# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # # Copyright (C) 2010-2012 OpenERP s.a. (). # Copyright (c) 2014 Noviat nv/sa (www.noviat.com). All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import fields, orm from openerp.tools.translate import _ from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from datetime import datetime import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class account_asset_remove(orm.TransientModel): _name = 'account.asset.remove' _description = 'Remove Asset' _residual_value_regime_countries = ['FR'] def _posting_regime(self, cr, uid, context=None): return[ ('residual_value', _('Residual Value')), ('gain_loss_on_sale', _('Gain/Loss on Sale')), ] def _get_posting_regime(self, cr, uid, context=None): if not context: context = {} asset_obj = self.pool.get('account.asset.asset') asset = asset_obj.browse(cr, uid, context.get('active_id')) country = asset and asset.company_id.country_id.code or False if country in self._residual_value_regime_countries: return 'residual_value' else: return 'gain_loss_on_sale' def _get_sale(self, cr, uid, context=None): if not context: context = {} inv_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.line') currency_obj = self.pool.get('res.currency') asset_id = context.get('active_id') sale_value = 0.0 account_sale_id = False inv_line_ids = inv_line_obj.search( cr, uid, [('asset_id', '=', asset_id)], context=context) for line in inv_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, inv_line_ids): inv = line.invoice_id comp_curr = inv.company_id.currency_id inv_curr = inv.currency_id if line.invoice_id.state in ['open', 'paid']: account_sale_id = line.account_id.id amount = line.price_subtotal if inv_curr != comp_curr: amount = currency_obj.compute( cr, uid, inv_curr.id, comp_curr.id, amount, context=context) sale_value += amount return {'sale_value': sale_value, 'account_sale_id': account_sale_id} def _get_sale_value(self, cr, uid, context=None): return self._get_sale(cr, uid, context=context)['sale_value'] def _get_sale_account(self, cr, uid, context=None): return self._get_sale(cr, uid, context=context)['account_sale_id'] def _get_plus_account(self, cr, uid, context=None): if not context: context = {} acc = False asset_obj = self.pool.get('account.asset.asset') asset = asset_obj.browse(cr, uid, context.get('active_id')) if asset: acc = asset.category_id.account_plus_value_id return acc and acc.id or False def _get_min_account(self, cr, uid, context=None): if not context: context = {} acc = False asset_obj = self.pool.get('account.asset.asset') asset = asset_obj.browse(cr, uid, context.get('active_id')) if asset: acc = asset.category_id.account_min_value_id return acc and acc.id or False def _get_residual_account(self, cr, uid, context=None): if not context: context = {} acc = False asset_obj = self.pool.get('account.asset.asset') asset = asset_obj.browse(cr, uid, context.get('active_id')) if asset: acc = asset.category_id.account_residual_value_id return acc and acc.id or False _columns = { 'date_remove': fields.date( 'Asset Removal Date', required=True, help="Removal date must be after the last posted entry " "in case of early removal"), 'period_id': fields.many2one( 'account.period', 'Force Period', domain=[('state', '<>', 'done')], help="Keep empty to use the period of the removal ate."), 'sale_value': fields.float('Sale Value'), 'account_sale_id': fields.many2one( 'account.account', 'Asset Sale Account', domain=[('type', '=', 'other')]), 'account_plus_value_id': fields.many2one( 'account.account', 'Plus-Value Account', domain=[('type', '=', 'other')]), 'account_min_value_id': fields.many2one( 'account.account', 'Min-Value Account', domain=[('type', '=', 'other')]), 'account_residual_value_id': fields.many2one( 'account.account', 'Residual Value Account', domain=[('type', '=', 'other')]), 'posting_regime': fields.selection( _posting_regime, 'Removal Entry Policy', required=True, help="Removal Entry Policy \n" " * Residual Value: The non-depreciated value will be " "posted on the 'Residual Value Account' \n" " * Gain/Loss on Sale: The Gain or Loss will be posted on " "the 'Plus-Value Account' or 'Min-Value Account' "), 'note': fields.text('Notes'), } _defaults = { 'sale_value': _get_sale_value, 'account_sale_id': _get_sale_account, 'account_plus_value_id': _get_plus_account, 'account_min_value_id': _get_min_account, 'account_residual_value_id': _get_residual_account, 'posting_regime': _get_posting_regime, } _sql_constraints = [( 'sale_value', 'CHECK (sale_value>=0)', 'The Sale Value must be positive!')] def _prepare_early_removal(self, cr, uid, asset, date_remove, context=None): """ Generate last depreciation entry on the day before the removal date. """ asset_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.asset.depreciation.line') digits = self.pool.get('decimal.precision').precision_get( cr, uid, 'Account') dl_ids = asset_line_obj.search( cr, uid, [('asset_id', '=', asset.id), ('type', '=', 'depreciate'), ('init_entry', '=', False), ('move_check', '=', False)], order='line_date asc') first_to_depreciate_dl = asset_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, dl_ids[0]) first_date = first_to_depreciate_dl.line_date if date_remove > first_date: raise orm.except_orm( _('Error!'), _("You can't make an early removal if all the depreciation " "lines for previous periods are not posted.")) last_depr_date = first_to_depreciate_dl.previous_id.line_date period_number_days = ( datetime.strptime(first_date, '%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.strptime(last_depr_date, '%Y-%m-%d')).days date_remove = datetime.strptime(date_remove, '%Y-%m-%d') new_line_date = date_remove + relativedelta(days=-1) to_depreciate_days = ( new_line_date - datetime.strptime(last_depr_date, '%Y-%m-%d')).days to_depreciate_amount = round( float(to_depreciate_days) / float(period_number_days) * first_to_depreciate_dl.amount, digits) residual_value = asset.value_residual - to_depreciate_amount if to_depreciate_amount: update_vals = { 'amount': to_depreciate_amount, 'line_date': new_line_date } first_to_depreciate_dl.write(update_vals) asset_line_obj.create_move( cr, uid, [dl_ids[0]], context=context) dl_ids.pop(0) asset_line_obj.unlink(cr, uid, dl_ids, context=context) return residual_value def _get_removal_data(self, cr, uid, wiz_data, asset, residual_value, context=None): move_lines = [] partner_id = asset.partner_id and asset.partner_id.id or False categ = asset.category_id # asset and asset depreciation account reversal depr_amount = asset.asset_value - residual_value move_line_vals = { 'name': asset.name, 'account_id': categ.account_depreciation_id.id, 'debit': depr_amount > 0 and depr_amount or 0.0, 'credit': depr_amount < 0 and -depr_amount or 0.0, 'partner_id': partner_id, 'asset_id': asset.id } move_lines.append((0, 0, move_line_vals)) move_line_vals = { 'name': asset.name, 'account_id': categ.account_asset_id.id, 'debit': asset.asset_value < 0 and -asset.asset_value or 0.0, 'credit': asset.asset_value > 0 and asset.asset_value or 0.0, 'partner_id': partner_id, 'asset_id': asset.id } move_lines.append((0, 0, move_line_vals)) if residual_value: if wiz_data.posting_regime == 'residual_value': move_line_vals = { 'name': asset.name, 'account_id': wiz_data.account_residual_value_id.id, 'analytic_account_id': asset.account_analytic_id.id, 'debit': residual_value, 'credit': 0.0, 'partner_id': partner_id, 'asset_id': asset.id } move_lines.append((0, 0, move_line_vals)) elif wiz_data.posting_regime == 'gain_loss_on_sale': if wiz_data.sale_value: sale_value = wiz_data.sale_value move_line_vals = { 'name': asset.name, 'account_id': wiz_data.account_sale_id.id, 'analytic_account_id': asset.account_analytic_id.id, 'debit': sale_value, 'credit': 0.0, 'partner_id': partner_id, 'asset_id': asset.id } move_lines.append((0, 0, move_line_vals)) balance = wiz_data.sale_value - residual_value account_id = (wiz_data.account_plus_value_id.id if balance > 0 else wiz_data.account_min_value_id.id) move_line_vals = { 'name': asset.name, 'account_id': account_id, 'analytic_account_id': asset.account_analytic_id.id, 'debit': balance < 0 and -balance or 0.0, 'credit': balance > 0 and balance or 0.0, 'partner_id': partner_id, 'asset_id': asset.id } move_lines.append((0, 0, move_line_vals)) return move_lines def remove(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): asset_obj = self.pool.get('account.asset.asset') asset_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.asset.depreciation.line') move_obj = self.pool.get('account.move') period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period') asset_id = context['active_id'] asset = asset_obj.browse(cr, uid, asset_id, context=context) asset_ref = asset.code and '%s (ref: %s)' \ % (asset.name, asset.code) or asset.name wiz_data = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context) if context.get('early_removal'): residual_value = self._prepare_early_removal( cr, uid, asset, wiz_data.date_remove, context=context) else: residual_value = asset.value_residual ctx = dict(context, company_id=asset.company_id.id) period_id = wiz_data.period_id and wiz_data.period_id.id or False if not period_id: ctx.update(account_period_prefer_normal=True) period_ids = period_obj.find( cr, uid, wiz_data.date_remove, context=ctx) period_id = period_ids[0] dl_ids = asset_line_obj.search( cr, uid, [('asset_id', '=', asset.id), ('type', '=', 'depreciate')], order='line_date desc') last_date = asset_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, dl_ids[0]).line_date if wiz_data.date_remove < last_date: raise orm.except_orm( _('Error!'), _("The removal date must be after " "the last depreciation date.")) line_name = asset_obj._get_depreciation_entry_name( cr, uid, asset, len(dl_ids) + 1, context=context) journal_id = asset.category_id.journal_id.id # create move move_vals = { 'name': asset.name, 'date': wiz_data.date_remove, 'ref': line_name, 'period_id': period_id, 'journal_id': journal_id, 'narration': wiz_data.note, } move_id = move_obj.create(cr, uid, move_vals, context=context) # create asset line asset_line_vals = { 'amount': residual_value, 'asset_id': asset_id, 'name': line_name, 'line_date': wiz_data.date_remove, 'move_id': move_id, 'type': 'remove', } asset_line_obj.create(cr, uid, asset_line_vals, context=context) asset.write({'state': 'removed', 'date_remove': wiz_data.date_remove}) # create move lines move_lines = self._get_removal_data( cr, uid, wiz_data, asset, residual_value, context=context) move_obj.write(cr, uid, [move_id], {'line_id': move_lines}, context=dict(context, allow_asset=True)) return { 'name': _("Asset '%s' Removal Journal Entry") % asset_ref, 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'tree,form', 'res_model': 'account.move', 'view_id': False, 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'context': context, 'nodestroy': True, 'domain': [('id', '=', move_id)], }