# Copyright 2021 Akretion France (http://www.akretion.com/)
# @author: Alexis de Lattre <alexis.delattre@akretion.com>
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).

from odoo import api, fields, models

class AccountMove(models.Model):
    _inherit = "account.move"

    name = fields.Char(compute="_compute_name_by_sequence")
    # highest_name, sequence_prefix, sequence_number are not needed any more
    # -> compute=False to improve perf
    highest_name = fields.Char(compute=False)
    sequence_prefix = fields.Char(compute=False)
    sequence_number = fields.Integer(compute=False)
    # made_sequence_hole is not relevant anymore (since based on sequence_prefix/number)
    # -> compute=False to improve perf and to avoid displaying warning
    made_sequence_hole = fields.Boolean(compute=False)

    _sql_constraints = [
            "CHECK(COALESCE(name, '') NOT IN ('/', '') OR state!='posted')",
            'A move can not be posted with name "/" or empty value\n'
            "Check the journal sequence, please",

    @api.depends("state", "journal_id", "date")
    def _compute_name_by_sequence(self):
        for move in self:
            name = move.name or "/"
            # I can't use posted_before in this IF because
            # posted_before is set to True in _post() at the same
            # time as state is set to "posted"
            if (
                move.state == "posted"
                and (not move.name or move.name == "/")
                and move.journal_id
                and move.journal_id.sequence_id
                if (
                    move.move_type in ("out_refund", "in_refund")
                    and move.journal_id.type in ("sale", "purchase")
                    and move.journal_id.refund_sequence
                    and move.journal_id.refund_sequence_id
                    seq = move.journal_id.refund_sequence_id
                    seq = move.journal_id.sequence_id
                # next_by_id(date) only applies on ir.sequence.date_range selection
                # => we use with_context(ir_sequence_date=date).next_by_id()
                # which applies on ir.sequence.date_range selection AND prefix
                name = seq.with_context(ir_sequence_date=move.date).next_by_id()
            move.name = name

    # We must by-pass this constraint of sequence.mixin
    def _constrains_date_sequence(self):
        return True

    def _is_end_of_seq_chain(self):
        invoices_no_gap_sequences = self.filtered(
            lambda inv: inv.journal_id.sequence_id.implementation == "no_gap"
        invoices_other_sequences = self - invoices_no_gap_sequences
        if not invoices_other_sequences and invoices_no_gap_sequences:
            return False
        return super(AccountMove, invoices_other_sequences)._is_end_of_seq_chain()

    def _fetch_duplicate_supplier_reference(self, only_posted=False):
        moves = self.filtered(lambda m: m.is_purchase_document() and m.ref)
        if moves:
            self.flush_model(["name", "journal_id", "move_type", "state"])
        return super()._fetch_duplicate_supplier_reference(only_posted=only_posted)

    def _get_last_sequence(self, relaxed=False, with_prefix=None, lock=True):
        return super()._get_last_sequence(relaxed, None, lock)