# Copyright 2017 ACSONE SA/NV # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from odoo.fields import Date from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase class TestAccountMoveFiscalYear(TransactionCase): def setUp(self): super(TestAccountMoveFiscalYear, self).setUp() self.AccountObj = self.env["account.account"] self.AccountJournalObj = self.env["account.journal"] self.AccountMoveObj = self.env["account.move"] self.DateRangeObj = self.env["account.fiscal.year"] self.bank_journal = self.AccountJournalObj.search( [("type", "=", "bank")], limit=1 ) self.account_type_recv = self.env.ref("account.data_account_type_receivable") self.account_type_rev = self.env.ref("account.data_account_type_revenue") self.account_recv = self.AccountObj.create( { "code": "RECV_DR", "name": "Receivable (test)", "reconcile": True, "user_type_id": self.account_type_recv.id, } ) self.account_sale = self.AccountObj.create( { "code": "SALE_DR", "name": "Receivable (sale)", "reconcile": True, "user_type_id": self.account_type_rev.id, } ) self.date_range_2017 = self.DateRangeObj.create( { "name": "2017", "date_from": "2017-01-01", "date_to": "2017-12-31", } ) self.date_range_2018 = self.DateRangeObj.create( { "name": "2018", "date_from": "2018-01-01", "date_to": "2018-12-31", } ) def create_account_move(self, date_str): return self.AccountMoveObj.create( { "journal_id": self.bank_journal.id, "date": date_str, "line_ids": [ ( 0, 0, { "name": "Debit", "debit": 1000, "account_id": self.account_recv.id, }, ), ( 0, 0, { "name": "Credit", "credit": 1000, "account_id": self.account_sale.id, }, ), ], } ) def test_01_account_move_date_range_fy_id_compute(self): january_1st = Date.to_date("2017-01-01") move = self.create_account_move(january_1st) self.assertEquals( move.date_range_fy_id, self.date_range_2017, msg="Move period should be 2017", ) self.assertTrue( all( [ line.date_range_fy_id == self.date_range_2017 for line in move.line_ids ] ), msg="All lines period should be 2017", ) january_2019 = Date.to_date("2019-01-01") move = self.create_account_move(january_2019) self.assertFalse( bool(move.date_range_fy_id), msg="Move shouldn't have any date range" ) def test_02_account_move_date_range_fy_id_search(self): january_2017 = Date.to_date("2017-01-01") january_2018 = Date.to_date("2018-01-01") january_2019 = Date.to_date("2019-01-01") move_2017 = self.create_account_move(january_2017) move_2018 = self.create_account_move(january_2018) move_2019 = self.create_account_move(january_2019) moves = self.AccountMoveObj.search( [ ("date_range_fy_id", "ilike", "2017"), ] ) self.assertTrue( all( [ move_2017 in moves, move_2018 not in moves, move_2019 not in moves, ] ), msg="There should be only moves in 2017", ) moves = self.AccountMoveObj.search( [ ("date_range_fy_id", "=", self.date_range_2017.id), ] ) self.assertTrue( all( [ move_2017 in moves, move_2018 not in moves, move_2019 not in moves, ] ) ) moves = self.AccountMoveObj.search( [ ( "date_range_fy_id", "in", (self.date_range_2017.id, self.date_range_2018.id), ), ] ) self.assertTrue( all( [ move_2017 in moves, move_2018 in moves, move_2019 not in moves, ] ) )