_template template_run = f.save() template_run.load_lines() template_run.line_ids[0].amount = -300 # Negative amount res = template_run.generate_move() move = self.Move.browse(res["res_id"]) self.assertRecordValues( move.line_ids.sorted("debit"), [ {"account_id": self.ap_account_id.id, "credit": 300.0, "debit": 0.0}, { "account_id": self.expense_account_id.id, "credit": 0.0, "debit": 100.0, }, { "account_id": self.expense_account_id.id, "credit": 0.0, "debit": 200.0, }, ], ) def test_move_template_overwrite(self): """ Test case overwrite, amount = 3000, no need to manual input """ # Test for error when debit is not a valid field with Form(self.env["account.move.template.run"]) as f: f.template_id = self.move_template f.overwrite = str( { "L0": { "partner_id": self.partners[0].id, "amount": 3000, "debit": 3000, }, } ) template_run = f.save() with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): template_run.load_lines() # Assign only on valid fields, and load_lines again with Form(self.env["account.move.template.run"]) as f: f.template_id = self.move_template f.overwrite = str( { "L0": {"partner_id": self.partners[0].id, "amount": 3000}, "L1": {"partner_id": self.partners[1].id}, "L2": {"partner_id": self.partners[2].id}, } ) template_run = f.save() res = template_run.load_lines() self.assertEqual(template_run.line_ids[0].partner_id, self.partners[0]) self.assertEqual(template_run.line_ids[0].amount, 3000) res = template_run.with_context(res["context"]).generate_move() move = self.Move.browse(res["res_id"]) self.assertRecordValues( move.line_ids.sorted("credit"), [ { "partner_id": self.partners[0].id, "account_id": self.ar_account_id.id, "credit": 0.0, "debit": 3000.0, }, { "partner_id": self.partners[1].id, "account_id": self.income_account_id.id, "credit": 1000.0, "debit": 0.0, }, { "partner_id": self.partners[2].id, "account_id": self.income_account_id.id, "credit": 2000.0, "debit": 0.0, }, ], )