# Copyright 2009-2018 Noviat # Copyright 2019 Tecnativa - Pedro M. Baeza # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). import calendar import logging from datetime import date from functools import reduce from sys import exc_info from traceback import format_exception from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.osv import expression _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) READONLY_STATES = { "open": [("readonly", True)], "close": [("readonly", True)], "removed": [("readonly", True)], } class DummyFy(object): def __init__(self, *args, **argv): for key, arg in argv.items(): setattr(self, key, arg) class AccountAsset(models.Model): _name = "account.asset" _inherit = ["mail.thread", "mail.activity.mixin"] _description = "Asset" _order = "date_start desc, code, name" _check_company_auto = True account_move_line_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name="account.move.line", inverse_name="asset_id", string="Entries", readonly=True, copy=False, check_company=True, ) move_line_check = fields.Boolean( compute="_compute_move_line_check", string="Has accounting entries" ) name = fields.Char( string="Asset Name", required=True, states=READONLY_STATES, ) code = fields.Char( string="Reference", size=32, states=READONLY_STATES, ) purchase_value = fields.Monetary( string="Purchase Value", required=True, states=READONLY_STATES, currency_field="company_currency_id", help="This amount represent the initial value of the asset." "\nThe Depreciation Base is calculated as follows:" "\nPurchase Value - Salvage Value.", ) salvage_value = fields.Monetary( string="Salvage Value", states=READONLY_STATES, currency_field="company_currency_id", help="The estimated value that an asset will realize upon " "its sale at the end of its useful life.\n" "This value is used to determine the depreciation amounts.", ) depreciation_base = fields.Monetary( compute="_compute_depreciation_base", string="Depreciation Base", store=True, currency_field="company_currency_id", help="This amount represent the depreciation base " "of the asset (Purchase Value - Salvage Value).", ) value_residual = fields.Monetary( compute="_compute_depreciation", string="Residual Value", currency_field="company_currency_id", store=True, ) value_depreciated = fields.Monetary( compute="_compute_depreciation", string="Depreciated Value", currency_field="company_currency_id", store=True, ) note = fields.Text() profile_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="account.asset.profile", string="Asset Profile", change_default=True, required=True, states=READONLY_STATES, check_company=True, ) group_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name="account.asset.group", compute="_compute_group_ids", readonly=False, store=True, relation="account_asset_group_rel", column1="asset_id", column2="group_id", string="Asset Groups", ) date_start = fields.Date( string="Asset Start Date", required=True, states=READONLY_STATES, help="You should manually add depreciation lines " "with the depreciations of previous fiscal years " "if the Depreciation Start Date is different from the date " "for which accounting entries need to be generated.", ) date_remove = fields.Date(string="Asset Removal Date", readonly=True) state = fields.Selection( selection=[ ("draft", "Draft"), ("open", "Running"), ("close", "Close"), ("removed", "Removed"), ], string="Status", required=True, default="draft", copy=False, help="When an asset is created, the status is 'Draft'.\n" "If the asset is confirmed, the status goes in 'Running' " "and the depreciation lines can be posted " "to the accounting.\n" "If the last depreciation line is posted, " "the asset goes into the 'Close' status.\n" "When the removal entries are generated, " "the asset goes into the 'Removed' status.", ) active = fields.Boolean(default=True) partner_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="res.partner", string="Partner", states=READONLY_STATES, ) method = fields.Selection( selection=lambda self: self.env["account.asset.profile"]._selection_method(), string="Computation Method", compute="_compute_method", readonly=False, store=True, states=READONLY_STATES, help="Choose the method to use to compute the depreciation lines.\n" " * Linear: Calculated on basis of: " "Depreciation Base / Number of Depreciations. " "Depreciation Base = Purchase Value - Salvage Value.\n" " * Linear-Limit: Linear up to Salvage Value. " "Depreciation Base = Purchase Value.\n" " * Degressive: Calculated on basis of: " "Residual Value * Degressive Factor.\n" " * Degressive-Linear (only for Time Method = Year): " "Degressive becomes linear when the annual linear " "depreciation exceeds the annual degressive depreciation.\n" " * Degressive-Limit: Degressive up to Salvage Value. " "The Depreciation Base is equal to the asset value.", ) method_number = fields.Integer( string="Number of Years", compute="_compute_method_number", readonly=False, store=True, states=READONLY_STATES, help="The number of years needed to depreciate your asset", ) method_period = fields.Selection( selection=lambda self: self.env[ "account.asset.profile" ]._selection_method_period(), string="Period Length", compute="_compute_method_period", readonly=False, store=True, states=READONLY_STATES, help="Period length for the depreciation accounting entries", ) method_end = fields.Date( string="Ending Date", compute="_compute_method_end", readonly=False, store=True, states=READONLY_STATES, ) method_progress_factor = fields.Float( string="Degressive Factor", compute="_compute_method_progress_factor", readonly=False, store=True, states=READONLY_STATES, ) method_time = fields.Selection( selection=lambda self: self.env[ "account.asset.profile" ]._selection_method_time(), string="Time Method", compute="_compute_method_time", readonly=False, store=True, states=READONLY_STATES, help="Choose the method to use to compute the dates and " "number of depreciation lines.\n" " * Number of Years: Specify the number of years " "for the depreciation.\n" " * Number of Depreciations: Fix the number of " "depreciation lines and the time between 2 depreciations.\n", ) days_calc = fields.Boolean( string="Calculate by days", compute="_compute_days_calc", readonly=False, store=True, help="Use number of days to calculate depreciation amount", ) use_leap_years = fields.Boolean( compute="_compute_use_leap_years", readonly=False, store=True, help="If not set, the system will distribute evenly the amount to " "amortize across the years, based on the number of years. " "So the amount per year will be the " "depreciation base / number of years.\n " "If set, the system will consider if the current year " "is a leap year. The amount to depreciate per year will be " "calculated as depreciation base / (depreciation end date - " "start date + 1) * days in the current year.", ) prorata = fields.Boolean( string="Prorata Temporis", compute="_compute_prorrata", readonly=False, store=True, states=READONLY_STATES, help="Indicates that the first depreciation entry for this asset " "has to be done from the depreciation start date instead of " "the first day of the fiscal year.", ) depreciation_line_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name="account.asset.line", inverse_name="asset_id", string="Depreciation Lines", copy=False, states=READONLY_STATES, check_company=True, ) company_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="res.company", string="Company", required=True, readonly=True, default=lambda self: self._default_company_id(), ) company_currency_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="res.currency", related="company_id.currency_id", string="Company Currency", store=True, ) account_analytic_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="account.analytic.account", string="Analytic account", compute="_compute_account_analytic_id", readonly=False, store=True, ) analytic_tag_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name="account.analytic.tag", string="Analytic tags", compute="_compute_analytic_tag_ids", readonly=False, store=True, ) carry_forward_missed_depreciations = fields.Boolean( string="Accumulate missed depreciations", help="""If create an asset in a fiscal period that is now closed the accumulated amount of depreciations that cannot be posted will be carried forward to the first depreciation line of the current open period.""", ) @api.model def _default_company_id(self): return self.env.company @api.depends("depreciation_line_ids.move_id") def _compute_move_line_check(self): for asset in self: asset.move_line_check = bool( asset.depreciation_line_ids.filtered("move_id") ) @api.depends("purchase_value", "salvage_value", "method") def _compute_depreciation_base(self): for asset in self: if asset.method in ["linear-limit", "degr-limit"]: asset.depreciation_base = asset.purchase_value else: asset.depreciation_base = asset.purchase_value - asset.salvage_value @api.depends( "depreciation_base", "depreciation_line_ids.type", "depreciation_line_ids.amount", "depreciation_line_ids.previous_id", "depreciation_line_ids.init_entry", "depreciation_line_ids.move_check", ) def _compute_depreciation(self): for asset in self: lines = asset.depreciation_line_ids.filtered( lambda l: l.type in ("depreciate", "remove") and (l.init_entry or l.move_check) ) value_depreciated = sum(line.amount for line in lines) residual = asset.depreciation_base - value_depreciated depreciated = value_depreciated asset.update({"value_residual": residual, "value_depreciated": depreciated}) @api.depends("profile_id") def _compute_group_ids(self): for asset in self: if asset.profile_id: asset.group_ids = asset.profile_id.group_ids @api.depends("profile_id") def _compute_method(self): for asset in self: asset.method = asset.profile_id.method @api.depends("profile_id", "method_end") def _compute_method_number(self): for asset in self: if asset.method_end: asset.method_number = 0 else: asset.method_number = asset.profile_id.method_number @api.depends("profile_id") def _compute_method_period(self): for asset in self: asset.method_period = asset.profile_id.method_period @api.depends("method_number") def _compute_method_end(self): for asset in self: if asset.method_number: asset.method_end = False @api.depends("profile_id") def _compute_method_progress_factor(self): for asset in self: asset.method_progress_factor = asset.profile_id.method_progress_factor @api.depends("profile_id") def _compute_method_time(self): for asset in self: asset.method_time = asset.profile_id.method_time @api.depends("profile_id") def _compute_days_calc(self): for asset in self: asset.days_calc = asset.profile_id.days_calc @api.depends("profile_id") def _compute_use_leap_years(self): for asset in self: asset.use_leap_years = asset.profile_id.use_leap_years @api.depends("profile_id", "method_time") def _compute_prorrata(self): for asset in self: if asset.method_time != "year": asset.prorata = True else: asset.prorata = asset.profile_id.prorata @api.depends("profile_id") def _compute_account_analytic_id(self): for asset in self: asset.account_analytic_id = asset.profile_id.account_analytic_id @api.depends("profile_id") def _compute_analytic_tag_ids(self): for asset in self: asset.analytic_tag_ids = asset.profile_id.analytic_tag_ids @api.constrains("method", "method_time") def _check_method(self): if self.filtered( lambda a: a.method == "degr-linear" and a.method_time != "year" ): raise UserError( _("Degressive-Linear is only supported for Time Method = Year.") ) @api.constrains("date_start", "method_end", "method_number", "method_time") def _check_dates(self): if self.filtered( lambda a: a.method_time == "year" and not a.method_number and a.method_end and a.method_end <= a.date_start ): raise UserError(_("The Start Date must precede the Ending Date.")) @api.constrains("profile_id") def _check_profile_change(self): if self.depreciation_line_ids.filtered("move_id"): raise UserError( _( "You cannot change the profile of an asset " "with accounting entries." ) ) @api.onchange("purchase_value", "salvage_value", "date_start", "method") def _onchange_purchase_salvage_value(self): if self.method in ["linear-limit", "degr-limit"]: self.depreciation_base = self.purchase_value or 0.0 else: purchase_value = self.purchase_value or 0.0 salvage_value = self.salvage_value or 0.0 self.depreciation_base = purchase_value - salvage_value dl_create_line = self.depreciation_line_ids.filtered( lambda r: r.type == "create" ) if dl_create_line: dl_create_line.update( {"amount": self.depreciation_base, "line_date": self.date_start} ) @api.model def create(self, vals): asset = super().create(vals) if self.env.context.get("create_asset_from_move_line"): # Trigger compute of depreciation_base asset.salvage_value = 0.0 asset._create_first_asset_line() return asset def write(self, vals): res = super().write(vals) for asset in self: if self.env.context.get("asset_validate_from_write"): continue asset._create_first_asset_line() if asset.profile_id.open_asset and self.env.context.get( "create_asset_from_move_line" ): asset.compute_depreciation_board() # extra context to avoid recursion asset.with_context(asset_validate_from_write=True).validate() return res def _create_first_asset_line(self): self.ensure_one() if self.depreciation_base and not self.depreciation_line_ids: asset_line_obj = self.env["account.asset.line"] line_name = self._get_depreciation_entry_name(0) asset_line_vals = { "amount": self.depreciation_base, "asset_id": self.id, "name": line_name, "line_date": self.date_start, "init_entry": True, "type": "create", } asset_line = asset_line_obj.create(asset_line_vals) if self.env.context.get("create_asset_from_move_line"): asset_line.move_id = self.env.context["move_id"] def unlink(self): for asset in self: if asset.state != "draft": raise UserError(_("You can only delete assets in draft state.")) if asset.depreciation_line_ids.filtered( lambda r: r.type == "depreciate" and r.move_check ): raise UserError( _( "You cannot delete an asset that contains " "posted depreciation lines." ) ) # update accounting entries linked to lines of type 'create' amls = self.with_context(allow_asset_removal=True).mapped( "account_move_line_ids" ) amls.write({"asset_id": False}) return super().unlink() @api.model def name_search(self, name, args=None, operator="ilike", limit=100): args = args or [] domain = [] if name: domain = ["|", ("code", "=ilike", name + "%"), ("name", operator, name)] if operator in expression.NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS: domain = ["&", "!"] + domain[1:] assets = self.search(domain + args, limit=limit) return assets.name_get() @api.depends("name", "code") def name_get(self): result = [] for asset in self: name = asset.name if asset.code: name = " - ".join([asset.code, name]) result.append((asset.id, name)) return result def validate(self): for asset in self: if asset.company_currency_id.is_zero(asset.value_residual): asset.state = "close" else: asset.state = "open" if not asset.depreciation_line_ids.filtered( lambda l: l.type != "create" ): asset.compute_depreciation_board() return True def remove(self): self.ensure_one() ctx = dict(self.env.context, active_ids=self.ids, active_id=self.id) early_removal = False if self.method in ["linear-limit", "degr-limit"]: if self.value_residual != self.salvage_value: early_removal = True elif self.value_residual: early_removal = True if early_removal: ctx.update({"early_removal": True}) return { "name": _("Generate Asset Removal entries"), "view_mode": "form", "res_model": "account.asset.remove", "target": "new", "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "context": ctx, } def set_to_draft(self): return self.write({"state": "draft"}) def open_entries(self): self.ensure_one() # needed for avoiding errors after grouping in assets context = dict(self.env.context) context.pop("group_by", None) return { "name": _("Journal Entries"), "view_mode": "tree,form", "res_model": "account.move", "view_id": False, "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "context": context, "domain": [("id", "in", self.account_move_line_ids.mapped("move_id").ids)], } def _group_lines(self, table): """group lines prior to depreciation start period.""" def group_lines(x, y): y.update({"amount": x["amount"] + y["amount"]}) return y depreciation_start_date = self.date_start lines = table[0]["lines"] lines1 = [] lines2 = [] flag = lines[0]["date"] < depreciation_start_date for line in lines: if flag: lines1.append(line) if line["date"] >= depreciation_start_date: flag = False else: lines2.append(line) if lines1: lines1 = [reduce(group_lines, lines1)] lines1[0]["depreciated_value"] = 0.0 table[0]["lines"] = lines1 + lines2 def _compute_depreciation_line( self, depreciated_value_posted, table_i_start, line_i_start, table, last_line, posted_lines, ): company = self.company_id currency = company.currency_id fiscalyear_lock_date = company.fiscalyear_lock_date or fields.Date.to_date( "1901-01-01" ) seq = len(posted_lines) depr_line = last_line last_date = table[-1]["lines"][-1]["date"] depreciated_value = depreciated_value_posted amount_to_allocate = 0.0 for entry in table[table_i_start:]: for line in entry["lines"][line_i_start:]: seq += 1 name = self._get_depreciation_entry_name(seq) amount = line["amount"] if self.carry_forward_missed_depreciations: if line["init"]: amount_to_allocate += amount amount = 0 else: amount += amount_to_allocate amount_to_allocate = 0.0 if line["date"] == last_date: # ensure that the last entry of the table always # depreciates the remaining value amount = self.depreciation_base - depreciated_value if self.method in ["linear-limit", "degr-limit"]: amount -= self.salvage_value if amount or self.carry_forward_missed_depreciations: vals = { "previous_id": depr_line.id, "amount": currency.round(amount), "asset_id": self.id, "name": name, "line_date": line["date"], "line_days": line["days"], "init_entry": fiscalyear_lock_date >= line["date"], } depreciated_value += currency.round(amount) depr_line = self.env["account.asset.line"].create(vals) else: seq -= 1 line_i_start = 0 def compute_depreciation_board(self): line_obj = self.env["account.asset.line"] for asset in self: currency = asset.company_id.currency_id if currency.is_zero(asset.value_residual): continue domain = [ ("asset_id", "=", asset.id), ("type", "=", "depreciate"), "|", ("move_check", "=", True), ("init_entry", "=", True), ] posted_lines = line_obj.search(domain, order="line_date desc") if posted_lines: last_line = posted_lines[0] else: last_line = line_obj domain = [ ("asset_id", "=", asset.id), ("type", "=", "depreciate"), ("move_id", "=", False), ("init_entry", "=", False), ] old_lines = line_obj.search(domain) if old_lines: old_lines.unlink() table = asset._compute_depreciation_table() if not table: continue asset._group_lines(table) # check table with posted entries and # recompute in case of deviation depreciated_value_posted = depreciated_value = 0.0 if posted_lines: total_table_lines = sum(len(entry["lines"]) for entry in table) move_check_lines = asset.depreciation_line_ids.filtered("move_check") last_depreciation_date = last_line.line_date last_date_in_table = table[-1]["lines"][-1]["date"] # If the number of lines in the table is the same as the depreciation # lines, we will not show an error even if the dates are the same. if (last_date_in_table < last_depreciation_date) or ( last_date_in_table == last_depreciation_date and total_table_lines != len(move_check_lines) ): raise UserError( _( "The duration of the asset conflicts with the " "posted depreciation table entry dates." ) ) for _table_i, entry in enumerate(table): residual_amount_table = entry["lines"][-1]["remaining_value"] if ( entry["date_start"] <= last_depreciation_date <= entry["date_stop"] ): break if entry["date_stop"] == last_depreciation_date: _table_i += 1 _line_i = 0 else: entry = table[_table_i] date_min = entry["date_start"] for _line_i, line in enumerate(entry["lines"]): residual_amount_table = line["remaining_value"] if date_min <= last_depreciation_date <= line["date"]: break date_min = line["date"] if line["date"] == last_depreciation_date: _line_i += 1 table_i_start = _table_i line_i_start = _line_i # check if residual value corresponds with table # and adjust table when needed depreciated_value_posted = depreciated_value = sum( posted_line.amount for posted_line in posted_lines ) residual_amount = asset.depreciation_base - depreciated_value amount_diff = currency.round(residual_amount_table - residual_amount) if amount_diff: # We will auto-create a new line because the number of lines in # the tables are the same as the posted depreciations and there # is still a residual value. Only in this case we will need to # add a new line to the table with the amount of the difference. if len(move_check_lines) == total_table_lines: table[table_i_start]["lines"].append( table[table_i_start]["lines"][line_i_start - 1] ) line = table[table_i_start]["lines"][line_i_start] line["days"] = 0 line["amount"] = amount_diff # compensate in first depreciation entry # after last posting line = table[table_i_start]["lines"][line_i_start] line["amount"] -= amount_diff else: # no posted lines table_i_start = 0 line_i_start = 0 asset._compute_depreciation_line( depreciated_value_posted, table_i_start, line_i_start, table, last_line, posted_lines, ) return True def _get_fy_duration(self, fy, option="days"): """Returns fiscal year duration. @param option: - days: duration in days - months: duration in months, a started month is counted as a full month - years: duration in calendar years, considering also leap years """ fy_date_start = fy.date_from fy_date_stop = fy.date_to days = (fy_date_stop - fy_date_start).days + 1 months = ( (fy_date_stop.year - fy_date_start.year) * 12 + (fy_date_stop.month - fy_date_start.month) + 1 ) if option == "days": return days elif option == "months": return months elif option == "years": year = fy_date_start.year cnt = fy_date_stop.year - fy_date_start.year + 1 for i in range(cnt): cy_days = calendar.isleap(year) and 366 or 365 if i == 0: # first year if fy_date_stop.year == year: duration = (fy_date_stop - fy_date_start).days + 1 else: duration = (date(year, 12, 31) - fy_date_start).days + 1 factor = float(duration) / cy_days elif i == cnt - 1: # last year duration = (fy_date_stop - date(year, 1, 1)).days + 1 factor += float(duration) / cy_days else: factor += 1.0 year += 1 return factor def _get_fy_duration_factor(self, entry, firstyear): """ localization: override this method to change the logic used to calculate the impact of extended/shortened fiscal years """ duration_factor = 1.0 fy = entry["fy"] if self.prorata: if firstyear: depreciation_date_start = self.date_start fy_date_stop = entry["date_stop"] first_fy_asset_days = (fy_date_stop - depreciation_date_start).days + 1 first_fy_duration = self._get_fy_duration(fy, option="days") first_fy_year_factor = self._get_fy_duration(fy, option="years") duration_factor = ( float(first_fy_asset_days) / first_fy_duration * first_fy_year_factor ) else: duration_factor = self._get_fy_duration(fy, option="years") else: fy_months = self._get_fy_duration(fy, option="months") duration_factor = float(fy_months) / 12 return duration_factor def _get_depreciation_start_date(self, fy): """ In case of 'Linear': the first month is counted as a full month if the fiscal year starts in the middle of a month. """ if self.prorata: depreciation_start_date = self.date_start else: depreciation_start_date = fy.date_from return depreciation_start_date def _get_depreciation_stop_date(self, depreciation_start_date): if self.method_time == "year" and not self.method_end: depreciation_stop_date = depreciation_start_date + relativedelta( years=self.method_number, days=-1 ) elif self.method_time == "number": if self.method_period == "month": depreciation_stop_date = depreciation_start_date + relativedelta( months=self.method_number, days=-1 ) elif self.method_period == "quarter": m = [x for x in [3, 6, 9, 12] if x >= depreciation_start_date.month][0] first_line_date = depreciation_start_date + relativedelta( month=m, day=31 ) months = self.method_number * 3 depreciation_stop_date = first_line_date + relativedelta( months=months - 1, days=-1 ) elif self.method_period == "year": depreciation_stop_date = depreciation_start_date + relativedelta( years=self.method_number, days=-1 ) elif self.method_time == "year" and self.method_end: depreciation_stop_date = self.method_end return depreciation_stop_date def _get_first_period_amount( self, table, entry, depreciation_start_date, line_dates ): """ Return prorata amount for Time Method 'Year' in case of 'Prorata Temporis' """ amount = entry.get("period_amount") if self.prorata and self.method_time == "year": dates = [x for x in line_dates if x <= entry["date_stop"]] full_periods = len(dates) - 1 amount = entry["fy_amount"] - amount * full_periods return amount def _get_amount_linear( self, depreciation_start_date, depreciation_stop_date, entry ): """ Override this method if you want to compute differently the yearly amount. """ if not self.use_leap_years and self.method_number: return self.depreciation_base / self.method_number year = entry["date_stop"].year cy_days = calendar.isleap(year) and 366 or 365 days = (depreciation_stop_date - depreciation_start_date).days + 1 return (self.depreciation_base / days) * cy_days def _compute_year_amount( self, residual_amount, depreciation_start_date, depreciation_stop_date, entry ): """ Localization: override this method to change the degressive-linear calculation logic according to local legislation. """ if self.method_time != "year": raise UserError( _( "The '_compute_year_amount' method is only intended for " "Time Method 'Number of Years'." ) ) year_amount_linear = self._get_amount_linear( depreciation_start_date, depreciation_stop_date, entry ) if self.method == "linear": return year_amount_linear if self.method == "linear-limit": if (residual_amount - year_amount_linear) < self.salvage_value: return residual_amount - self.salvage_value else: return year_amount_linear year_amount_degressive = residual_amount * self.method_progress_factor if self.method == "degressive": return year_amount_degressive if self.method == "degr-linear": if year_amount_linear > year_amount_degressive: return min(year_amount_linear, residual_amount) else: return min(year_amount_degressive, residual_amount) if self.method == "degr-limit": if (residual_amount - year_amount_degressive) < self.salvage_value: return residual_amount - self.salvage_value else: return year_amount_degressive else: raise UserError(_("Illegal value %s in asset.method.") % self.method) def _compute_line_dates(self, table, start_date, stop_date): """ The posting dates of the accounting entries depend on the chosen 'Period Length' as follows: - month: last day of the month - quarter: last of the quarter - year: last day of the fiscal year Override this method if another posting date logic is required. """ line_dates = [] if self.method_period == "month": line_date = start_date + relativedelta(day=31) if self.method_period == "quarter": m = [x for x in [3, 6, 9, 12] if x >= start_date.month][0] line_date = start_date + relativedelta(month=m, day=31) elif self.method_period == "year": line_date = table[0]["date_stop"] i = 1 while line_date < stop_date: line_dates.append(line_date) if self.method_period == "month": line_date = line_date + relativedelta(months=1, day=31) elif self.method_period == "quarter": line_date = line_date + relativedelta(months=3, day=31) elif self.method_period == "year": line_date = table[i]["date_stop"] i += 1 # last entry if not (self.method_time == "number" and len(line_dates) == self.method_number): if self.days_calc: line_dates.append(stop_date) else: line_dates.append(line_date) return line_dates def _compute_depreciation_amount_per_fiscal_year( self, table, line_dates, depreciation_start_date, depreciation_stop_date ): self.ensure_one() currency = self.company_id.currency_id fy_residual_amount = self.depreciation_base i_max = len(table) - 1 asset_sign = self.depreciation_base >= 0 and 1 or -1 day_amount = 0.0 if self.days_calc: days = (depreciation_stop_date - depreciation_start_date).days + 1 day_amount = self.depreciation_base / days for i, entry in enumerate(table): if self.method_time == "year": year_amount = self._compute_year_amount( fy_residual_amount, depreciation_start_date, depreciation_stop_date, entry, ) if self.method_period == "year": period_amount = year_amount elif self.method_period == "quarter": period_amount = year_amount / 4 elif self.method_period == "month": period_amount = year_amount / 12 if i == i_max: if self.method in ["linear-limit", "degr-limit"]: fy_amount = fy_residual_amount - self.salvage_value else: fy_amount = fy_residual_amount else: firstyear = i == 0 and True or False fy_factor = self._get_fy_duration_factor(entry, firstyear) fy_amount = year_amount * fy_factor if ( currency.compare_amounts( asset_sign * (fy_amount - fy_residual_amount), 0 ) > 0 ): fy_amount = fy_residual_amount period_amount = currency.round(period_amount) fy_amount = currency.round(fy_amount) else: fy_amount = False if self.method_time == "number": number = self.method_number else: number = len(line_dates) period_amount = currency.round(self.depreciation_base / number) entry.update( { "period_amount": period_amount, "fy_amount": fy_amount, "day_amount": day_amount, } ) if self.method_time == "year": fy_residual_amount -= fy_amount if currency.is_zero(fy_residual_amount): break i_max = i table = table[: i_max + 1] return table def _compute_depreciation_table_lines( self, table, depreciation_start_date, depreciation_stop_date, line_dates ): self.ensure_one() currency = self.company_id.currency_id asset_sign = 1 if self.depreciation_base >= 0 else -1 i_max = len(table) - 1 remaining_value = self.depreciation_base depreciated_value = 0.0 company = self.company_id fiscalyear_lock_date = company.fiscalyear_lock_date or fields.Date.to_date( "1901-01-01" ) for i, entry in enumerate(table): lines = [] fy_amount_check = 0.0 fy_amount = entry["fy_amount"] li_max = len(line_dates) - 1 prev_date = max(entry["date_start"], depreciation_start_date) for li, line_date in enumerate(line_dates): line_days = (line_date - prev_date).days + 1 if currency.is_zero(remaining_value): break if line_date > min(entry["date_stop"], depreciation_stop_date) and not ( i == i_max and li == li_max ): prev_date = line_date break else: prev_date = line_date + relativedelta(days=1) if ( self.method == "degr-linear" and currency.compare_amounts( asset_sign * (fy_amount - fy_amount_check), 0 ) < 0 ): break if i == 0 and li == 0: if currency.compare_amounts(entry.get("day_amount"), 0) > 0: amount = line_days * entry.get("day_amount") else: amount = self._get_first_period_amount( table, entry, depreciation_start_date, line_dates ) amount = currency.round(amount) else: if currency.compare_amounts(entry.get("day_amount"), 0) > 0: amount = line_days * entry.get("day_amount") else: amount = entry.get("period_amount") # last year, last entry # Handle rounding deviations. if i == i_max and li == li_max: amount = remaining_value remaining_value = 0.0 else: remaining_value -= amount fy_amount_check += amount line = { "date": line_date, "days": line_days, "amount": amount, "depreciated_value": depreciated_value, "remaining_value": remaining_value, "init": fiscalyear_lock_date >= line_date, } lines.append(line) depreciated_value += amount # Handle rounding and extended/shortened FY deviations. # # Remark: # In account_asset_management version < # the FY deviation for the first FY # was compensated in the first FY depreciation line. # The code has now been simplified with compensation # always in last FT depreciation line. if self.method_time == "year" and not entry.get("day_amount"): if not currency.is_zero(fy_amount_check - fy_amount): diff = fy_amount_check - fy_amount amount = amount - diff remaining_value += diff lines[-1].update( {"amount": amount, "remaining_value": remaining_value} ) depreciated_value -= diff if not lines: table.pop(i) else: entry["lines"] = lines line_dates = line_dates[li:] for entry in table: if not entry["fy_amount"]: entry["fy_amount"] = sum(line["amount"] for line in entry["lines"]) def _get_fy_info(self, date): """Return an homogeneus data structure for fiscal years.""" fy_info = self.company_id.compute_fiscalyear_dates(date) if "record" not in fy_info: fy_info["record"] = DummyFy( date_from=fy_info["date_from"], date_to=fy_info["date_to"] ) return fy_info def _compute_depreciation_table(self): table = [] if ( self.method_time in ["year", "number"] and not self.method_number and not self.method_end ): return table asset_date_start = self.date_start depreciation_start_date = self._get_depreciation_start_date( self._get_fy_info(asset_date_start)["record"] ) depreciation_stop_date = self._get_depreciation_stop_date( depreciation_start_date ) fy_date_start = asset_date_start while fy_date_start <= depreciation_stop_date: fy_info = self._get_fy_info(fy_date_start) table.append( { "fy": fy_info["record"], "date_start": fy_info["date_from"], "date_stop": fy_info["date_to"], } ) fy_date_start = fy_info["date_to"] + relativedelta(days=1) # Step 1: # Calculate depreciation amount per fiscal year. # This is calculation is skipped for method_time != 'year'. line_dates = self._compute_line_dates( table, depreciation_start_date, depreciation_stop_date ) table = self._compute_depreciation_amount_per_fiscal_year( table, line_dates, depreciation_start_date, depreciation_stop_date ) # Step 2: # Spread depreciation amount per fiscal year # over the depreciation periods. self._compute_depreciation_table_lines( table, depreciation_start_date, depreciation_stop_date, line_dates ) return table def _get_depreciation_entry_name(self, seq): """use this method to customise the name of the accounting entry""" return (self.code or str(self.id)) + "/" + str(seq) def _compute_entries(self, date_end, check_triggers=False): # TODO : add ir_cron job calling this method to # generate periodical accounting entries result = [] error_log = "" if check_triggers: recompute_obj = self.env["account.asset.recompute.trigger"] recomputes = recompute_obj.sudo().search([("state", "=", "open")]) if recomputes: trigger_companies = recomputes.mapped("company_id") for asset in self: if asset.company_id.id in trigger_companies.ids: asset.compute_depreciation_board() depreciations = self.env["account.asset.line"].search( [ ("asset_id", "in", self.ids), ("type", "=", "depreciate"), ("init_entry", "=", False), ("line_date", "<=", date_end), ("move_check", "=", False), ], order="line_date", ) for depreciation in depreciations: try: with self.env.cr.savepoint(): result += depreciation.create_move() except Exception: e = exc_info()[0] tb = "".join(format_exception(*exc_info())) asset_ref = depreciation.asset_id.name if depreciation.asset_id.code: asset_ref = "[{}] {}".format(depreciation.asset_id.code, asset_ref) error_log += _( "\nError while processing asset '{ref}': {exception}" ).format(ref=asset_ref, exception=str(e)) error_msg = _("Error while processing asset '{ref}': \n\n{tb}").format( ref=asset_ref, tb=tb ) _logger.error("%s, %s", self._name, error_msg) if check_triggers and recomputes: companies = recomputes.mapped("company_id") triggers = recomputes.filtered(lambda r: r.company_id.id in companies.ids) if triggers: recompute_vals = { "date_completed": fields.Datetime.now(), "state": "done", } triggers.sudo().write(recompute_vals) return (result, error_log) @api.model def _xls_acquisition_fields(self): """ Update list in custom module to add/drop columns or change order """ return [ "account", "name", "code", "date_start", "purchase_value", "depreciation_base", "salvage_value", ] @api.model def _xls_active_fields(self): """ Update list in custom module to add/drop columns or change order """ return [ "account", "name", "code", "date_start", "purchase_value", "depreciation_base", "salvage_value", "period_start_value", "period_depr", "period_end_value", "period_end_depr", "method", "method_number", "prorata", "state", ] @api.model def _xls_removal_fields(self): """ Update list in custom module to add/drop columns or change order """ return [ "account", "name", "code", "date_remove", "purchase_value", "depreciation_base", "salvage_value", ] @api.model def _xls_asset_template(self): """ Template updates """ return {} @api.model def _xls_acquisition_template(self): """ Template updates """ return {} @api.model def _xls_active_template(self): """ Template updates """ return {} @api.model def _xls_removal_template(self): """ Template updates """ return {}