# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2010 Zikzakmedia S.L. (http://www.zikzakmedia.com) # Copyright (c) 2010 Pexego Sistemas Informáticos S.L. (http://www.pexego.es) # @authors: Jordi Esteve (Zikzakmedia), Borja López Soilán (Pexego) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## """ Account Chart Update Wizard """ from openerp.osv import fields, orm from openerp.tools.translate import _ import logging def _reopen(self, res_id, model): return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_mode': 'form', 'view_type': 'form', 'res_id': res_id, 'res_model': self._name, 'target': 'new', # save original model in context, because selecting the list of available # templates requires a model in context 'context': { 'default_model': model, }, } class WizardLog: """ ******************************************************************* Small helper class to store the messages and errors on the wizard. ******************************************************************* """ def __init__(self): self.messages = [] self.errors = [] """ Adds a message to the log. """ def add(self, message, is_error=False): logger = logging.getLogger("account_chart_update") if is_error: logger.warning(u"Log line: %s" % message) self.errors.append(message) else: logger.debug(u"Log line: %s" % message) self.messages.append(message) """ Returns whether errors where logged. """ def has_errors(self): return self.errors def __call__(self): return "".join(self.messages) def __str__(self): return "".join(self.messages) def get_errors_str(self): return "".join(self.errors) class wizard_update_charts_accounts(orm.TransientModel): _name = 'wizard.update.charts.accounts' """ Gets the available languages for the selection. """ def _get_lang_selection_options(self, cr, uid, context={}): obj = self.pool.get('res.lang') ids = obj.search(cr, uid, [], context=context) res = obj.read(cr, uid, ids, ['code', 'name'], context) return [(r['code'], r['name']) for r in res] + [('', '')] _columns = { 'state': fields.selection([ ('init', 'Step 1'), ('ready', 'Step 2'), ('done', 'Wizard completed') ], 'Status', readonly=True), 'company_id': fields.many2one('res.company', 'Company', required=True, ondelete='set null'), 'chart_template_id': fields.many2one('account.chart.template', 'Chart Template', required=True, ondelete='set null'), 'code_digits': fields.integer('# of Digits', required=True, help="No. of Digits to use for account code. Make sure it is the same number as existing accounts."), 'lang': fields.selection(_get_lang_selection_options, 'Language', size=5, help="For records searched by name (taxes, tax codes, fiscal positions), the template name will be matched against the record name on this language."), 'update_tax_code': fields.boolean('Update tax codes', help="Existing tax codes are updated. Tax codes are searched by name."), 'update_tax': fields.boolean('Update taxes', help="Existing taxes are updated. Taxes are searched by name."), 'update_account': fields.boolean('Update accounts', help="Existing accounts are updated. Accounts are searched by code."), 'update_fiscal_position': fields.boolean('Update fiscal positions', help="Existing fiscal positions are updated. Fiscal positions are searched by name."), 'update_children_accounts_parent': fields.boolean("Update children accounts parent", help="Update the parent of accounts that seem (based on the code) to be children of the newly created ones. If you had an account 430 with a child 4300000, and a 4300 account is created, the 4300000 parent will be set to 4300."), 'continue_on_errors': fields.boolean("Continue on errors", help="If set, the wizard will continue to the next step even if there are minor errors (for example the parent account of a new account couldn't be set)."), 'tax_code_ids': fields.one2many('wizard.update.charts.accounts.tax.code', 'update_chart_wizard_id', 'Tax codes', ondelete='cascade'), 'tax_ids': fields.one2many('wizard.update.charts.accounts.tax', 'update_chart_wizard_id', 'Taxes', ondelete='cascade'), 'account_ids': fields.one2many('wizard.update.charts.accounts.account', 'update_chart_wizard_id', 'Accounts', ondelete='cascade'), 'fiscal_position_ids': fields.one2many('wizard.update.charts.accounts.fiscal.position', 'update_chart_wizard_id', 'Fiscal positions', ondelete='cascade'), 'new_tax_codes': fields.integer('New tax codes', readonly=True), 'new_taxes': fields.integer('New taxes', readonly=True), 'new_accounts': fields.integer('New accounts', readonly=True), 'new_fps': fields.integer('New fiscal positions', readonly=True), 'updated_tax_codes': fields.integer('Updated tax codes', readonly=True), 'updated_taxes': fields.integer('Updated taxes', readonly=True), 'updated_accounts': fields.integer('Updated accounts', readonly=True), 'updated_fps': fields.integer('Updated fiscal positions', readonly=True), 'log': fields.text('Messages and Errors', readonly=True) } def name_search(self, cr, user, name, args=None, operator='ilike', context=None, limit=80): if not name: name = '%' if not args: args = [] if not context: context = {} args = args[:] ids = [] ids = self.search( cr, user, [('company_id', operator, name)] + args, limit=limit) return self.name_get(cr, user, ids, context=context) """ Use the company name and template as name. """ def name_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} if not len(ids): return [] records = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) res = [] for record in records: res.append((record.id, record.company_id.name + ' - ' + record.chart_template_id.name)) return res """ Returns the default chart template. """ def _get_chart(self, cr, uid, context=None): if context is None: context = {} ids = self.pool.get( 'account.chart.template').search(cr, uid, [], context=context) if ids: return ids[0] return False """ Returns the default code size for the accounts. To figure out the number of digits of the accounts it look at the code size of the default receivable account of the company (or user's company if any company is given). """ def _get_code_digits(self, cr, uid, context=None, company_id=None): if context is None: context = {} property_obj = self.pool.get('ir.property') account_obj = self.pool.get('account.account') if not company_id: user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context) company_id = user.company_id.id property_ids = property_obj.search(cr, uid, [ ('name', '=', 'property_account_receivable'), ('company_id', '=', company_id), ('res_id', '=', False), ('value_reference', '!=', False) ]) if not property_ids: # Try to get a generic (no-company) property property_ids = property_obj.search(cr, uid, [ ('name', '=', 'property_account_receivable'), ('res_id', '=', False), ('value_reference', '!=', False) ]) number_digits = 6 if property_ids: prop = property_obj.browse( cr, uid, property_ids[0], context=context) account_id = prop.value_reference.id if account_id: code = account_obj.read( cr, uid, account_id, ['code'], context)['code'] number_digits = len(code) return number_digits _defaults = { 'state': 'init', 'company_id': lambda self, cr, uid, context: self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, [uid], context)[0].company_id.id, 'chart_template_id': _get_chart, 'update_tax_code': True, 'update_tax': True, 'update_account': True, 'update_fiscal_position': True, 'update_children_accounts_parent': True, 'continue_on_errors': False, 'lang': lambda self, cr, uid, context: context and context.get('lang') or None, } """ Update the code size when the company changes """ def onchange_company_id(self, cr, uid, ids, company_id, context=None): res = { 'value': { 'code_digits': self._get_code_digits(cr, uid, context=context, company_id=company_id), } } return res """ Initial action that sets the initial state. """ def action_init(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} wizard = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context) self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'init'}, context) return _reopen(self, wizard.id, 'wizard.update.chart.accounts') ########################################################################## # Helper methods ########################################################################## """ Adds a tax template -> tax id to the mapping. """ def _map_tax_template(self, cr, uid, wizard, tax_template_mapping, tax_template, context=None): if tax_template and not tax_template_mapping.get(tax_template.id): taxes = self.pool.get('account.tax') tax_ids = taxes.search(cr, uid, [ ('name', '=', tax_template.name), ('company_id', '=', wizard.company_id.id) ], context=context) if tax_ids: tax_template_mapping[tax_template.id] = tax_ids[0] """ Adds a tax code template -> tax code id to the mapping. """ def _map_tax_code_template(self, cr, uid, wizard, tax_code_template_mapping, tax_code_template, context=None): if tax_code_template and not tax_code_template_mapping.get(tax_code_template.id): tax_codes = self.pool.get('account.tax.code') root_tax_code_id = wizard.chart_template_id.tax_code_root_id.id tax_code_name = (tax_code_template.id == root_tax_code_id) and wizard.company_id.name or tax_code_template.name tax_code_ids = tax_codes.search(cr, uid, [ ('name', '=', tax_code_name), ('company_id', '=', wizard.company_id.id) ]) if not tax_code_ids: # if we could not match no tax code template name, # try to match on tax code template code, if any tax_code_code = tax_code_template.code if tax_code_code: tax_code_ids = tax_codes.search(cr, uid, [ ('code', '=', tax_code_code), ('company_id', '=', wizard.company_id.id) ]) if tax_code_ids: tax_code_template_mapping[ tax_code_template.id] = tax_code_ids[0] """ Adds an account template -> account id to the mapping """ def _map_account_template(self, cr, uid, wizard, account_template_mapping, account_template, context=None): if account_template and not account_template_mapping.get(account_template.id): accounts = self.pool.get('account.account') code = account_template.code or '' if account_template.type != 'view': if len(code) > 0 and len(code) <= wizard.code_digits: code = '%s%s' % ( code, '0' * (wizard.code_digits - len(code))) account_ids = accounts.search(cr, uid, [ ('code', '=', code), ('company_id', '=', wizard.company_id.id) ], context=context) if account_ids: account_template_mapping[account_template.id] = account_ids[0] """ Adds a fiscal position template -> fiscal position id to the mapping. """ def _map_fp_template(self, cr, uid, wizard, fp_template_mapping, fp_template, context=None): if fp_template and not fp_template_mapping.get(fp_template.id): fiscalpositions = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position') fp_ids = fiscalpositions.search(cr, uid, [ ('name', '=', fp_template.name), ('company_id', '=', wizard.company_id.id) ], context=context) if fp_ids: fp_template_mapping[fp_template.id] = fp_ids[0] """ Search for, and load, tax code templates to create/update. """ def _find_tax_codes(self, cr, uid, wizard, context=None): new_tax_codes = 0 updated_tax_codes = 0 tax_code_template_mapping = {} taxes_codes_templates = self.pool.get('account.tax.code.template') taxcodes = self.pool.get('account.tax.code') wiz_taxcodes = self.pool.get('wizard.update.charts.accounts.tax.code') # Remove previous tax codes wiz_taxcodes.unlink( cr, uid, wiz_taxcodes.search(cr, uid, [])) # # Search for new / updated tax codes # root_tax_code_id = wizard.chart_template_id.tax_code_root_id.id children_tax_code_template = taxes_codes_templates.search(cr, uid, [( 'parent_id', 'child_of', [root_tax_code_id])], order='id') for tax_code_template in taxes_codes_templates.browse(cr, uid, children_tax_code_template): # Ensure the tax code template is on the map (search for the mapped # tax code id). self._map_tax_code_template(cr, uid, wizard, tax_code_template_mapping, tax_code_template, context) tax_code_id = tax_code_template_mapping.get(tax_code_template.id) if not tax_code_id: new_tax_codes += 1 wiz_taxcodes.create(cr, uid, { 'tax_code_id': tax_code_template.id, 'update_chart_wizard_id': wizard.id, 'type': 'new', }, context) elif wizard.update_tax_code: # # Check the tax code for changes. # modified = False notes = "" tax_code = taxcodes.browse( cr, uid, tax_code_id, context=context) if tax_code.code != tax_code_template.code: notes += _("The code field is different.\n") modified = True if tax_code.info != tax_code_template.info: notes += _("The info field is different.\n") modified = True if tax_code.sign != tax_code_template.sign: notes += _("The sign field is different.\n") modified = True # TODO: We could check other account fields for changes... if modified: # # Tax code to update. # updated_tax_codes += 1 wiz_taxcodes.create(cr, uid, { 'tax_code_id': tax_code_template.id, 'update_chart_wizard_id': wizard.id, 'type': 'updated', 'update_tax_code_id': tax_code_id, 'notes': notes, }, context) return { 'new': new_tax_codes, 'updated': updated_tax_codes, 'mapping': tax_code_template_mapping } def _find_taxes(self, cr, uid, wizard, context=None): new_taxes = 0 updated_taxes = 0 tax_template_mapping = {} taxes = self.pool.get('account.tax') wiz_taxes = self.pool.get('wizard.update.charts.accounts.tax') delay_wiz_tax = [] # Remove previous taxes wiz_taxes.unlink(cr, uid, wiz_taxes.search(cr, uid, [])) # # Search for new / updated taxes # for tax_template in wizard.chart_template_id.tax_template_ids: # Ensure the tax template is on the map (search for the mapped tax # id). self._map_tax_template( cr, uid, wizard, tax_template_mapping, tax_template, context) tax_id = tax_template_mapping.get(tax_template.id) if not tax_id: new_taxes += 1 vals_wiz = { 'tax_id': tax_template.id, 'update_chart_wizard_id': wizard.id, 'type': 'new', } if not tax_template.parent_id: wiz_taxes.create(cr, uid, vals_wiz, context) else: delay_wiz_tax.append(vals_wiz) elif wizard.update_tax: # # Check the tax for changes. # modified = False notes = "" tax = taxes.browse(cr, uid, tax_id, context=context) if tax.sequence != tax_template.sequence: notes += _("The sequence field is different.\n") modified = True if tax.amount != tax_template.amount: notes += _("The amount field is different.\n") modified = True if tax.type != tax_template.type: notes += _("The type field is different.\n") modified = True if tax.applicable_type != tax_template.applicable_type: notes += _("The applicable type field is different.\n") modified = True if tax.domain != tax_template.domain: notes += _("The domain field is different.\n") modified = True if tax.child_depend != tax_template.child_depend: notes += _("The child depend field is different.\n") modified = True if tax.python_compute != tax_template.python_compute: notes += _("The python compute field is different.\n") modified = True # if tax.tax_group != tax_template.tax_group: # notes += _("The tax group field is different.\n") # modified = True if tax.base_sign != tax_template.base_sign: notes += _("The base sign field is different.\n") modified = True if tax.tax_sign != tax_template.tax_sign: notes += _("The tax sign field is different.\n") modified = True if tax.include_base_amount != tax_template.include_base_amount: notes += _("The include base amount field is different.\n") modified = True if tax.type_tax_use != tax_template.type_tax_use: notes += _("The type tax use field is different.\n") modified = True # TODO: We could check other tax fields for changes... if modified: # # Tax code to update. # updated_taxes += 1 wiz_taxes.create(cr, uid, { 'tax_id': tax_template.id, 'update_chart_wizard_id': wizard.id, 'type': 'updated', 'update_tax_id': tax_id, 'notes': notes, }, context) for delay_vals_wiz in delay_wiz_tax: wiz_taxes.create(cr, uid, delay_vals_wiz, context) return {'new': new_taxes, 'updated': updated_taxes, 'mapping': tax_template_mapping} """ Search for, and load, account templates to create/update. """ def _find_accounts(self, cr, uid, wizard, context=None): new_accounts = 0 updated_accounts = 0 account_template_mapping = {} accounts = self.pool.get('account.account') accounts_template = self.pool.get('account.account.template') wiz_accounts = self.pool.get( 'wizard.update.charts.accounts.account') # Remove previous accounts wiz_accounts.unlink( cr, uid, wiz_accounts.search(cr, uid, [])) # # Search for new / updated accounts # root_account_id = wizard.chart_template_id.account_root_id.id children_acc_template = accounts_template.search(cr, uid, [( 'parent_id', 'child_of', [root_account_id])], context=context) children_acc_template.sort() for account_template in accounts_template.browse(cr, uid, children_acc_template, context=context): # Ensure the account template is on the map (search for the mapped # account id). self._map_account_template(cr, uid, wizard, account_template_mapping, account_template, context) account_id = account_template_mapping.get(account_template.id) if not account_id: new_accounts += 1 wiz_accounts.create(cr, uid, { 'account_id': account_template.id, 'update_chart_wizard_id': wizard.id, 'type': 'new', }, context) elif wizard.update_account: # # Check the account for changes. # modified = False notes = "" account = accounts.browse( cr, uid, account_id, context=context) if account.name != account_template.name and account.name != wizard.company_id.name: notes += _("The name is different.\n") modified = True if account.type != account_template.type: notes += _("The type is different.\n") modified = True if account.user_type != account_template.user_type: notes += _("The user type is different.\n") modified = True if account.reconcile != account_template.reconcile: notes += _("The reconcile is different.\n") modified = True # TODO: We could check other account fields for changes... if modified: # # Account to update. # updated_accounts += 1 wiz_accounts.create(cr, uid, { 'account_id': account_template.id, 'update_chart_wizard_id': wizard.id, 'type': 'updated', 'update_account_id': account_id, 'notes': notes, }, context) return {'new': new_accounts, 'updated': updated_accounts, 'mapping': account_template_mapping} """ Search for, and load, fiscal position templates to create/update. """ def _find_fiscal_positions(self, cr, uid, wizard, context=None): new_fps = 0 updated_fps = 0 fp_template_mapping = {} fiscalpostitions_template = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position.template') fiscalpositions = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position') wiz_fiscalpositions = self.pool.get( 'wizard.update.charts.accounts.fiscal.position') # Remove previous fiscal positions wiz_fiscalpositions.unlink(cr, uid, wiz_fiscalpositions.search(cr, uid, [])) # # Search for new / updated fiscal positions # fp_template_ids = fiscalpostitions_template.search(cr, uid, [('chart_template_id', '=', wizard.chart_template_id.id)], context=context) for fp_template in fiscalpostitions_template.browse(cr, uid, fp_template_ids, context=context): # Ensure the fiscal position template is on the map (search for the # mapped fiscal position id). self._map_fp_template( cr, uid, wizard, fp_template_mapping, fp_template, context) fp_id = fp_template_mapping.get(fp_template.id) if not fp_id: # # New fiscal position template. # new_fps += 1 wiz_fiscalpositions.create(cr, uid, { 'fiscal_position_id': fp_template.id, 'update_chart_wizard_id': wizard.id, 'type': 'new', }, context) elif wizard.update_fiscal_position: # # Check the fiscal position for changes. # modified = False notes = "" fp = fiscalpositions.browse(cr, uid, fp_id, context=context) # # Check fiscal position taxes for changes. # if fp_template.tax_ids and fp.tax_ids: for fp_tax_template in fp_template.tax_ids: found = False for fp_tax in fp.tax_ids: if fp_tax.tax_src_id.name == fp_tax_template.tax_src_id.name: if fp_tax_template.tax_dest_id and fp_tax.tax_dest_id: if fp_tax.tax_dest_id.name == fp_tax_template.tax_dest_id.name: found = True break elif not fp_tax_template.tax_dest_id and not fp_tax.tax_dest_id: found = True break if not found: if fp_tax_template.tax_dest_id: notes += _("Tax mapping not found on the fiscal position instance: %s -> %s.\n") % (fp_tax_template.tax_src_id.name, fp_tax_template.tax_dest_id.name) else: notes += _("Tax mapping not found on the fiscal position instance: %s -> None.\n") % fp_tax_template.tax_src_id.name modified = True elif fp_template.tax_ids and not fp.tax_ids: notes += _("The template has taxes the fiscal position instance does not.\n") modified = True # # Check fiscal position accounts for changes. # if fp_template.account_ids and fp.account_ids: for fp_account_template in fp_template.account_ids: found = False for fp_account in fp.account_ids: if fp_account.account_src_id.name == fp_account_template.account_src_id.name: if fp_account.account_dest_id.name == fp_account_template.account_dest_id.name: found = True break if not found: notes += _("Account mapping not found on the fiscal position instance: %s -> %s.\n") % (fp_account_template.account_src_id.name, fp_account_template.account_dest_id.name) modified = True elif fp_template.account_ids and not fp.account_ids: notes += _("The template has accounts the fiscal position instance does not.\n") modified = True if modified: # # Fiscal position template to update. # updated_fps += 1 wiz_fiscalpositions.create(cr, uid, { 'fiscal_position_id': fp_template.id, 'update_chart_wizard_id': wizard.id, 'type': 'updated', 'update_fiscal_position_id': fp_id, 'notes': notes, }, context) return {'new': new_fps, 'updated': updated_fps, 'mapping': fp_template_mapping} """ Searchs for records to update/create and shows them """ def action_find_records(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} wizard = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context) if wizard.lang: context['lang'] = wizard.lang elif context.get('lang'): del context['lang'] # # Search for, and load, the records to create/update. # tax_codes_res = self._find_tax_codes(cr, uid, wizard, context=context) taxes_res = self._find_taxes(cr, uid, wizard, context=context) accounts_res = self._find_accounts(cr, uid, wizard, context=context) fps_res = self._find_fiscal_positions(cr, uid, wizard, context=context) # # Write the results, and go to the next step. # self.write(cr, uid, [wizard.id], { 'state': 'ready', 'new_tax_codes': tax_codes_res.get('new', 0), 'new_taxes': taxes_res.get('new', 0), 'new_accounts': accounts_res.get('new', 0), 'new_fps': fps_res.get('new', 0), 'updated_tax_codes': tax_codes_res.get('updated', 0), 'updated_taxes': taxes_res.get('updated', 0), 'updated_accounts': accounts_res.get('updated', 0), 'updated_fps': fps_res.get('updated', 0), }, context) return _reopen(self, wizard.id, 'wizard.update.chart.accounts') """ Search for, and load, tax code templates to create/update. """ def _update_tax_codes(self, cr, uid, wizard, log, context=None): taxcodes = self.pool.get('account.tax.code') root_tax_code_id = wizard.chart_template_id.tax_code_root_id.id new_tax_codes = 0 updated_tax_codes = 0 tax_code_template_mapping = {} for wiz_tax_code in wizard.tax_code_ids: tax_code_template = wiz_tax_code.tax_code_id tax_code_name = (root_tax_code_id == tax_code_template.id) and wizard.company_id.name or tax_code_template.name # Ensure the parent tax code template is on the map. self._map_tax_code_template(cr, uid, wizard, tax_code_template_mapping, tax_code_template.parent_id, context) # # Values # vals = { 'name': tax_code_name, 'code': tax_code_template.code, 'info': tax_code_template.info, 'parent_id': tax_code_template.parent_id and tax_code_template_mapping.get(tax_code_template.parent_id.id), 'company_id': wizard.company_id.id, 'sign': tax_code_template.sign, } tax_code_id = None modified = False if wiz_tax_code.type == 'new': # # Create the tax code # tax_code_id = taxcodes.create(cr, uid, vals) log.add(_("Created tax code %s.\n") % tax_code_name) new_tax_codes += 1 modified = True elif wizard.update_tax_code and wiz_tax_code.update_tax_code_id: # # Update the tax code # tax_code_id = wiz_tax_code.update_tax_code_id.id taxcodes.write(cr, uid, [tax_code_id], vals) log.add(_("Updated tax code %s.\n") % tax_code_name) updated_tax_codes += 1 modified = True else: tax_code_id = wiz_tax_code.update_tax_code_id and wiz_tax_code.update_tax_code_id.id modified = False # Store the tax codes on the map tax_code_template_mapping[tax_code_template.id] = tax_code_id if modified: # # Detect errors # if tax_code_template.parent_id and not tax_code_template_mapping.get(tax_code_template.parent_id.id): log.add(_("Tax code %s: The parent tax code %s can not be set.\n") % (tax_code_name, tax_code_template.parent_id.name), True) return { 'new': new_tax_codes, 'updated': updated_tax_codes, 'mapping': tax_code_template_mapping } """ Search for, and load, tax templates to create/update. """ def _update_taxes(self, cr, uid, wizard, log, tax_code_template_mapping, context=None): taxes = self.pool.get('account.tax') new_taxes = 0 updated_taxes = 0 tax_template_mapping = {} taxes_pending_for_accounts = {} for wiz_tax in wizard.tax_ids: tax_template = wiz_tax.tax_id # Ensure the parent tax template is on the map. self._map_tax_template(cr, uid, wizard, tax_template_mapping, tax_template.parent_id, context) # # Ensure the referenced tax codes are on the map. # tax_code_templates_to_find = [ tax_template.base_code_id, tax_template.tax_code_id, tax_template.ref_base_code_id, tax_template.ref_tax_code_id ] for tax_code_template in [tmpl for tmpl in tax_code_templates_to_find if tmpl]: self._map_tax_code_template(cr, uid, wizard, tax_code_template_mapping, tax_code_template) # # Values # vals_tax = { 'name': tax_template.name, 'sequence': tax_template.sequence, 'amount': tax_template.amount, 'type': tax_template.type, 'applicable_type': tax_template.applicable_type, 'domain': tax_template.domain, 'parent_id': tax_template.parent_id and tax_template_mapping.get(tax_template.parent_id.id), 'child_depend': tax_template.child_depend, 'python_compute': tax_template.python_compute, 'python_compute_inv': tax_template.python_compute_inv, 'python_applicable': tax_template.python_applicable, #'tax_group': tax_template.tax_group, 'base_code_id': tax_template.base_code_id and tax_code_template_mapping.get(tax_template.base_code_id.id), 'tax_code_id': tax_template.tax_code_id and tax_code_template_mapping.get(tax_template.tax_code_id.id), 'base_sign': tax_template.base_sign, 'tax_sign': tax_template.tax_sign, 'ref_base_code_id': tax_template.ref_base_code_id and tax_code_template_mapping.get(tax_template.ref_base_code_id.id), 'ref_tax_code_id': tax_template.ref_tax_code_id and tax_code_template_mapping.get(tax_template.ref_tax_code_id.id), 'ref_base_sign': tax_template.ref_base_sign, 'ref_tax_sign': tax_template.ref_tax_sign, 'include_base_amount': tax_template.include_base_amount, 'description': tax_template.description, 'company_id': wizard.company_id.id, 'type_tax_use': tax_template.type_tax_use } tax_id = None modified = False if wiz_tax.type == 'new': # # Create a new tax. # tax_id = taxes.create(cr, uid, vals_tax) log.add(_("Created tax %s.\n") % tax_template.name) new_taxes += 1 modified = True elif wizard.update_tax and wiz_tax.update_tax_id: # # Update a tax. # tax_id = wiz_tax.update_tax_id.id taxes.write(cr, uid, [tax_id], vals_tax) log.add(_("Updated tax %s.\n") % tax_template.name) updated_taxes += 1 modified = True else: tax_id = wiz_tax.update_tax_id and wiz_tax.update_tax_id.id # Update the tax template map tax_template_mapping[tax_template.id] = tax_id if modified: # # Add to the dict of taxes waiting for accounts. # taxes_pending_for_accounts[tax_id] = { 'account_collected_id': tax_template.account_collected_id and tax_template.account_collected_id.id or False, 'account_paid_id': tax_template.account_paid_id and tax_template.account_paid_id.id or False, } # # Detect errors # if tax_template.parent_id and not tax_template_mapping.get(tax_template.parent_id.id): log.add(_("Tax %s: The parent tax %s can not be set.\n") % (tax_template.name, tax_template.parent_id.name), True) if tax_template.base_code_id and not tax_code_template_mapping.get(tax_template.base_code_id.id): log.add(_("Tax %s: The tax code for the base %s can not be set.\n") % (tax_template.name, tax_template.base_code_id.name), True) if tax_template.tax_code_id and not tax_code_template_mapping.get(tax_template.tax_code_id.id): log.add(_("Tax %s: The tax code for the tax %s can not be set.\n") % (tax_template.name, tax_template.tax_code_id.name), True) if tax_template.ref_base_code_id and not tax_code_template_mapping.get(tax_template.ref_base_code_id.id): log.add(_("Tax %s: The tax code for the base refund %s can not be set.\n") % (tax_template.name, tax_template.ref_base_code_id.name), True) if tax_template.ref_tax_code_id and not tax_code_template_mapping.get(tax_template.ref_tax_code_id.id): log.add(_("Tax %s: The tax code for the tax refund %s can not be set.\n") % (tax_template.name, tax_template.ref_tax_code_id.name), True) return { 'new': new_taxes, 'updated': updated_taxes, 'mapping': tax_template_mapping, 'pending': taxes_pending_for_accounts } """ Updates the parent_id of accounts that seem to be children of the given account (accounts that start with the same code and are brothers of the first account). """ def _update_children_accounts_parent(self, cr, uid, wizard, log, parent_account_id, context=None): account_account = self.pool.get('account.account') parent_account = account_account.browse( cr, uid, parent_account_id, context=context) if not parent_account.parent_id or not parent_account.code: return False children_ids = account_account.search(cr, uid, [ ('company_id', '=', parent_account.company_id and parent_account.company_id.id), ('parent_id', '=', parent_account.parent_id.id), ('code', '=like', "%s%%" % parent_account.code), ('id', '!=', parent_account.id), ], context=context) if children_ids: try: account_account.write(cr, uid, children_ids, {'parent_id': parent_account.id}, context=context) except orm.except_orm, ex: log.add(_("Exception setting the parent of account %s children: %s - %s.\n") % (parent_account.code, ex.name, ex.value), True) return True """ Search for, and load, account templates to create/update. """ def _update_accounts(self, cr, uid, wizard, log, tax_template_mapping, context=None): accounts = self.pool.get('account.account') root_account_id = wizard.chart_template_id.account_root_id.id # Disable the parent_store computing on account_account during the batch # processing, we will force _parent_store_compute afterwards. self.pool._init = True new_accounts = 0 updated_accounts = 0 account_template_mapping = {} for wiz_account in wizard.account_ids: account_template = wiz_account.account_id # Ensure the parent account template is on the map. self._map_account_template(cr, uid, wizard, account_template_mapping, account_template.parent_id, context) # # Ensure the related tax templates are on the map. # for tax_template in account_template.tax_ids: self._map_tax_template(cr, uid, wizard, tax_template_mapping, tax_template, context) # Get the tax ids tax_ids = [tax_template_mapping[tax_template.id] for tax_template in account_template.tax_ids if tax_template_mapping[tax_template.id]] # # Calculate the account code (we need to add zeros to non-view # account codes) # code = account_template.code or '' if account_template.type != 'view': if len(code) > 0 and len(code) <= wizard.code_digits: code = '%s%s' % ( code, '0' * (wizard.code_digits - len(code))) # # Values # vals = { 'name': (root_account_id == account_template.id) and wizard.company_id.name or account_template.name, #'sign': account_template.sign, 'currency_id': account_template.currency_id and account_template.currency_id.id or False, 'code': code, 'type': account_template.type, 'user_type': account_template.user_type and account_template.user_type.id or False, 'reconcile': account_template.reconcile, 'shortcut': account_template.shortcut, 'note': account_template.note, 'parent_id': account_template.parent_id and account_template_mapping.get(account_template.parent_id.id) or False, 'tax_ids': [(6, 0, tax_ids)], 'company_id': wizard.company_id.id, } account_id = None modified = False if wiz_account.type == 'new': # # Create the account # try: account_id = accounts.create(cr, uid, vals) log.add(_("Created account %s.\n") % code) new_accounts += 1 modified = True except orm.except_orm, ex: log.add(_("Exception creating account %s: %s - %s.\n") % (code, ex.name, ex.value), True) elif wizard.update_account and wiz_account.update_account_id: # # Update the account # account_id = wiz_account.update_account_id.id try: accounts.write(cr, uid, [account_id], vals) log.add(_("Updated account %s.\n") % code) updated_accounts += 1 modified = True except orm.except_orm, ex: log.add(_("Exception writing account %s: %s - %s.\n") % (code, ex.name, ex.value), True) else: account_id = wiz_account.update_account_id and wiz_account.update_account_id.id # Store the account on the map account_template_mapping[account_template.id] = account_id if modified: # # Detect errors # if account_template.parent_id and not account_template_mapping.get(account_template.parent_id.id): log.add(_("Account %s: The parent account %s can not be set.\n") % (code, account_template.parent_id.code), True) # # Set this account as the parent of the accounts that seem to # be its children (brothers starting with the same code). # if wizard.update_children_accounts_parent: self._update_children_accounts_parent( cr, uid, wizard, log, account_id, context=context) # # Reenable the parent_store computing on account_account # and force the recomputation. # self.pool._init = False self.pool.get('account.account')._parent_store_compute(cr) return { 'new': new_accounts, 'updated': updated_accounts, 'mapping': account_template_mapping } """ Updates the taxes (created or updated on previous steps) to set the references to the accounts (the taxes where created/updated first, when the referenced accounts where still not available). """ def _update_taxes_pending_for_accounts(self, cr, uid, wizard, log, taxes_pending_for_accounts, account_template_mapping, context=None): taxes = self.pool.get('account.tax') accounts_template = self.pool.get('account.account.template') for key, value in taxes_pending_for_accounts.items(): # # Ensure the related account templates are on the map. # if value['account_collected_id']: account_template = accounts_template.browse( cr, uid, value['account_collected_id'], context=context) self._map_account_template(cr, uid, wizard, account_template_mapping, account_template, context) if value['account_paid_id']: account_template = accounts_template.browse( cr, uid, value['account_paid_id'], context=context) self._map_account_template(cr, uid, wizard, account_template_mapping, account_template, context) if value['account_collected_id'] or value['account_paid_id']: if account_template_mapping.get(value['account_collected_id']) and account_template_mapping.get(value['account_paid_id']): vals = { 'account_collected_id': account_template_mapping[value['account_collected_id']], 'account_paid_id': account_template_mapping[value['account_paid_id']], } taxes.write(cr, uid, [key], vals) else: tax = taxes.browse(cr, uid, key) if not account_template_mapping.get(value['account_collected_id']): log.add(_("Tax %s: The collected account can not be set.\n") % (tax.name), True) if not account_template_mapping.get(value['account_paid_id']): log.add(_("Tax %s: The paid account can not be set.\n") % (tax.name), True) """ Search for, and load, fiscal position templates to create/update. """ def _update_fiscal_positions(self, cr, uid, wizard, log, tax_template_mapping, account_template_mapping, context=None): fiscalpositions = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position') fiscalpositions_taxes = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position.tax') fiscalpositions_account = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position.account') new_fps = 0 updated_fps = 0 for wiz_fp in wizard.fiscal_position_ids: fp_template = wiz_fp.fiscal_position_id fp_id = None modified = False if wiz_fp.type == 'new': # # Create a new fiscal position # vals_fp = { 'company_id': wizard.company_id.id, 'name': fp_template.name, } fp_id = fiscalpositions.create(cr, uid, vals_fp) new_fps += 1 modified = True elif wizard.update_fiscal_position and wiz_fp.update_fiscal_position_id: # # Update the given fiscal position (remove the tax and account # mappings, that will be regenerated later) # fp_id = wiz_fp.update_fiscal_position_id.id updated_fps += 1 modified = True # Remove the tax mappings fp_tax_ids = fiscalpositions_taxes.search( cr, uid, [('position_id', '=', fp_id)]) fiscalpositions_taxes.unlink(cr, uid, fp_tax_ids) # Remove the account mappings fp_account_ids = fiscalpositions_account.search( cr, uid, [('position_id', '=', fp_id)]) fiscalpositions_account.unlink(cr, uid, fp_account_ids) else: fp_id = wiz_fp.update_fiscal_position_id and wiz_fp.update_fiscal_position_id.id if modified: # # (Re)create the tax mappings # for fp_tax in fp_template.tax_ids: # # Ensure the related tax templates are on the map. # self._map_tax_template(cr, uid, wizard, tax_template_mapping, fp_tax.tax_src_id, context) if fp_tax.tax_dest_id: self._map_tax_template(cr, uid, wizard, tax_template_mapping, fp_tax.tax_dest_id, context) # # Create the fp tax mapping # vals_tax = { 'tax_src_id': tax_template_mapping.get(fp_tax.tax_src_id.id), 'tax_dest_id': fp_tax.tax_dest_id and tax_template_mapping.get(fp_tax.tax_dest_id.id), 'position_id': fp_id, } fiscalpositions_taxes.create(cr, uid, vals_tax) # # Check for errors # if not tax_template_mapping.get(fp_tax.tax_src_id.id): log.add(_("Fiscal position %s: The source tax %s can not be set.\n") % (fp_template.name, fp_tax.tax_src_id.code), True) if fp_tax.tax_dest_id and not tax_template_mapping.get(fp_tax.tax_dest_id.id): log.add(_("Fiscal position %s: The destination tax %s can not be set.\n") % (fp_template.name, fp_tax.tax_dest_id.name), True) # # (Re)create the account mappings # for fp_account in fp_template.account_ids: # # Ensure the related account templates are on the map. # self._map_account_template(cr, uid, wizard, account_template_mapping, fp_account.account_src_id, context) if fp_account.account_dest_id: self._map_account_template(cr, uid, wizard, account_template_mapping, fp_account.account_dest_id, context) # # Create the fp account mapping # vals_account = { 'account_src_id': account_template_mapping.get(fp_account.account_src_id.id), 'account_dest_id': fp_account.account_dest_id and account_template_mapping.get(fp_account.account_dest_id.id), 'position_id': fp_id, } fiscalpositions_account.create(cr, uid, vals_account) # # Check for errors # if not account_template_mapping.get(fp_account.account_src_id.id): log.add(_("Fiscal position %s: The source account %s can not be set.\n") % (fp_template.name, fp_account.account_src_id.code), True) if fp_account.account_dest_id and not account_template_mapping.get(fp_account.account_dest_id.id): log.add(_("Fiscal position %s: The destination account %s can not be set.\n") % (fp_template.name, fp_account.account_dest_id.code), True) log.add(_("Created or updated fiscal position %s.\n") % fp_template.name) return {'new': new_fps, 'updated': updated_fps} """ Action that creates/updates the selected elements. """ def action_update_records(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} wizard = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context) if wizard.lang: context['lang'] = wizard.lang elif context.get('lang'): del context['lang'] log = WizardLog() # # Create or update the records. # tax_codes_res = self._update_tax_codes( cr, uid, wizard, log, context=context) taxes_res = self._update_taxes( cr, uid, wizard, log, tax_codes_res['mapping'], context=context) accounts_res = self._update_accounts( cr, uid, wizard, log, taxes_res['mapping'], context=context) self._update_taxes_pending_for_accounts(cr, uid, wizard, log, taxes_res['pending'], accounts_res['mapping'], context=context) fps_res = self._update_fiscal_positions(cr, uid, wizard, log, taxes_res['mapping'], accounts_res['mapping'], context=context) # # Check if errors where detected and wether we should stop. # if log.has_errors() and not wizard.continue_on_errors: raise orm.except_orm(_('Error'), _( "One or more errors detected!\n\n%s") % log.get_errors_str()) # # Store the data and go to the next step. # self.write(cr, uid, [wizard.id], { 'state': 'done', 'new_tax_codes': tax_codes_res.get('new', 0), 'new_taxes': taxes_res.get('new', 0), 'new_accounts': accounts_res .get('new', 0), 'new_fps': fps_res.get('new', 0), 'updated_tax_codes': tax_codes_res.get('updated', 0), 'updated_taxes': taxes_res.get('updated', 0), 'updated_accounts': accounts_res.get('updated', 0), 'updated_fps': fps_res.get('updated', 0), 'log': log(), }, context) return _reopen(self, wizard.id, 'wizard.update.chart.accounts') wizard_update_charts_accounts() class wizard_update_charts_accounts_tax_code(orm.TransientModel): """ ****************************************************************** Tax code that needs to be updated (new or updated in the template). ****************************************************************** """ _name = 'wizard.update.charts.accounts.tax.code' _columns = { 'tax_code_id': fields.many2one('account.tax.code.template', 'Tax code template', required=True, ondelete='set null'), 'update_chart_wizard_id': fields.many2one('wizard.update.charts.accounts', 'Update chart wizard', required=True, ondelete='cascade'), 'type': fields.selection([ ('new', 'New template'), ('updated', 'Updated template'), ], 'Type'), 'update_tax_code_id': fields.many2one('account.tax.code', 'Tax code to update', required=False, ondelete='set null'), 'notes': fields.text('Notes'), } _defaults = { } wizard_update_charts_accounts_tax_code() class wizard_update_charts_accounts_tax(orm.TransientModel): """ ************************************************************** Tax that needs to be updated (new or updated in the template). ************************************************************** """ _name = 'wizard.update.charts.accounts.tax' _columns = { 'tax_id': fields.many2one('account.tax.template', 'Tax template', required=True, ondelete='set null'), 'update_chart_wizard_id': fields.many2one('wizard.update.charts.accounts', 'Update chart wizard', required=True, ondelete='cascade'), 'type': fields.selection([ ('new', 'New template'), ('updated', 'Updated template'), ], 'Type'), 'update_tax_id': fields.many2one('account.tax', 'Tax to update', required=False, ondelete='set null'), 'notes': fields.text('Notes'), } _defaults = { } wizard_update_charts_accounts_tax() class wizard_update_charts_accounts_account(orm.TransientModel): """ ****************************************************************** Account that needs to be updated (new or updated in the template). ******************************************************************* """ _name = 'wizard.update.charts.accounts.account' # The chart of accounts can have a lot of accounts, so we need an higher # limit for the objects in memory to let the wizard create all the items # at once. _max_count = 4096 _columns = { 'account_id': fields.many2one('account.account.template', 'Account template', required=True, ondelete='set null'), 'update_chart_wizard_id': fields.many2one('wizard.update.charts.accounts', 'Update chart wizard', required=True, ondelete='cascade'), 'type': fields.selection([ ('new', 'New template'), ('updated', 'Updated template'), ], 'Type'), 'update_account_id': fields.many2one('account.account', 'Account to update', required=False, ondelete='set null'), 'notes': fields.text('Notes'), } _defaults = { } wizard_update_charts_accounts_account() class wizard_update_charts_accounts_fiscal_position(orm.TransientModel): """ ************************************************************************** Fiscal position that needs to be updated (new or updated in the template). ************************************************************************** """ _name = 'wizard.update.charts.accounts.fiscal.position' _columns = { 'fiscal_position_id': fields.many2one('account.fiscal.position.template', 'Fiscal position template', required=True, ondelete='set null'), 'update_chart_wizard_id': fields.many2one('wizard.update.charts.accounts', 'Update chart wizard', required=True, ondelete='cascade'), 'type': fields.selection([ ('new', 'New template'), ('updated', 'Updated template'), ], 'Type'), 'update_fiscal_position_id': fields.many2one('account.fiscal.position', 'Fiscal position to update', required=False, ondelete='set null'), 'notes': fields.text('Notes'), } _defaults = { } wizard_update_charts_accounts_fiscal_position() # 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