[MIG] account_netting to v16

Add prepare method for the account.move created by the wizard
Add multi-company checks
Improve error messages
Improve usability: use monetary instead of float, display partner
Use odoo methods to compare floats
Update tests
This commit is contained in:
Alexis de Lattre 2023-02-22 23:53:29 +01:00
parent 4643b05b26
commit 936ecfe56c
6 changed files with 161 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"name": "Account netting",
"version": "",
"version": "",
"summary": "Compensate AR/AP accounts from the same partner",
"category": "Accounting & Finance",
"author": "Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)",

View File

@ -6,15 +6,16 @@
from datetime import datetime
import odoo.tests.common as common
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.tests import Form, tagged
@tagged("post_install", "-at_install")
class TestAccountNetting(common.TransactionCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.env = cls.env(context=dict(cls.env.context, tracking_disable=True))
res_users_account_manager = cls.env.ref("account.group_account_manager")
partner_manager = cls.env.ref("base.group_partner_manager")
@ -23,19 +24,25 @@ class TestAccountNetting(common.TransactionCase):
cls.company = cls.env.ref("base.main_company")
# only adviser can create an account
cls.aa_model = cls.env["account.account"]
cls.account_receivable = cls._get_account(cls, "receivable")
cls.account_payable = cls._get_account(cls, "payable")
cls.account_revenue = cls._get_account(cls, "revenue")
cls.account_expense = cls._get_account(cls, "expenses")
cls.account_receivable = cls._get_account(cls, "asset_receivable")
cls.account_payable = cls._get_account(cls, "liability_payable")
cls.account_revenue = cls._get_account(cls, "income")
cls.account_expense = cls._get_account(cls, "expense")
cls.partner_model = cls.env["res.partner"]
cls.partner = cls._create_partner(cls, "Supplier/Customer")
cls.partner1 = cls._create_partner(cls, "Supplier/Customer 1")
cls.partner2 = cls._create_partner(cls, "Supplier/Customer 2")
cls.miscellaneous_journal = cls.env["account.journal"].search(
[("type", "=", "general")], limit=1
[("type", "=", "general"), ("company_id", "=", cls.company.id)], limit=1
# We need a product with taxes at 0 so that the amounts are as expected.
cls.account_tax = cls.env["account.tax"].create(
{"name": "0%", "amount_type": "fixed", "type_tax_use": "sale", "amount": 0}
"name": "0%",
"amount_type": "fixed",
"type_tax_use": "sale",
"amount": 0,
"company_id": cls.company.id,
cls.product = cls.env["product.product"].create(
@ -44,40 +51,39 @@ class TestAccountNetting(common.TransactionCase):
"taxes_id": [(6, 0, [cls.account_tax.id])],
out_invoice_partner = cls._create_move(cls, "out_invoice", cls.partner, 100)
cls.move_line_1 = out_invoice_partner.line_ids.filtered(
out_invoice_partner1 = cls._create_move(cls, "out_invoice", cls.partner1, 100)
cls.move_line_1 = out_invoice_partner1.line_ids.filtered(
lambda x: x.account_id == cls.account_receivable
in_invoice_partner = cls._create_move(cls, "in_invoice", cls.partner, 1200)
cls.move_line_2 = in_invoice_partner.line_ids.filtered(
in_invoice_partner1 = cls._create_move(cls, "in_invoice", cls.partner1, 1200)
cls.move_line_2 = in_invoice_partner1.line_ids.filtered(
lambda x: x.account_id == cls.account_payable
cls.move_line_3 = in_invoice_partner.line_ids.filtered(
cls.move_line_3 = in_invoice_partner1.line_ids.filtered(
lambda x: x.account_id == cls.account_expense
in_invoice_partner1 = cls._create_move(cls, "in_invoice", cls.partner1, 200)
cls.move_line_4 = in_invoice_partner1.line_ids.filtered(
in_invoice_partner2 = cls._create_move(cls, "in_invoice", cls.partner2, 200)
cls.move_line_4 = in_invoice_partner2.line_ids.filtered(
lambda x: x.account_id == cls.account_payable
in_refund_partner1 = cls._create_move(cls, "in_refund", cls.partner1, 200)
cls.move_line_5 = in_refund_partner1.line_ids.filtered(
in_refund_partner2 = cls._create_move(cls, "in_refund", cls.partner2, 200)
cls.move_line_5 = in_refund_partner2.line_ids.filtered(
lambda x: x.account_id == cls.account_payable
in_refund_partner1 = cls._create_move(cls, "in_refund", cls.partner1, 200)
cls.move_line_6 = in_refund_partner1.line_ids.filtered(
in_refund_partner2 = cls._create_move(cls, "in_refund", cls.partner2, 200)
cls.move_line_6 = in_refund_partner2.line_ids.filtered(
lambda x: x.account_id == cls.account_payable
def _get_account(self, user_type):
user_type_ref = "account.data_account_type_%s" % user_type
def _get_account(self, account_type):
return self.aa_model.search(
("user_type_id", "=", self.env.ref(user_type_ref).id),
("account_type", "=", account_type),
("company_id", "=", self.company.id),
@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ class TestAccountNetting(common.TransactionCase):
def _create_move(self, move_type, partner, price):
move_form = Form(
@ -106,22 +114,22 @@ class TestAccountNetting(common.TransactionCase):
return move_form.save()
def test_compensation(self):
# Test exception line 33 from account_move_make_netting
# Test raise if 1 account.move.line selected
obj = self.env["account.move.make.netting"].with_context(
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(UserError):
wizard = obj.create(
"move_line_ids": [(6, 0, [self.move_line_1.id])],
"journal_id": self.miscellaneous_journal.id,
# Test exception line 39 from account_move_make_netting
# Test raise if not all accounts are payable/receivable
obj = self.env["account.move.make.netting"].with_context(
active_ids=[self.move_line_1.id, self.move_line_3.id]
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(UserError):
wizard = obj.create(
"move_line_ids": [
@ -130,11 +138,11 @@ class TestAccountNetting(common.TransactionCase):
"journal_id": self.miscellaneous_journal.id,
# Test exception line 45 from account_move_make_netting
# Test raise if same account
obj = self.env["account.move.make.netting"].with_context(
active_ids=[self.move_line_4.id, self.move_line_5.id]
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(UserError):
wizard = obj.create(
"move_line_ids": [
@ -143,7 +151,7 @@ class TestAccountNetting(common.TransactionCase):
"journal_id": self.miscellaneous_journal.id,
# Test exception line 42 from account_move_make_netting
# Test raise if reconciled lines
moves = self.env["account.move.line"].browse(
[self.move_line_4.id, self.move_line_5.id]
@ -151,7 +159,7 @@ class TestAccountNetting(common.TransactionCase):
obj = self.env["account.move.make.netting"].with_context(
active_ids=[self.move_line_4.id, self.move_line_5.id]
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(UserError):
wizard = obj.create(
"move_line_ids": [
@ -160,11 +168,11 @@ class TestAccountNetting(common.TransactionCase):
"journal_id": self.miscellaneous_journal.id,
# Test exception line 52 from account_move_make_netting
# Test raise if different partners
obj = self.env["account.move.make.netting"].with_context(
active_ids=[self.move_line_1.id, self.move_line_6.id]
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(UserError):
wizard = obj.create(
"move_line_ids": [
@ -182,6 +190,8 @@ class TestAccountNetting(common.TransactionCase):
"journal_id": self.miscellaneous_journal.id,
self.assertEqual(wizard.partner_id, self.partner1)
self.assertEqual(wizard.company_id, self.company)
res = wizard.button_compensate()
move = self.env["account.move"].browse(res["res_id"])

View File

@ -2,20 +2,29 @@
# Copyright 2017 Tecnativa - Vicent Cubells
# License AGPL-3 - See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
from odoo import _, api, exceptions, fields, models
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
class AccountMoveMakeNetting(models.TransientModel):
_name = "account.move.make.netting"
_description = "Wizard to generate account moves for netting"
_check_company_auto = True
company_id = fields.Many2one("res.company", required=True)
journal_id = fields.Many2one(
domain="[('type', '=', 'general')]",
domain="[('type', '=', 'general'), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]",
move_line_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name="account.move.line")
balance = fields.Float(readonly=True)
move_line_ids = fields.Many2many(
partner_id = fields.Many2one("res.partner", readonly=True)
company_currency_id = fields.Many2one(related="company_id.currency_id")
balance = fields.Monetary(readonly=True, currency_field="company_currency_id")
balance_type = fields.Selection(
selection=[("pay", "To pay"), ("receive", "To receive")],
@ -24,54 +33,79 @@ class AccountMoveMakeNetting(models.TransientModel):
def default_get(self, fields_list):
if len(self.env.context.get("active_ids", [])) < 2:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
_("You should compensate at least 2 journal entries.")
raise UserError(_("You should compensate at least 2 journal items."))
move_lines = self.env["account.move.line"].browse(
if any(
x not in ("payable", "receivable")
for x in move_lines.mapped("account_id.user_type_id.type")
partners = self.env["res.partner"]
for line in move_lines:
if line.parent_state != "posted":
raise UserError(_("Line '%s' is not posted.") % line.display_name)
if line.account_id.account_type not in (
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
_("All entries must have a receivable or payable account")
raise UserError(
"Line '%(line)s' has account '%(account)s' which is not "
"a payable nor a receivable account."
if any(move_lines.mapped("reconciled")):
raise exceptions.ValidationError(_("All entries mustn't been reconciled"))
if len(move_lines.mapped("account_id")) == 1:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
% {
"line": line.display_name,
"account": line.account_id.display_name,
if line.reconciled:
raise UserError(
_("Line '%s' is already reconciled.") % line.display_name
if not line.partner_id:
raise UserError(
_("Line '%s' doesn't have a partner.") % line.display_name
partners |= line.partner_id
if len(move_lines.account_id) == 1:
raise UserError(
"The 'Compensate' function is intended to balance "
"operations on different accounts for the same partner.\n"
"operations on different accounts for the same partner. "
"In this case all selected entries belong to the same "
"account.\n Please use the 'Reconcile' function."
"account '%s'. Use the 'Reconcile' function instead."
% move_lines.account_id.display_name
if len(move_lines.mapped("partner_id")) != 1:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
if len(partners) != 1:
raise UserError(
"All entries should have a partner and the partner must "
"be the same for all."
"The selected journal items have different partners: %s. "
"The partner must be the same for all the selected journal items."
% ", ".join([p.display_name for p in partners])
res = super().default_get(fields_list)
res["move_line_ids"] = [(6, 0, move_lines.ids)]
company = self.env.company
ccur = company.currency_id
debit_move_lines_debit = move_lines.filtered("debit")
credit_move_lines_debit = move_lines.filtered("credit")
balance = abs(sum(debit_move_lines_debit.mapped("amount_residual"))) - abs(
balance = ccur.round(
- abs(sum(credit_move_lines_debit.mapped("amount_residual")))
"balance": abs(balance),
"balance_type": "pay"
if ccur.compare_amounts(balance, 0) < 0
else "receive",
"company_id": company.id,
"move_line_ids": move_lines.ids,
"partner_id": partners.id,
res["balance"] = abs(balance)
res["balance_type"] = "pay" if balance < 0 else "receive"
return res
def button_compensate(self):
# Create account move
move = self.env["account.move"].create(
{"ref": _("AR/AP netting"), "journal_id": self.journal_id.id}
def _prepare_account_move(self):
# Group amounts by account
account_groups = self.move_line_ids.read_group(
[("id", "in", self.move_line_ids.ids)],
@ -80,43 +114,49 @@ class AccountMoveMakeNetting(models.TransientModel):
debtors = []
creditors = []
total_debtors = 0
total_creditors = 0
total_debtors = 0.0
total_creditors = 0.0
ccur = self.company_id.currency_id
for account_group in account_groups:
balance = account_group["amount_residual"]
group_vals = {
"account_id": account_group["account_id"][0],
"balance": abs(balance),
if balance > 0:
if ccur.compare_amounts(balance, 0) > 0:
total_debtors += balance
total_creditors += abs(balance)
# Create move lines
# Compute move lines
netting_amount = min(total_creditors, total_debtors)
field_map = {1: "debit", 0: "credit"}
move_lines = []
for i, group in enumerate([debtors, creditors]):
available_amount = netting_amount
for account_group in group:
if account_group["balance"] > available_amount:
amount = available_amount
amount = account_group["balance"]
move_line_vals = {
field_map[i]: amount,
"partner_id": self.move_line_ids[0].partner_id.id,
"name": move.ref,
field_map[i]: min(available_amount, account_group["balance"]),
"partner_id": self.partner_id.id,
"account_id": account_group["account_id"],
move_lines.append((0, 0, move_line_vals))
available_amount -= account_group["balance"]
if available_amount <= 0:
if ccur.compare_amounts(available_amount, 0) <= 0:
if move_lines:
move.write({"line_ids": move_lines})
vals = {
"ref": _("AR/AP netting"),
"journal_id": self.journal_id.id,
"company_id": self.company_id.id,
"line_ids": move_lines,
return vals
def button_compensate(self):
# Create account move
move = self.env["account.move"].create(self._prepare_account_move())
# Make reconciliation
for move_line in move.line_ids:
@ -125,11 +165,15 @@ class AccountMoveMakeNetting(models.TransientModel):
# Open created move
action = self.env["ir.actions.act_window"]._for_xml_id(
action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id(
action["view_mode"] = "form"
del action["views"]
del action["view_id"]
action["res_id"] = move.id
"view_mode": "form",
"views": False,
"view_id": False,
"res_id": move.id,
return action

View File

@ -13,10 +13,13 @@
<field name="name">Compensate entries</field>
<field name="model">account.move.make.netting</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Compensate entries">
>This operation will generate journal entries that are counterpart of the receivable/payable accounts selected, and reconcile each other, letting this balance in the partner.</p>
>This operation will generate a journal entry whose lines are counterpart of the receivable/payable accounts selected, and reconcile each other, letting this balance in the partner.</p>
<field name="company_id" invisible="1" />
<field name="company_currency_id" invisible="1" />
<field name="partner_id" />
<field name="balance" />

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import setuptools