# Copyright 2014-2022 Acsone (http://acsone.eu) # Copyright 2016-2022 Akretion (http://www.akretion.com/) # @author Stéphane Bidoul # @author Alexis de Lattre # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl) from odoo import _, api, models from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class AccountMoveLine(models.Model): _inherit = "account.move.line" def _check_partner_required_msg(self): comp_cur = self.company_id.currency_id for line in self: if comp_cur.is_zero(line.debit) and comp_cur.is_zero(line.credit): continue policy = line.account_id.get_partner_policy() if policy == "always" and not line.partner_id: return _( "Partner policy is set to 'Always' on account '%(account)s' but " "the partner is missing on the journal item '%(move_line)s'." ) % { "account": line.account_id.display_name, "move_line": line.display_name, } elif policy == "never" and line.partner_id: return _( "Partner policy is set to 'Never' on account '%(account)s' but " "the journal item '%(move_line)s' has a partner '%(partner)s'." ) % { "account": line.account_id.display_name, "move_line": line.display_name, "partner": line.partner_id.display_name, } @api.constrains("partner_id", "account_id", "debit", "credit") def _check_partner_required(self): for line in self: message = line._check_partner_required_msg() if message: raise ValidationError(message)