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# Copyright 2009-2018 Noviat
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
import logging
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# List of move's fields that can't be modified if move is linked
# with a depreciation line
FIELDS_AFFECTS_ASSET_MOVE = {"journal_id", "date"}
# List of move line's fields that can't be modified if move is linked
# with a depreciation line
class AccountMove(models.Model):
_inherit = "account.move"
def unlink(self):
# for move in self:
deprs = self.env["account.asset.line"].search(
[("move_id", "in", self.ids), ("type", "in", ["depreciate", "remove"])]
if deprs and not self.env.context.get("unlink_from_asset"):
raise UserError(
"You are not allowed to remove an accounting entry "
"linked to an asset."
"\nYou should remove such entries from the asset."
# trigger store function
deprs.write({"move_id": False})
return super().unlink()
def write(self, vals):
if set(vals).intersection(FIELDS_AFFECTS_ASSET_MOVE):
deprs = self.env["account.asset.line"].search(
[("move_id", "in", self.ids), ("type", "=", "depreciate")]
if deprs:
raise UserError(
"You cannot change an accounting entry "
"linked to an asset depreciation line."
return super().write(vals)
class AccountMoveLine(models.Model):
_inherit = "account.move.line"
asset_profile_id = fields.Many2one(
comodel_name="account.asset.profile", string="Asset Profile"
asset_id = fields.Many2one(
comodel_name="account.asset", string="Asset", ondelete="restrict"
def _onchange_account_id(self):
self.asset_profile_id = self.account_id.asset_profile_id
def create(self, vals):
if vals.get("asset_id") and not self.env.context.get("allow_asset"):
raise UserError(
"You are not allowed to link "
"an accounting entry to an asset."
"\nYou should generate such entries from the asset."
if vals.get("asset_profile_id"):
# create asset
asset_obj = self.env["account.asset"]
move = self.env["account.move"].browse(vals["move_id"])
depreciation_base = vals["debit"] or -vals["credit"]
temp_vals = {
"name": vals["name"],
"profile_id": vals["asset_profile_id"],
"purchase_value": depreciation_base,
"partner_id": vals["partner_id"],
"date_start": move.date,
if self.env.context.get("company_id"):
temp_vals["company_id"] = self.env.context["company_id"]
temp_asset = asset_obj.new(temp_vals)
asset_vals = temp_asset._convert_to_write(temp_asset._cache)
self._get_asset_analytic_values(vals, asset_vals)
asset = asset_obj.with_context(
create_asset_from_move_line=True, move_id=vals["move_id"]
vals["asset_id"] = asset.id
return super().create(vals)
def _prepare_asset_create(self, vals):
debit = "debit" in vals and vals.get("debit", 0.0) or self.debit
credit = "credit" in vals and vals.get("credit", 0.0) or self.credit
depreciation_base = debit - credit
partner_id = (
"partner" in vals and vals.get("partner", False) or self.partner_id.id
date_start = "date" in vals and vals.get("date", False) or self.date
return {
"name": vals.get("name") or self.name,
"profile_id": vals["asset_profile_id"],
"purchase_value": depreciation_base,
"partner_id": partner_id,
"date_start": date_start,
"company_id": vals.get("company_id") or self.company_id.id,
def write(self, vals):
if set(vals).intersection(FIELDS_AFFECTS_ASSET_MOVE_LINE) and not (
and list(vals.keys()) == ["asset_id"]
# Check if at least one asset is linked to a move
linked_asset = False
for move in self:
linked_asset = move.asset_id
if linked_asset:
raise UserError(
"You cannot change an accounting item "
"linked to an asset depreciation line."
if vals.get("asset_id"):
raise UserError(
"You are not allowed to link "
"an accounting entry to an asset."
"\nYou should generate such entries from the asset."
if vals.get("asset_profile_id"):
if len(self) == 1:
raise AssertionError(
_("This option should only be used for a single id at a " "time.")
asset_obj = self.env["account.asset"]
for aml in self:
if vals["asset_profile_id"] == aml.asset_profile_id.id:
# create asset
asset_vals = aml._prepare_asset_create(vals)
self._get_asset_analytic_values(vals, asset_vals)
asset = asset_obj.with_context(
create_asset_from_move_line=True, move_id=aml.move_id.id
vals["asset_id"] = asset.id
return super().write(vals)
def _get_asset_analytic_values(self, vals, asset_vals):
asset_vals["account_analytic_id"] = vals.get("analytic_account_id", False)
def _play_onchange_profile_id(self, vals):
asset_obj = self.env["account.asset"]
asset_temp = asset_obj.new(vals)
for field in asset_temp._fields:
if field not in vals and asset_temp[field]:
vals[field] = asset_temp._fields[field].convert_to_write(
asset_temp[field], asset_temp