- In order to test the Account Asset Management process, I perform an action to confirm the Asset. - !python {model: account.asset.asset}: | self.validate(cr, uid, [ref("account_asset_asset_vehicle0")]) - I check if the Asset is now in the 'Open' state. - !assert {model: account.asset.asset, id: account_asset_asset_vehicle0, severity: error, string: Asset should be in Open state}: - state == 'open' - I compute the depreciation lines for the Asset. - !python {model: account.asset.asset}: | self.compute_depreciation_board(cr, uid, [ref("account_asset_asset_vehicle0")]) asset = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("account_asset_asset_vehicle0")) # remark: check infra only valid for prorata == False and method_period == 'year' assert asset.method_number == (len(asset.depreciation_line_ids) - 1), 'Depreciation lines not created correctly' - I create an account move for the first depreciation line. - !python {model: account.asset.depreciation.line}: | ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('asset_id', '=', ref('account_asset_asset_vehicle0')), ('type', '=', 'depreciate')], limit=1) self.create_move(cr, uid, ids)